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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. 8 hours ago, Bobdog said:

    None.  Pompous ar*e lives in the house beside the staithe.  Ex copper.  Tries it on, but no enforcement powers.  Ask him to prove his right to ask you to move.  Tried to tell me I couldn't launch my kayak there,  It's bo**ocks.

    Same one as did the car park in Wroxham ? He reduced the wife to tears on at least one occasion. I used to deliberately take a Roys carrier bag with me to put my goods from the precinct in just to see the look on his face.


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  2. 9 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

    I find myself torn with these things. Yes they have their uses and I have absolutely no problem with them being used for constructive purposes, it's the "leisure" flying where I see problems arising.

    At the moment they have novelty value and the fascination of watching them perform, but there is a risk that on somewhere like the broads, holiday makers will be wanting to use them as flying cameras. Imagine if all the holiday snaps being taken came with that whining noise. Never mind people running their engines at unsociable hours, half a dozen drones buzzing about at sunset will soon disturb we band of alkies.  

    Good job a college and I never got our daft idea off the ground of fitting a flight deck on my boat and flying our R/C aircraft off it - even designed the catapult and arrestor gear !

  3. I'd been going over Irstead Shoals for around 10 years before I walloped the bottom really quite hard, so it took me by surprise.

    Going down river ( from Barton ) about a couple of houses short of the moorings

    I draw 1 metre, bilge keeled yacht.


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  4. Bob - if you are not up this way too often, drop me a PM with your boat details and where it is - I'll look out for it specifically when I'm down ( I live in the village and have a boat there too )

    Maybe I need a sticker on the house so people can pop in for a cuppa ? :)

  5. I drove back to Barton from Norwich last night around eight. There were manhole covers in the middle of Sprowston road lifted right up, 6 inches or so, by the water pressure. Others had huge water fountains shooting out of the holes in them. An 'interesting' journey ( oh - and my garage flooded )

    Suppose I'd better saunter down and check the boat today

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  6. I have been known to walk round a BMW / Audi etc in Tesco Sprowston, having been following it from Wroxham on the weekly shop.

    When asked what I'm doing the answer is "just seeing if this does actually have indicators fitted " ( you need to make sure the driver isn't a 6' 6" fighter if trying this one though. )

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