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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. Pet waste in wheelie bins needs to be double bagged - so if it's in a poo bag, then dropped in a big black bag it's compliant.

    Issue here is some charming individual who just deposits their poo bags in the wheelie bins as they walk round the village, and the bin collection then won't touch them - grrr !

  2. What they should have done, and still could, is have a proper slip road on some of the junctions. Take the Wroxham road roundabout or the Rackheath one from Norwich direction. Every afternoon there are long tailbacks - up to 20 mins it's taken me. ( When they remodelled the junctions, it got worse )  If people going left at both these junctions could 'slip' onto the road ( as happens at the airport ) it would reduce congestion on the roundabout which would hopefully reduce incidents and have people joining at appropriate speed / not 'leaping out'

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

    Talking about cameras, this morning they have set up a camera on each  exit of the Wroxham Rd NDR round about.

    What type of cameras? - Monitoring or speed?  Seems strange they would put a speed camera on the exit of a roundabout

    There is also a camera on each exit of all side roads on the Wroxham road toward Wroxham itself from the NDR.

    Again what type please?  Are these monitoring cameras too or speed ones?

    I use the NDR from the Lenwade turnoff from the A47 right through to the Wroxham Rd now, both ways each time I'm visiting the Broads, never had a problem - Yet !

    P.S - It's a blast on the Mighty Tiger :default_norty:



    They put similar ones up on the NDR roundabouts before they re-jigged the markings etc. I think they are video cameras used to monitor traffic behaviour to assist planning changes

  4. Yep - bottle followed by bubble tester. New CO alarm that showed potential problems I was unaware of and have now rectified. As to competence, ex RAF engineer with Service qualifications for high pressure oxygen / nitrogen systems including cryogenic gases

    • Like 1
  5. Couple of the above comments have had me researching the rules again, and unless I'm missing something there is no legal reason I cannot perform gas work on my own private leisure craft. I know this certainly was the case, so if anyone can point to a piece of legislation saying otherwise i'd appreciate seeing it.

    • Like 3
  6. I recently changed the old 'it'll make a noise before it kills you' type to one with a digital display. My old Flavel two burner was taking it up to around 55 ppm indicated whilst making a cup of tea. Now I could see the figure I got more anxious ( although still low enough for several hours exposure ) and stripped my spare cooker in the garage of it's jets and burners, serviced / cleaned them, and swapped them over.

    Reading now - ZERO


    • Like 7
  7. On ‎04‎/‎05‎/‎2019 at 21:47, Malanka said:


    Illegal mods should be crushed also, why aren’t plod doing something or do they figure whilst revving and doughnutting there not robbing or stabbing someone? 


    Define illegal mod ....

    technically my headlights are illegal as I fitted Xenons a few years ago, together with self levelling shocks and headlight washers. All as per regs at the time and the same AS BUILT on some variants of the same car.

    Last year they changed the law ( as a response to Chavs mainly ) - so unless MY car had them as standard they can't be fitted. Instead I have to drive with inferior, less safe, illumination


  8. 22 hours ago, eddybear said:

    Yes, I too have enjoyed the Easter weekend and didn't manage to get hit once which is a bonus as usually, we manage to get some damage on the northern Broads in the silly season which basically has just begun, I have noticed since the re-profiling of banks although we have lost a lot of the wild Moorings, I think it would be quite easy to establish others but with reeds instead of grass I have my eye on a few sites, I will keep you posted, regards Ted







    You're moored pretty much opposite me there -)

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