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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. Are we allowed to overnight yet ? Just came back from working on the boat. Slightly concerning that there are boats clearly moored up for the night on Paddy's lane.  Yes some may be liveaboard or possibly left overnight - but I suspect not all are. 

  2. 6 hours ago, psychicsurveyor said:

    I have a very thick mop that grows fast, every 4 weeks it has to be cut and thinned out. When I moan about the grey they always say " you will never be bald though"

    I might rewind 30 years and have a pony tail.

    I will need to get an estimate before the next cut. I have used the same hairdresser for 45 years, now on my third snipper as the first one moved to Australian after 25 years,  his business partner passed away a few years later. I am now on the trainee who joined 34 years ago and is now fifty and owns the business. :default_biggrin:

    I like continuity.

    Yeah - same as me - every 4 weeks. Had it done the Tuesday before lockdown so at the point of starting to annoy me now. Normally have different grades from a 1 at the back to a 4 on top. Choices are get a set of clippers and do a 3 all over maybe or reach for the razor ( definite possibility if they announce lockdown to end of May )

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, floydraser said:

    Filmed Norfolk, airbase in Yorkshire. I missed the start, was it supposed to be in Norfolk or the West Country? The accents were from all over the place weren't they?

    I always assumed the airfield was Horsham St Faith - where was it then ? ( PS certainly NOT Colt ! )

  4. 2 hours ago, grendel said:

    well thats just typical, I have to make the phone call to work today to tell them i wont be in - for fear of spreading contagion, 

    No, its not corona virus, i have none of the symptoms of that. what i do appear to have caught is even more worrying with all the panic buying and toilet roll shortages, yes i have managed to come down with a bout of diarrhea, fortunately with this i only need to self isolate until 24 hours after the symptoms clear up, then i can head back to work.

    How i managed to pick this up, i dont know, as I have been rigorously scrubbing hands, maybe it was something i ate.

    There is one doing the rounds - Cromer Academy was closed last Monday for a deep clean after a noro virus type illness ran through there the previous week

    • Thanks 1
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  5. Fuming. My mother in law is 84, has a string of health issues, and lives in Essex commuter belt. The local stores have been stripped bare by the 4x4 driving hoo rays, and when we tried to book her an online delivery we get an earliest slot of mid April as they've taken all those too.

    So we are faced with a 5 hour round journey to get her supplies in or she literally starves

    Wife works in an essential public service, I teach Cadets which is still running, and daughter still at school, so bringing her up isn't an option either....

    • Sad 3
  6. On ‎10‎/‎03‎/‎2020 at 16:53, TheQ said:

    Norwich-Wroxham road,

    They're taking up The cats eyes between the green man and the far end of the long straight.  

    This is normally in preparation to resurface,  expect traffic lights and delays.. 

    And outside Sprowston Manor - so if coming from Norwich to Stalham that could be three sets of lights !

  7. 11 hours ago, Upcycler said:

    I don't know if this is true, but it wouldn't surprise me with some peoples paranoia and stupidity, but I have heard that the company who make the Corona lager have seen a dramatic drop in sales.

    When we went to The Racecourse on Sunday they seem to have been selling well - stock in the fridge was lower than surrounding yellow fizz ( as I enjoyed a Wherry )

  8. Despite being 'just up the road' I seldom visit Horning, and not the New Inn. Maybe I need to again, but two incidents some years ago put me off - getting turned out ( not drunk either ) at about 21:30 as they wanted to close, and getting turned away from the river as a group of RAF lads on an afternoon out in two day boats ( we'd have spent a fair bit I'm sure :default_rolleyes: )

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