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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. 1 hour ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    To all of us chomping at the bit to get back afloat please heed ukgov’s timetable and advice re when we can return to our boats , whilst the advice is to stay local that means your town or village and not 20,30,40 miles up the road to our boats .

    We are seeing this awful pandemics infection rates decreasing due in no small part to the public as a whole being more sensible this time round and obeying the lockdown , the rollout of vaccine is reducing the R rate even lower .

    Yes it’s frustrating but we shouldn’t try and find loopholes and argue over semantics trying to convince ourselves that we can return earlier than ukgov recommends .

    Fair enough - my boat is in the village and last week I went sailing legally and in full compliance. Now it appears I can’t again 🙄

  2. For me it seems a tightening of restrictions. Previously sailing was allowable exercise, which I had clarrified by the BA, with no statement as to open air or not. OK, I helm outside but the boat does have a cabin so is now suddenly out of bounds again..... for now.

  3. I went sailing today. For the first time ever I sailed straight out of Cox's and onto Barton. Normally I'll motor out, then mudweight up and rig the sails / get the fenders in before sailing away. So today I was a sloppy sailor with them dangling I'm afraid. I cant leave the helm to get them in under sail.

    Sailing is allowed as exercise so I tried to comply as much as possible by not motoring like 'normal'



  4. Last night I was chatting to an elderly chap ( said he was 75 ) outside the chippy whilst waiting for my order. He will not have the jab, does not get the flu jab, and believes the whole thing is a government backed con, driven in part by backhanders from Europe........

    He will not be alone in his views

    As long as there are people of a like mind, I don't think we will be able to fully quash the disease

    • Like 3
  5. Being in my mid 50's, I'm messed up with the metric system. As me how far to Norwich you'll get it in miles, or a rough measurement will be in feet and inches. As soon as I start any engineering task I'll immediately mentally switch to mm though....

    Still remember toddling off to the sweet shop, on my own ( only just 5 when we went decimal ) with my three penny bit pocket money.

  6. Grend

    1 hour ago, grendel said:

    well that was an unexpected call, seems they must be flying ahead with the vaccinations locally, just recieved the call for wednesday for my jab, I do fall into 2 risk categories.

    Grendel - isn't it obvious what's happening ? The PM has tried to put the economy as a priority ( as much as possible ) throughout COVID. They clearly want you back in Norfolk spending money as soon as possible

    • Like 1
  7. Back to the safety / education issues, perhaps they need PCSO's / Specials or water borne equivalent from the local boating community ?

    Don't need to pay them, just train, issue ID, and maybe discounted / free toll as an incentive.

    Many of us do help / offer advice. Maybe if we could speak with authority.......

  8. I normally pack the wife and daughter off to the mother in laws for the weekend when any decorating needs doing - less of a headache.

    In lockdown I can't and she's nagging to do some  - trouble is it's impossible:

    " clean up at the end of the day" " I need to get there" " look at the mess you're making"


    Plus my decorating engine runs on beer and curry, which tends to be frowned upon

  9. 30 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    The one pub I still often wish were still there is The Barton Angler (yes I know it was a hotel but it had a public bar )

    Gayes staithe is still in my top three moorings and would be number 1 if the Angler were still trading 

    Sadly I think that was a set up to fail, having been turfed out at 21:30, then later the change of use based on insufficient custom.....

  10. The old boy who used to be the last remaining licenced eel catcher on the Northen Broads told me two or three  years ago he blamed the cleaner water these days

    I believe hehas now sadly passsed on ( if not true apologies )

  11. 2 hours ago, MaceSwinger said:

    There's been far too much of the "ah but if I can get away with it" attitude and it's infuriating. Since the beginning of this debacle last March I've stuck rigidly to the rules (I honestly can't think of a single time I've knowingly broken them, though that's not to say I haven't done it accidentally!) and it makes it all the more frustrating when I see people still carrying on as normal. With that in mind I can understand how some people, who had previously made the sacrifices required, are now chinning it off.

    As for "dobbing people in" there are a few I've seen decrying such a policy, and as being encouraged to "grass on your neighbours", the people who you should keep on side because they're the ones who keep an eye on your house when you're away etc. To that I say they're also the ones putting your community at risk and extending the lockdown over and over. Of course those people are likely to have their own agenda.

    But some of us have a greater respect of IPE.... ( judging by the profile picture )

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