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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. 48 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    They also moved the Ra from Gays staithe as it was being underused and was not financially viable , it seems that the toll payers will have to cover the losses again .

    it would be far more sensible to run it from Potter where there is far more footfall and where it could go many areas on Hickling where standard hulled boats cannot go  

    On a lorry - same as it left. Re moving it to Potter, the journey time to Hickling and back is 2 hrs. Would they get enough trips in, especially with limited numbers, to turn a profit ?

  2. This is going to get very VERY messy. My earlier comment re ex Forces guarding war memorials etc seemed reasonable. It now appears that an element of professional hooligans who follow the football circuit ( and are presumably bored during COVID ) have now latched onto it and will also be there. These are the extreme right wing element - riots loom I feel.



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  3. 28 minutes ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

    Key word there is reasonable, what is reasonable to one could be unreasonable to another. Having moved from large town to small villiage I found a huge difference in a few aspects.

    And is the word that much of British Law is based upon

  4. My daughter, a teenager, was vocalising the BLM viewpoint the other day. When I said ALL lives matter I was told I had no idea what it was like. Maybe - but I'll stand by the view that all people are equal and should be afforded the same level of rights and respect, up until the point they step outside what a reasonable human being would be expected to do. My response would then depend on both their and my situation at the time, from ignoring to physical intervention.

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  5. 16 hours ago, floydraser said:

    Needs to go off automatically after 30 seconds or so; after the burglar has cr*pped himself and legged it. Any repetition of the noise is just a nuisance and that's why most of us ignore them. I have a wi-fi camera which cam be triggered to record.

    It does.

  6. 2 hours ago, TheQ said:

    Should be good for scaring the cats away.. Neighbours might complain though..

    It's been on a week so far and no false alarms. As the season goes on, if it stays behaved, I may consider the upgrades.  As it is, you can silence if from home on your mobile

  7. Digging this thread up, I've just fitted a new PIR alarm to the boat - very impressed. It will sound @ 130db and then proceed to call / text me and up to two others. And less than £100.  Some of the optional extras I could add may get fitted later such as a masthead alarm / light - that'd get attention !

    Just need to finalise my reaction plan if it goes off

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  8. 21 hours ago, Poppy said:

    And no pub I'll bet .

    Drinking more - but mainly G&T. I spend a lot of time normally ferrying my daughter to classes in Norwich, and rather than keep coming home and back it's easier to pick something up

  9. 38 minutes ago, EastCoastIPA said:

    and are using the remaining ones to control the number of people going into the store. Once there are no more trolleys left you cannot go in until one has been returned. A simple and effective way of ensuring the maximum number of people inside at any one time.

    Now that makes sense - if I'd been told that I'd have been happier. This is the first real store I've been in since lockdown started

  10. 13 hours ago, grendel said:

    the one thing i find ludicrous is at te supermarket just inside the door they provide the equipment to clean your trolley handles, of course by the time you get to this point, you have been queuing outside with the trolley for 20 minutes.

    Went to Lathams yesterday for a single battery. I HAD to take a trolley to be allowed in. Not the guy on the doors fault, but as I said to him "you as a store are forcing me to handle this and increasing my exposure risk"

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