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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. Like others I'm still waiitng for the small print. First lockdown, and so far since restrictions impossed this time, I did not sail as I was neither 100% sure of the legality, nor comfortable with doing so.

    However, if I can walk to a sailing boat in my village, I may technically be OK to sail it

    • Like 3
  2. 32 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    So a straight question please :

    From what I am reading here it seems that my daughter can travel from home at Potter Heigham to Stalham where our boat is moored and where the boatyard is still open for business.  It also seems that if we were a national park, she could go out for the day in it.  But all of a sudden, the Broads is not a national park!

    Have I got that right?

    By the way, Potter to Stalham is a much shorter distance than she drives to work every day, in an A&E hospital in Gorleston!

    Yep - I can walk to my boat, fettle it if essential, but not go out. Then when walking back watch visitors to the village unloading their cars of canoes / paddle boards / fishing gear and get into a boat.


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  3. You know, I'm increasingly getting convinced the BA is overreacting, OR the rest of the world under. Sitting here looking at the Blakeney webcam this morning, we have had paddle boarders, canoes, Laser dinghy all going out. Yet I, who live in a Broadland village, at best can walk to my boat and stroke it.....

  4. On 26/10/2020 at 08:59, marshman said:

    On the PB2 course, you do have to attend and it is a full 2 day course. Cost? About £300 p p I believe - thats quite a big cost to the yards and to be honest ,its only a piece of paper and will not stop one single accident! Do you really think that it would help one iota because if you do, I think you need to think again.

    Its not the paper, but the person that counts!


    One day refresher / assesment if already competent. Did mine a few weeks back. Good for the reason I did it - rescue boats, but of limited relevance to my yacht.....

  5. 39 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

    ....and takes you past millionaires row as you go into Neatishead. Another thing to spend the lottery win on. 

    Turn the other way and's it's paupers row. Well it's where I live anyway :default_wink:


    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    Think the Indian is shut.Thai very good or walk over the bridge restaurant  on the right.I think the Hotel  is very expensive  for what it is.Good for a drink and people watching  though. 

    The one above the shops closed. Royal is the takeaway opposite side of the road to the precinct

  7. 5 hours ago, Paul said:

    Why do we get so attached to our lumps of metal? ….


    In my case because I'm a stubborn engineer

    Last weekend summed up in 2 pictures - the cost of this at a garage is now close to beyond economic repair






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