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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. I live in Barton, and sail pretty much anywhere on the main broad, with my yacht drawing 1 metre. I don't venture far into Turkey Broad, and treat the island on the Neatishead side with caution as I caught that once still twenty feet or so outside the markers

    • Thanks 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

    Graham had a short term contract as a postie last January. He soon learnt the technique of posting through a letterbox without inserting your fingers in too far, having got bitten by a dog that was lying in wait below the letterbox. He has developed a theory that it's the silent but deadly types that are the menace, not the ones that bark loudly and enthusiastically.

    As a teenager on a paper-round, there was one particularily savage mutt. Used to roll the paper tight, sit it just in the letter box, and when he went for it whack the other end hard and send it through like a missile

    • Haha 2
  3. 7 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    The old boat has what is called a cruiser stern, after the naval cruisers of post WW1. She also has two masts with steadying sails, for sea going.

    Possibly built by Silver?

    Look VERY like this one albeit different paint job




  4. Gliders ? One evening I was out flying models on an Oxfordshire RAF base. In the distance several real ones, looking for thermals over a power station. Next thing I know, one is landing on the grass.

    I quickly landed the model and went over to the glider. Chap is just getting out, and turns to me, stands up straight and says 'gud evenink' - it was just like the clip of the Polish pilot in the Battle of Britain film after he lands in the hay field.

    Having poiltely pointed  out he's landed on a military airfield, and not having a pitchfork handy, I took him to the guardroom. By the time I got back to the airfield there were another 2 or 3 gliders in. Late in the day, lift failing, on a cross country, they had little option.

    Next day a Pawnee tug came in and took them out again

    • Like 1
  5. Having heard of a recent prosecution for no insurance, I just looked up the rules over these increasingly popular devices and was quite surprised.

    Unless the scooter is from a hire company you must have insurance and can only use it on private land AND all users must hold a Q rating on a full or provisional licence

    I'll bet " not a lot of people know that "

    • Thanks 1
  6. I was that curious as it's the first time I'd hit it, I went down next day in the canoe with a metal rod and poked around. Yep - just the bottom and an unusually low tide

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