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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. 6 hours ago, floydraser said:

    Well I've given you the feeder line but if no-one is going to take the bait I'll just have to do the punchline myself: 

    ...one up, one down and a polish!

    Toilet roll in the Forces ? - surely that's up to room service to supply :default_wink:

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, TheQ said:

    The EDP announced the hole in the Wroxham road would be filled and complete yesterday...

    It isn't.... the lights are still there and the new tarmac has a distinct dip in it..

    Yep definate dip. lights gone so got full benefit of the suspension test tonight

  3. Depth can be more of a problem than height if the mast is easily dropable. I carry 30' of mast, but it can be down in less than 5 minutes if not carrying sail. The depth is about the same as you propose with the modification, and there are places I've touched bottom on low tides so certainly worth doing

    Heating - I have an 'all in one' diesel heater that when I need it sits in the cockpit and is ducted through a hole in the washboard. On remotes so I can operate it from inside. Works great and was only around £100

  4. 50 minutes ago, Meantime said:

    I would imagine it all depends on the age of the post and how rotten it is. Judging by the marks and scuffs you see on the posts, they get nudged on a fairly regular basis. Wood under water without oxygen never rots, or rots extremely slowly, on the other hand wet wood exposed to the atmosphere will rot much quicker. The part of the post that is constantly wet and exposed to the air due to the rise and fall of the tide is the bit most at risk of rotting. Which begs the question, when you see a missing post, how much of it is still left just under the surface of the water?

    Maybe, just maybe an extra reason why they should be replaced in a timely manner.

    Edited to add:

    I believe it was a snapped off post on Barton Broad which holed a boat a few years back. In the channel on the approach towards Neatishead.


  5. Just has a daft thought, and hope it's just that : SAFE exit slip on roads is marked by by green cats eyes; " stay between the posts the novice is told" - then they see a line of green bouys -is that the safe exit ?

  6. 8 hours ago, Broads01 said:

    So your problem is what, exactly? If I was following a boat in this situation I would just wait my turn.

    ..... if I slow too much I lose steerage - no prop wash as offset outboard

  7. 1 minute ago, ChrisB said:

    Is the Adventure Centre, Ex Hertfordshire Schools still active? They had their own slipway. It could have been a good revenue stream for them launching canoes and SUPBs

    Yes - in Private hands ( look up BTAC / Barton Turf Activity Centre )

    • Thanks 1
  8. I LIVE IN BARTON TURF. AND I AM FURIOUS. and yes I am shouting. This is one of the most iconic and beautiful moorings on the Broads, and to lose it is so very sad

    Oh - and don't forget where the water point is ......

    • Like 2
  9. 49 minutes ago, TheQ said:

    Quite impressive damage to the freemasons hall, where the car went off the road in Wroxham, no skid marks looks like they just swerved off ramming the building and causing the gas leak..

    For bad news just up hill from there on the other side of the road is a new set of  markings on the road, expect another hole int eh ground more traffic lights and hold ups some time..

    I wondered if one had rolled down from a house opposite - looks a good square thump to the wall. Incident only reports single vehicle

    • Like 1
  10. The thing with dogs, and youngsters, is they are not predictable. I had to grab a dog out the water that jumped for the bank on a boat mooring up a couple of years ago. Luckily it's collar held or it's would have got crushed. Would have been easier to grab with a jacket / full harness though.

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