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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. 10 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    Apart from Coltishall base having shut down it’s my understanding that the majority, if not all, air sea rescue has been privatised now. E,g. RAF Valley (where Prince William was based) no longer operates the air sea rescue for the North Wales coast and Eryri (Snowdonia)  That’s now done by a private company based in Caernarfon. 

    Bristows have the SAR Coastguard Contract for the UK

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  2. At a slight tangent, one aspect of the proposal is the educational aspect. There are already very local organisations offering similar - I hope they can both co-exist

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    The EDP this morning reports that people are already complaining that the new river crossing over Yarmouth Haven is a constriction in the tidal flow and is contributing to the present flooding on the Broads.

    Although I haven't read the article, I would have thought some "expert" would have done a hydraulic model of this situation, before they built the thing?  Isn't that what computers are supposed to be for?        :default_pcwhack:

    Yes, but then they get overulled by financial consideration vs risk

  4. 16 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    Naturally but if you fall in, you have not done it deliberately.

    You set off on a paddle board in the almost certain knowledge that you will end up in the water.  In fact you probably want to, as part of the fun of it.

    If you put me on one of those things I am damn' sure I would be straight off it, into the drink.

    So in that case, would my "accident" be classified by the BA as a "drowning near miss"?

    Done it half a dozen times now, including at a very choppy Salcombe, and not fallen in yet !

  5. I moor in the boatyard opposite Paddy's Lane. I have a small portable diesel heater, suitably silenced, that I'll sit in the cockpit and duct indoors. There have been evenings where I can hear heaters running quite clearly across the 10m or so of water, but if stood on the river bank across from my mooring orr the other side the channel I can't hear mine ( about 5 m )

    Maybe they are ducted straight overboard with no silencers ?

    That said, I take a more relaxed attitute to noise, and personally say 22:00 on should be subdued

  6. 13 hours ago, Malanka said:

    They are my fav ground attack planes. Indians are still or were up until recently still building em. One of the first with moving map display was it not? Overwing sidewinders very cool only on international export ones until gulf war 1 I believe too. Would have been alpha jet pants if we (uk) hadn’t insisted on it being supersonic. French version was never as good as ours IMO. 
    I would love to hear some stories over a beer sometime… An interest in Military Aviation kindled by my father many moons ago. I have an extensive library of Military aviation books I still read. Met a few typhoon jockeys too. Never been nerd enough to hit the Mach Loop though. I’ve probably frightened you off by now lol. 

    Best and loudest thing I ever saw RAF wise was 10 Harriers taking off vertically and simultaneously at RIAT ( mid nineties) was incredible. 

    PM me when you are up

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  7. 19 hours ago, Malanka said:

    I believe from personal experience there’s a huge amount of truth in what you say. For all sorts of reasons a few years ago I used to drive a 200mph capable cabriolet vehicle ( ok 195). Travelling at 150+ on the Ohne Geschwindichskeit Controlle autobahn. De-restricted motorway. Takes huge concentration and after a while everything slows down and it gets easier. However when one slows in the 130kph zones (81mph) it feels like you are literally standing still and it takes maybe thirty minutes until the senses re adjust. So yes I think you are right. 

    Yep - once drove to Norwich shortly after gettting out of a SEPECAT Jaguar - brain was still doing 500 mph

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  8. 21 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    This question has just been raised in The House by Norman Baker, MP for North Norfolk, during PMQs.

    He questioned how the safety of seagulls could be given priority over those on holiday on the Broads who, when in some distress, may find themselves out of contact with emergency services.

    As I imagine this new mast is probably sited somewhere in the region of the old RAF early warning radar station at Neatishead, I wonder what the reaction would have been, during the Cold War, if a nest of seagulls had threatened our ability to defend the country against incoming ballistic missiles.

    I imagine the standard NATO long round .762 self-loading army rifle would have proved effective.  If not, even a .22  gamekeeper's rook rifle?

    And another question :

    If seagulls are now nesting so far inland as Horning, presumably this will now be blamed on Climate Change?

    "Sir ( Seagull ) you are not being arrested but are being removed because you have entered a prohibited place subject to the Official Screts Act 1911" ( or words to that effect )

    • Like 1
  9. It's Norfolk in general - not just waterside, and it's darn dangerous. Maybe OK if you have a 4x4 sitting several feet up, but even on some of the roads in Norwich I've come close to accidents recently because I can't see over the grass easily. BTW I drive a 'normal' saloon car

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  10. I run a Cadet group. We have strict risk assesment proceedures in place, and if it hits 25 degrees we have to start actions to mitigate the risk - shade, stop activity etc. This on top of the slip, slap, slop, hydration etc. Had them on an activity camp this weekend, and no issues

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