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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. 9 hours ago, stumpy said:

    It was entertaining when they first appeared to watch the local yoof doing the usual 70-odd then slamming on the anchors to trickle past the inoperative cameras.


    They put them in the wrong place though. The boy racers come and go from North Walsham direction, turning off at Tescos, so only go through one camera anyway

  2. 9 hours ago, Broads01 said:

    I'm enjoying this thread and learned a lot.

    Another mudweight question - if I want to use a wild mooring where there's a tree for tying up the stern but no bank for a rhond anchor at the bows, am I safe to use the mudweight? 

    Exactly what I did when I broke down the other week whilst I fixed things

    • Thanks 1
  3. With the recycling issue, a lot of the problem is there are so many different 'rules' around the country that visitors my not know 'ours'.

    I just had a week in Devon and we had at least 6 different bags / bins on the go

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, marshman said:

    The real issue remains that these facilities are used by many of the locals to get rid of their rubbish - there have been numerous complaints that locals, and I guess others, drive up, deposit their rubbish such as garden waste and then its the tollpayers who will pick up the tab!!!


    I have experienced entirely the opposite with boat users depositing bags of rubbish in MY wheelie bins.

  5. Lets be realistic about this. If, like me, you are on the Northern rivers, you expect to need to take the mast down due to fixed bridges, and fit an A frame or similar.

    If you live South, and intend mainly to sail on the sea, accessed by locks or moveable bridges, you probably won.t bother - why should you when there is a reasonable expectation of others keeping your right to navigation open

    • Like 4
  6. I have rafted up with fellow yacht and boat owners that I know, but walk ( sail ? )  in absolute terror of getting pinned to the bank by a slab sided hire boat who's helm I do not know personally or their boat handling skill set.

    Yachts are not as tough as hire boats

  7. 45 minutes ago, Vaughan said:






    So how about the Bure upstream of Coltishall lock?  Beautiful clear water, no motorised river traffic and easy road access from the Norwich Rd.

    Or the Waveney, upstream of Geldeston, all the way to Bungay?

    Or the Wensum upstream of New Mills in Norwich, right through to Taverham and Weston Longville?

    Is there anything that says you can't paddle board in these places, where it would be a lovely experience?

    Does it have to be in Horning or Wroxham?

    Used to canoe the Coltishall / Buxton stretch often when based at Colt. The gym even had Canadian Canoes you could take out for the day ( shooting the mill at Coltishall - great fun ! )

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, tim said:

    To be honest, the only pub I can think of om The Broads which doesn't have an outside eating area is the The White Horse at Neatishead!

    To answer a question further up this thread The White Horse at Chedgrave has an excellent garden, however the one way system means you have a fair walk to go to toilets or bar again, but very welcoming!

    Apart from the whole of the ex car park

  9. One thing I have been doing with the fabric masks to make them fit better is sticking a bit of aluminium tape ( got loads working in aviation ) inside, on the bit that goes over the bridge of my nose so I can mould the fit to suit

    Guess you could use a bag tie etc with double sided tape too  if you don't have speed tape … ?

    • Like 1
  10. What type of mask will we wear ? I have seen it said that '3 layers' are needed for full effectivity, but technically a scarf or similar meets the requirements.

    I have several different types from simple single cotton, through dust masks, to full biological ( which would offer me protection ) - I think I'll take a judgment call on what / when. Nipping in the paper shop at 06:30 maybe  the simple one - if I were on the tube in rush hour ….

  11. The saga of the dodgy outboard continues - so if you were one of the boats coming out of Stalham / Sutton onto the Ant to be confronted by an apparent idiot in a yacht 'wild moored' opposite the junction yesterday - apologies ( actually it was a mud weight and lasso a tree at the back ! )

    On previous form with this outboard I went straight for the idle jet ( having checked I had fuel ) then plugs, then confused.... then finally the fuel connector :default_icon_redface: It had managed to disconnect supply whilst remaining in place.

    Once started it took a bit of effort to get off the lee shore too - had to reverse back 30 yards in the end


    • Sad 1
  12. Punt gun ?

    Seriously, I have a good friend who lives on a canal boat. The love and hard work he puts into that would put most of us to shame. No problem with people who want to live on the water, as long as they are considerate to their surroundings and others.

    As the saying goes: Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints ( maybe that should be ripples )

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