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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. Not having trawled through the numerous pages on this thread ( just popped in and out as a lot is irrelevant ) but I noticed another of these signs has appeared on the Coltishall sign as you come over the bridge from Norwich.

    Apologies if already mentioned

  2. 18 hours ago, grendel said:

    Regulo, I accept that, if I was on a flappy thing with a boom that could knock me overboard and senseless, then i would reconsider my options, otherwise, I will take my chances, while I have had many knocks to the head in my likfe, none yet have rendered me unconcious, so I will live with the consequences of my choice,


    Yep - that's why I bought an auto for the yacht. Normal procedure is mudweight up, hoist sails, then back up front to pull the mudweight in before sailing away. One day ( maybe ) the wind will change as I walk back and the boom collect me on the way across.

    On the other hand, when sailing the performance dinghy, with a fair chance of going swimming, I wear a buoyancy aid.

    Then there are times when I'm just motoring - and MY decision I tend not to wear one


  3. Hmmm - behaviour aside I'm not sure I'd like to call that one. Look how long it takes an oil taker to stop / change direction - similar shape and relative power / displacement ratio to a canal boat ?

    I have had low speed 'taps' several times when I've been forced to come to a near stop and lost steerage. Fully powered, thruster equipped boat helms sometimes forget we can't all manoeuvre as easily as them

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