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Posts posted by RumPunch

  1. The loose boat was highlighted - maybe not by more traditional means, but in the modern social media environment was the way it was done so wrong ?

    Yes I have secured loose boats in the past, even boarded and pumped out one that was in danger of sinking due to rain water, but if I were solo motoring, especially in a wind, I may not have opportunity to stop and assist AND I may not know the name of the yard to call them - so social media would get the message across.

    Yes - OK so I could call Broads Control too.......

    • Like 2
  2. 13 hours ago, EastCoastIPA said:

    Looking at the attached map and satellite image you can see the difference in the edge of the Broad and the length of the dyke. I wonder if the staithe was originally in the area I have marked in Red? The drainage channels don't appear to have moved much as a reference.

    Horsey Mere Satellite.jpg

    Horsey Mere 1905 Map.jpg



    I think you may be partially right. If you look at the Tithe map ( 1840 ) , maybe there were actually two staithes


  3. Decided that as I was at a loose end I'd motor the boat down to How Hill from Barton, have a cuppa and a chill, and motor back. Trusty Honda starts first pull, and off I go, wondering as I get onto the broad what the new island is in the middle. Turns out the Punt Club piles have attracted a raft of reeds / rubbish. Anyhow, make good progress, past Irstead, left then up to the next big right. Decide to throttle back.... and the engine is no longer trusty. It gives up. There I am, mudweighted up, right on the bend ( bilge keeled so dare not risk trying to get close to the bank ) It absolutely refuses to restart. In desperation I put the genoa up, but there's so little wind it's taking 15mins for about 50 yds ! 

    I rang the Broads Desk for advice, and they were helpful with suggesting recovery firms & sympathetic, but I was resigned to limping to How Hill and mooring up,  probably in the dark by the time I'd get there. I kept trying the engine on and off, and then, after about an hour it started. What a relief ! 

    Kept it running at a reasonable pace and went straight back to my mooring - I didn't dare touch the throttle. Sure enough, as soon as I reached the boatyard and  went to reduce speed it died again, but I'd timed it just right and coasted into my berth.

    Guess I'll be stripping the carb down !

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  4. Norwich Councils anti car / pro bicycle fixation. Close many roads, reduce others to 20, now let cyclists use the pedestrian precincts. Mousehold heath - reduce the road width to create a big cycle lane, and the cyclists still use the road but it's now too narrow to pass them safely if there's anything coming the other way ( which there normally is ! )

    There's shops and services in the City I've been using for 30 years, and I'm now so fed up fighting my way in I no longer use them.

    If they can't accept that Norwich is a rural hub, where from many outlying areas the only option is to drive ( sorry I forget, from Barton I have one bus a week on Thu mid morning ) then they need to wake up. OK there is the park and ride, and I have used this overpriced service ( per person not per car )  on occasion, but normally I need to be in and out and don't have the time or inclination to faff around.

    That's it - need a coffee now..... !!

    • Like 3
  5. There is increasing focus by the rule makers on DIY anti fouling. If you are going to do it, please make sure you take full precautions. I'm happy doing it myself, and want to be free to do so in the future.

    • Like 1
  6. We ate there quite a bit over the winter / low season. The food was good, the manager friendly, and the service excellent.

    Come the start of the season, I phoned and booked a family table.

    We arrived to a largely empty restaurant ( luckily ) as no table was reserved for us, despite the whole window table(s) of 17 being reserved for another group who sat outside but the tables remained off limits all evening.  The beer was flat, a large percentage of the menu was 'off' the service was far short of the previous visits - eg when I asked for menus the response was 'they're around somewhere you'll have to find them' so I did, and returned a dozen to the bar from empty, still uncleared tables.

    Not been back since.

  7. Got me thinking about if I could use the mast A frame pulley system to help with breaking out the mudweight .........

    Re the chiropractor, yes I have used an excellent one in the past, in Wymondham. May need to see if he can fit me in

  8. Getting old. Went out yesterday, engine went sick. Limped onto Barton and deployed mudweight first chance to sort it ( just needed connector re-seating ) but in the haste of the moment I've put my back out getting it back in again - agony today :-(

  9. Read both reports - it was found wanting in January, but improved in July, but yes it's a mess from the river, with faded / missing planks in the cladding.

    Back to the Sea Cadets - will be a shame for them to lose a water based facility, but probably cheaper in these cost conscious times, not to mention the (extra) risk assessments necessary on a boat

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