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Posts posted by dnks34

  1. My dog generally wears her life jacket outside onboard, unless she's sat on someone's knee or on her lead and harness tethered to the helm seat pedestal which we do when mooring up, she has been known to jump off the back as soon as the gaps small enough and go and have a look round on her own so as she can't be trusted the lead it is! 

    With children and animals, and usually my parents my motto whilst on board is the 3 S's.

    supervision supervision supervision! 


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  2. I remember reading somewhere recently that if you don't kill them properly (whatever that means) then they will form sub colonies and multiply even more. 

    We have a problem with them under our paths alongside our house, occasionally they get in, there was a mass exodus once from the back door sill, up and over the fridge freezer and along the worktop to the sink, quite impressive really!  Hoovered the little buggers up and blocked their entry route with powder and silicone, we occasionaly get the odd one or two in the utility room but when I see them I take that as a warning and go outside and powder every crack and crevice I can find. 

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  3. Must be honest, I watched the video last night shortly after it was posted and refrained from commenting as I couldn't quite see the reason for the harsh title of this thread.

    Sure there are parts in the film where they took a few more risks than they might have needed to most probably related to inexperience.  This is the type of family I would be very comfortable moored up next to for the night and not the sort I feel we should be trying to ridicule.  It looked to me like bar the few hiccups they had a wonderful time and I sincerely hope the dont end up finding this thread and come back for another great time in the future.  

    Hopefully the OP might be consisering an edit to the title by now! 

    • Like 7
  4. Not quite river related but where I live there's an older lady who goes out in her garden whistling and calling her cat back very loudly.

    I suppose I can't say much about her doing it every few hours during the daytime but when she does it every night at 11pm it is really starting to grate on me.

    some people just have no clue or care for the disturbance they are causing other people no matter where you are. 

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  5. I do agree with the return of a cash deposit to which damages can be deducted rather than a simple walk away waiver, that really would adjust certain folks mindsets.

    The thing that worries me is not so much being hit but being hit when I'm not on my boat, potentially leaving me with X amounts of thousands of damage and the culprit responsible taking the if I don't look it can't have been me approach and bug*ering off. 

    Is it an offence to not report and admit a collision?

    If not it should be!  

    I deal with this by leaving a dash cam recording almost every time I leave the boat (depending on where I'm moored) and hopefully if anything happens in my absence I will record something of it!!


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  6. Many years ago we hired in Ireland.  

    On arrival we were shown to our boat and encouraged to unpack our belongings onboard, as the guy who had shown us to the boat was about to leave he said please be back at reception at 1530 for your classroom tuition.  We were taught all about locks/boat handling/basic skills/navigation etc etc, 45 mins no less with 2 other groups of hirers and what I learned in that 45mins still serves me to this day. 

    The Erne and the Broads are 2 very different waterways but formalised classroom tuition could and should still be delivered to all hirers here on the broads.  

    People might be on their holidays but when life and property is put at risk by the inexperienced (insert stupid where appropriate) then 30 or 40 minutes of classroom tuition for all crews can only in my opinion improve every river users overall safety and experience. 

    The yards could introduce some system or other to ensure people don't need to keep repeating it if regular hirers. 


  7. I'm sure I've read into battery warranties somewhere before and a battery manufacturer supplying a 4 year guarantee with a battery isnt necessarily going to give you a new replacement battery if the battery goes duff at 44 months old.  

    I believe they will take into account the 43months fault free service and give you a pro rata financial contribution towards a new battery........but I could be wrong. 

  8. Some of you may not agree but I always buy the cheapest 110ah lead acid leisure batteries I can get hold of at the time I need a replacement. 

    Our last lot of cheapo batteries lasted us just over 4 years and funnily enough all failed more or less together.   At around £265 for the 5 (if you shop around to get a good deal) I didn't think 4 years was to bad really.  

    I would obviously love them to last 8 years but batteries being batteries I am not prepared to find out how long a higher priced / quality one would last!

    If I spent 20 - 30 extra per battery would I be any better off in the longterm, the budget ones performed well for us that is till they started failing! 


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  9. I am glad to read that I am not the only one who gets very anoid with the constant tv adverts....I wish there was an opt out as a soon as one comes on in my house I hit the mute button.  Call me heartless but i give where I can locally and I am sick to death of being constantly bombarded with these adverts :-(

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  10. Whats been happening to communities in Cumbria is awful and they do deserve the financial assistance the government has pledged but I for one would be interested to know where this supposed cash strapped government has managed to lay its hands on 50million quid just like that.  

    One thing I will say about the USA is there are a lot more toll roads which may be a reason they are able to keep the fuel prices for the consumer low....... 

  11. Speedtriple, obviously a hire boat is an asset that earns an income for the owner by being let.  If said owner feels agrieved at the time and cost of having to maintain that asset in order to protect that income then he is most probably in the wrong job!  


  12. I imagine the loss of the hireboat industry would have consequences further than the just at the riverside.  

    less hire boats may well make a difference to the overall ambience but I think loosing them all together would be catastrophic. 

    The owner of the boat yard i moor at told me recently he believed the BA would prefer that all the broads based businesses shut down so they could just turn the area into the National Park they are claiming to be anyway.  If this is true what hope is there......its going to take a lot more than our voices to ever bring about any significant change 




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  13. Senator what your saying does make a lot of sense to me although im not convinced that the Hire companies shouldnt have to reinforce the contribution they make to the environment their core business relys upon so heavily.

    Just as an example without the hire yards would there be a requirement for manned yacht stations during the tourist season?  Surely they ought to be making a higher contribution than any private vessel in order to help finance these facilities which in my way of thinking are mainly laid on to assist tourism.  

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