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Posts posted by dnks34

  1. Ive got some grp magic gel which sounds like a similar product to your Y10 Strowagwr but on these stains it wasnt a lot of use really.  The acid acted almost instantly on them and it was worth the learning curve applying it! 

    JM, possibly a touch of all three!  

    I have read about mixing the acid up with wallpaper paste to form a gel but as chemistry isnt one of my strengths i dismissed that as an option in fear of purple plumes of noxious smoke eminating from my garage !! 

  2. Ive just ordered a face shield from ebay for when i go back up next week to do the other half, for a few quid more than screwfix! Dam!

    I used a small hand held pump sprayer (about 2L B&M stores) to apply the acid and due to not being close enough to a tap we used an 8 litre garden sprayer for rinsing which was sufficient but a hose would have been easier.  It was a windy day so the acid blew back in my face a few times, i did have goggles and rubber gloves on with all exposed skin covered apart from my face, it starts to make your skin tingle very quickly but immediately rinsing my face with water from the 8L sprayer stopped the effects, next time I WILL be wearing a face shield! 

    As i said its excellent on any brown staining (ours had been building up 4 years!) so that tells how easy it got them out.  The bottom itself will take a few goes but it does loosen things up and make what will always be a difficult and unpleasant job just that little bit easier. 

    I will probably go for the hempel broads antifoul unless anyone can recommend anything else. 

    Its not something ive got involved with before and my yard was going to do the task for us but as we are going to so much effort preparing the surface we may aswel do it ourselves this time.  

  3. The brick acid is effective but if anyone intends using it I strongly recommend a full face shield and cover all exposed skin and wear rubber gloves!

    It takes the brown staining at the waterline straight out with a wipe over after spraying the acid on.  Any green scum or scale requires a bit more agitation if its been there a long time but it definately loosens it and with 2 or 3 sprays with the acid it can be scrubbed off fairly easily after that. 

    Good stuff but rinse off immediately if it gets on your skin....make sure you rinse it off the boat thoroughly also. 

    Right now to read about antifouling.........

  4. Brick Acid 5L smiths oulton broad £3.80.

    I will be putting it to the test this weekend,  I am thinking of applying it with a hand pump spray bottle on a mist spray rather than a brush (because im lazy) obviously its going to run off quicker than if it were brushed on so im hoping its still effective doing it this way. 

  5. I would be in half a mind to report the Rockland Staithe incident to the BA.  Atleast they'd have it recorded if she decided to do this sort of thing regular basis.

    If i were you JM i would be getting some razor wire and an enormous german shepherd....the cheek of some people!  

  6. 7 hours ago, Strowager said:

    So many "good" reasons why other people boats should be charged more......

    I've just thought of another one,

    ...most of the "suitable" Broads craft, like ex-hire cruisers, are often far more luxurious inside than their seagoing counterparts, length for length.

    Consequently, many are well used as second home "country cottages", providing luxurious accommodation, whether moored at their base marina or out on the system.

    Those owners get far more value for money with their toll, perhaps they should pay more as well ?

    The bottom line for me is that I wouldn't want any other toll payer to subsidise my tolls, I'm quite happy to pay my fair share, (as the situation does exist at the moment, based on size.)


    Speaking as an ex hire broads built cruiser owner I want to assure all forum members that I do not live in the lap of luxury whilst on my boat.  I have to flush my toilet(s) by hand, i often wake up to water dripping onto my head (coming from god knows where) my cooker looks like it was reclaimed from an ex council house and the hull is covered in little knocks and dings from its punishment on hire,oh and it caught fire once.........i should get a discount for putting up with all this surely!! 


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  7. 18 minutes ago, TheQ said:

    That depends on the price of deck shoes, I've never paid over 30 pounds and couldn't afford too.

    Since when did brantano sell deck shoes!!  Are they still in stock!!!! 

  8. Your taking me out of context Senator, but amusing all the same! 

    Lets say the BA put a £30 annual surcharge on twin engined boats and dropped the price of an outboard dinghy, would it hurt that much.....really?!! 


  9. Lets put the term prejudice aside and accept that its just differing opinions.

    Put simply a boat doesnt need more than one engine to do its job (inland atleast) therefore a 2nd engine is a luxury item and we normally pay extra somewhere for having that luxury item.  (Just ask the government what they think about female sanitary products and you will see where im coming from!!!) I dont agree with that btw. 

    Lets not forget there are many older less valuable twins on the broads so this isnt jelousy either.

    If twins had been tolled at a higher rate from dot would a difference of   a decent pair of deck shoes stopped a buyer purchasing a twin if thats what they wanted? I doubt it.

    Im not a fan of anyone being ripped off but in this case thats not how I see it.  I see at as all good things eventually come to an end. 

    Ive got to say that it is coming accross to me that owners of these expensive vessels think they have been doing the BA and other boat owners a favour by bringing these vessels to the broads and paying into the system, and lets face it the toll increase these folk might be faced with might only be about as much as the cost of fuel to get out of Lowestoft Harbour.  At least they can move their boats elsewhere!!  What about those who cant fall back on that option when they dont like what its costing, sure abandon us when the going gets tough and leave us wide open to having to pay even more !! :-)




  10. Strowager please dont suggest I am prejudiced.

    If the only fair way is by size then explain why a toll for a dinghy is roughly a quarter of what i am paying for an 11m boat.  The figures just dont add up do they!?






  11. Nobody is telling you what you can and cant have Senator, certainly not me anyway.

     If your boat is the one in your profile picture and you keep where i think (if its the same one I have seen) then i think you will be paying through the nose for your mooring for starters! (Didnt want to say where in public and appologies if im barking up the wrong tree!)




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