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Posts posted by dnks34

  1. The amount JP is getting paid in my mind is almost obscene. 

    Like many council chief execs, some of them are paid way way over the top and how is it justifiable from public money. 

    Just my two penneth for what its worth.  Our letter of complaint has allready been submitted.  I wish there was more we could do but untill that man is somehow removed from the top of the empire hes built up then in my mind the Broads Industry is in serious danger. 

    They ought to be putting their own financial affairs in order and making any savings they are able before they resort to hiking toll prices for private owners In such a way, and completely via the back door as usual.   Do they ever get Audited?

    I sincerely hope that this is final straw and somehow his days are numbered.

    The more I read the more it smacks of a person intent on feathering ones own nest and it cant carry on.

    I am fully prepared to either remove my boat from the water for 12months or just pay this years toll amount plus inflation next march and then let them chase for the rest.

    A stand needs to be made and we all need to stick together and do it.

    • Like 1
  2. Sounds clever but i dont think I would fall for it. 

    Im not convinced it would be that simple to set up a contract in someone elses name, for starters you would need a lot more info than just a name address and phone number to fool BT or any other phone company into accepting an order. 

    I treat everything that comes to me as a scam to protect myself but it is tragic how many people do get fooled when an ounce of common sense would probably save them!

    Question everything folks! Dont even trust yourself!! 

    • Like 1
  3. I blame the scams we often come under attack from for making some of us (me included) somewhat cautious, sceptical -and even suspicious of everything these days. 

    However I do believe this is a genuine plea for help mainly because I would like to think another human wouldnt stoop so low for thier own financial gain. 

    But I dont think it is fair to say this forum has "degenerated".  In my opinion its an unpleasant term to use and I find the word quite offensive.  

    Any suspicions raised are insensitive more than anything but Im sure every one of us means no harm to anyone who has been bereaved. 



    • Like 7
  4. There is one way of finding out if the notice is genuine or an advertising ploy.......Call the number!

    In all honesty when I read it my heart sank so if its genuine I hope they do get hold of the pictures they are hoping for. 

    • Like 2
  5. Might be easier/cheaper to just get a new one!  Unless of course youve got a 1inch tapered hub (standard nowadays is 3/4inch) and thats mostly all the main retailers sell steering wheel wise. 

    If you are unlucky and have a 1inch tapered hub theres a company called Stazo in Holland who can supply different types of wheel with a 1inch tapered hub adapater pre fitted.  This is what I did, I had to deal with them over the phone and wire transfer the payment but they did deliver it within a week of ordering.

    I imagine to have your existing wheel re chromed the metal and wood parts would need to be seperated if thats possible to.  

    You never know there may be someone around who can re chrome reasonably, try your local area to. 

  6. In agreement with whats been said I have a webasto 5kw with a dial control, if its run on anything other than FULL it gets a bit unhappy.  I was advised to only ever run it on full as its better for the burner. 

    Ours runs with the internal temp sensor.  We did originally have an external one and it stopped functioning but in any case if its left on long enough it seems to slow down and regulate itself.  I dont think thats anything to do with the control as thats always turned up to full but more as a result of the internal temp sensor deciding its getting warm enough! 

  7. Parts have become very shallow at low water, it does need doing. 

    Walking from the Beachamp back to Rockland is quite a way but it cant be more than 15mins walk from the Dyke i wouldnt have thought.  Just watch out for any cattle, make sure your wearing trainers!! 


    • Like 1
  8. I think the whats going to happen to Alphacrafts boats mystery has just been revealed :-)

    I truly can not believe the obstructiveness of the BA, you would think they would want new enterprise benefiting tourism and local employment, im sure if they could charge a toll on the glamping pods they would be quite happy with them.  

    The WRC has glamping pods so whats the difference. 

    Its about time the BA was challenged and a new organisation installed thats accountable for its decisions and not just out to satisfy its own agenda. 

    • Like 5
  9. Mowjo I think a full weeks use before needing pumping out would be ideal.  I think the one I fitted could have been a 9 gallon and that lasted 2/3 days of constant use by 2 people (although we did consume a lot of lager!) 22.5 gal is probably more like it. 

    One other tip which you may already know but i will mention just incase is to make sure the tank has a 38mm vent outlet fitted (especially if its a plastic tank). If the vent blocks during a pumpout the tank will likely implode, I understood it as a thinner pipe is more at risk to blocking than a thicker one if that makes any sense!   




  10. Its also worth considering what size of tank you are going to fit in as if its not a good size you will be spending a lot on pump outs.

    We once fitted one of the smallish plastic tanks that a wroxham chandler sells to a boat that only had sea discharge and it seemed to fill up so quickly with just 2 people onboard it turned into a pain.  In the end it was only used for number 2s but still needed pumping out very regular.  Its suprising how much water is added to the waste in the flushing process. 

    The boat we have now has 2 tanks and they will last easily a full 2 weeks with 2 onboard and a months worth of weekend visits easily infact they only get pumped out when we start to get a smell from them.  


  11. I was actually going to say the same.  I went to French Marine back at the end of July and there were moulds still visibly stored on the Aquafibre site.

    If your in the market for an Ideal theres an ex sabena marine boat being sold by norfolk boat sales priced at just under 25k.  Its being offered for sale by the Saberton Family and I know its been very well looked after during its life.  A big boat but a lot of boat for the money!

  12. Im sure you have thought this through but thinking about moving any batteries to a new location on my boat would be nothing short of an absolute nightmare and probably cost a small fortune in battery cable.  A lot more than 2.5m of waste hose anyway.  

    Would it really be such an issue? One of my tanks has got to be over 1.5m away from the toilet and it doesnt cause any issues, would another metre change that much. 

    It might just require a few extra pumps to ensure its reached the tank.

    Obviously if theres no way of concealing the waste pipe the distance to the tank its a problem 

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