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Posts posted by dnks34

  1. Im not sure I totally agree with the weak lock theory, yes breaking a cheap weak lock may cause less damage but on that sentiment why bother locking our front doors or our cars etc etc 

    I would fit a sturdy looking lock in the hope that any would be burglar is going to take a look at it and decide its to much hassle when there are five boats either side with cheap weak door locks!  

    This was my theory when i fitted a lockable fuel filler a number of years ago which is still intact and hasnt been ripped out of the deck yet, probably because most other boats moored nearby dont have them! 

    In saying that door locks specifically designed for marine use are very expensive, this link may be of help:


    but if you post a photo someone may be able to offer you better advice. 



    • Like 1
  2. The snugtopz stuff looks a different product to me but I could be wrong.

    I couldnt really go to the cost per sqm at the moment.  Its an old boat the carpets would be worth more than the motor! You cant polish a turd they say....!

    It does look a good product though and Im sure it looks awesome when templated and fitted in nicely. 

    • Like 2
  3. In my opinion the best thing you can do to eliminate cold calls is this.

    Aswell as registering with the TPS you need to get yourself a telephone that screens your calls automatically.  Obviously you have to spend initially for the hardware but there should be no monthly subcriptions on top of your phone bill.

    We have a BT8500 twin walkabout phone with nuisance call blocker.  Basically any phone number you havent entered into the machine as VIP will be screened silently, the caller will have to state their name and if they do you will be alerted. If its a person you need to speak to you can add the caller to your VIP list and answer and if its a nuisance call you can block the number without even answering. 

    We have had it over a year now and 99.9% of nuisance callers just hang up and dont even bother, from getting probably 5 nuisance calls a day we now get none and callers we wish to speak to still get through. 

    It didnt cost the earth and while we shouldnt have to go to these lengths we feel it was money well spent.  

    Edit, I have just thought you will need caller display for it to work and that might be an extra monthly cost!!!

    • Like 2
  4. Hi Phil

    please dont think i intended my comment as any criticism of your work.

    You listened to the critics and the solution youve come up with has knocked it out of the park! Brilliant 

    But just as a thought, you say its been tested by some heavy engineers, have you tried a 6 year old child as they can break anything in a matter of seconds! 

    • Like 4
  5. That must be a unique thing you are offering there and a great incentive in my opinion. 

    A few years ago we moored at an expensive southern yard, we were there a few years and eventually got anoid with the constant jockeying for space on our particular riverside section of 4 side on moorings.  Anyway, we moved on in a November knowing our mooring ran till the end of the following march.  We knew we wouldnt get a refund as we agreed to the original mooring terms however we were incredibly miffed to find another boat was put in our spot a few weeks after we vacated! 

    But it is very comforting to know there are still some businesses around prepared to act in the better interest of its customers!



    • Like 5
  6. Thats some contraption!

    The idea is very good but I would say it might benefit from a few further refinements.  Hide that metal frame which is visible on the rear of the back rest for one as its not very attractive, a nice polished stainless panel might work.

    It does look robust and I reckon its improved the driving position and comfort no end. 

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, C.Ricko said:

    we have one mooring which would be suitable in Horning Marina , side on. 

    £63 fer foot per year inc VAT. 

    if you don't like it we will refund any unused months 

    You cannot say fairer than that!   

    Great offer well done ricko's! 

    • Like 2
  8. 53 minutes ago, Timbo said:

    I'm sorry to say, and I hope I'm proved wrong,but from experience as a QM & dealing with hundreds of yards of canvas that once mold gets into canvas...the canvas is knackered. Mold is microscopic and spreads via hyphae or tiny root like hairs. If you can see the mold...there's billions of the microscopic b*****s. These hair like 'root systems' entwine with the fabric structure of the canvas and open it up making it no longer waterproof. As mold is also eukaryotic, meaning they have a membrane around the nucleus of the cell which is nigh on indestructible, you won't get rid of the mold in the weave of the fabric.

    I used to cut out the offending panels and replace the panel with new.

    This is what I feared!! But thankyou for the advice! 

  9. I got the bleach / mild detergent recipe from a canopy makers website. I was sceptical also and tested it on a small area first, the canopy doesnt look any the worse for wear for it but it hasnt helped remove the mold, in theory it should have killed it easily.  It did get all the green out of it quite easily.

    Id say the biggest risk from the powerwasher is to the stitching and I have been cautious with it 

    thanks for the tea tree oil idea I will give it a go. 

  10. Ive spent a lot of time cleaning our canopy of late, most of it has come up lovely but annoyingly on the top of the canvas (when in situ) there is some sort of mold/mildew/fungus that keeps coming back up as its drying. 

    I have powerwashed it on a flat surface a couple of times (naughty I know!) but it got the bird mess off. 

    Washed it 3 or 4 times in a diluted fairy liquid / chlorine bleach solution and let it soak and then again powerwashed to rinse, it is quite a weak powerwasher! 

    As a last resort I soaked it in a 20:1 solution of HG mold remover and water.  This stuff removes mold/mildew/algae from patios and driveways.  It did say to leave on for 36hrs but I didnt want to risk that on the canvas so I left it on a few hours then hose pipe rinsed it off but still the mold returns! 

    When the canvas is dry i can scrape at the mold with a fingernail and it does comes away but it is literally all over the top of the canvas!

    The canopy itself is around 7/8 years old,  underneath this substance the canvas is still in fairly good condition (even after my aggressive cleaning attempts) 

    I intended to reproof it but dont really want to fabsil over the mold, can anyone suggest a surefire way of shifting it?! 

    I am starting to consider brick acid as a viable option!!

  11. The tell would be when 3 boats all unable to fit under the bridge arrived at the same time looking to moor, and quite rightly so when they pay their over inflated toll!  I suppose till somebody comments on that happening I cant really adversely comment. 

    Im prepared to give and take and usually happy to do so but with the BA's take take take approach I do wonder if match fishing from a free BA 24hr mooring is a fair and appropriate use of that mooring.

    Im not aiming to start world war 3 with the good local fisherfolk honest im not it just occured to me......

    what does the average non boat owning or toll paying fisherperson actual contribute financially to the purse? 

    Just saying!!

    • Like 2
  12. What are your thoughts of fishing matches taking place with pegs seemingly being sited on the free 24hr BA moorings namely at Beccles (before the bypass bridge)

    I dont want to open a them and us as I do fish myself and I realise its off season but i noticed it when passing over the bridge today and have seen them before also.  Fisherman with kit spread out across the moorings and then other pegs running up and down the bank either side of the bridge, evidently a match? 

    Would they make way for boats wishing to moor when fishing a match or are the moorings officially booked out for these events?

  13. I am in total agreement with paying last years amount plus 3% but this doesnt seem like its going to be possible.

    If you cant change the payment amount in the system online then I imagine over the phone they will refuse anything less than payment in full and sending in a cheque may not even be presented and then its non payment.

    They have it totally sewn up dont they! 

    • Like 3
  14. I do agree with what your saying JM but what concerns me is that we will again be facing the same level of increase next year purely on the basis they have gotten away with it this time.

    I have absolutely no faith in the BA and i am rapidly loosing interest! 

    People are likely to be hit with increases from every angle this year and its all just getting well out of hand. 

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