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Posts posted by dnks34

  1. What you mean you didnt have your fan heater/hair dryer/vacuum cleaner on full blast just to make sure you didnt leave any credit on the meter?!

    Islander you have restored my faith in people.

     (only for today mind dont get overexcited!!) 

    • Like 3
  2. 53 minutes ago, Matt said:



    Please return your used cards so they can be recharged!



    Releasing a statement before hand like this would have saved much speculation and confusion.

    Im still not convinced this is a suitable application for re chargeable technology.  Its not much use to the end user as you only put £1 on at a time and therefore can only recharge 1 card £1 at a time. 

    The disposible paper cards were more suited to being used for £1 at a time and I imagine the cost of them was miniscule compared with the plastic ones. 

    • Like 2
  3. Ive had experience of a syndicate in the past.

    I dont have anything bad to report but I think I got out before all the trouble came to light with the one I was in!  

    Other than putting up with the snippy original owners who tended to look down their varifocals at resale shareholders like us we enjoyed our time and probably saved quite a bit of money over the years we were in it.

    I kid you not this cheesy biscuit story is all to common, every syndicate will probably have similar stories to tell.   

    The slightest thing out of place you will not believe the fuss small minded folk can create over very small and silly little things like that.  

    If theres an option to pay extra for someone else to clean the boat for you at the end of your period then I would pay for it to be done by someone else every time, then if anything comes back you can very swiftly pass the blame on!!!

    We properly own our own boat now and can leave crumbs wherever we like.....even in the toaster if we want to. 

    In my opinion syndicate ownership is nothing like ownership that is unless something needs paying for but dont let any of that put you off. 

    So long as the figures add up for you it should still work out cheaper than hiring a similar boat over a couple of years.

    Im sure you will enjoy it. 

  4. Andrew you dont politely let the hirer know, you telephone the hire boat company and politely tell whoever answers the phone. 

    I presume every hire yard will keep records and know who has hired their boats and when. As Berney has a name and the boat the waste has been deposited from I think there is enough evidence to warrant telephoning the boatyard and letting them know what has been found. 

    You are giving the Boatyard the option of speaking to their customer about it.  They may choose to say nothing but thats then up to them.  If they did decide to speak to the person it might make the person think twice about doing something similar in the future?  The hireboat operator armed with this information may not want to hire a boat to this person again, they could be having other issues with the customer who is prone to flytipping but if nobody tells them they will never know about it.

    You still contact the local Authority so its still being reported to the appropriate people to be dealt with accordingly, nobody on this thread has suggested that shouldnt happen. 

    If you approach it in the right way the hireboat operator can only appreciate you letting them know.

    The same can be said for any other antisocial behaviour you see going on, its in the hire boatyards interests to let them know about it. 

    • Like 3
  5. Im sorry to do this but it needs saying......


    ALL that has been suggested is it might be worth POLITELY letting them know about it.  They then might or might not want to discuss it with their customer that would be entirely up to them.

    It is not their fault and unless I am on another frequency nobody is laying anything at their door!!!!!!!

    fgs (for goodness sake) !!

    • Like 3
  6. I always thought rigid plastic could be recycled but then I saw on the news a few weeks ago that theres quite a lot of plastic that cant be recycled.

    For instance we buy those small pump bottles of handsoap and it said on the news that neither the pump nor the bottle parts of those can be recycled and I have been rinsing those out and putting them in my blue bin for years!

    Apparently its the metal in the pump part that causes an issue but it doesnt make a lot of sense to me.

    If ive only got a few things to get rid of at Pakefield if theres a long queue I always park ahead of the entrance and walk up the way out to get it, if you stick to the marked path they dont mind. 


  7. Just now, JennyMorgan said:

    WDC, grrrrrrr, they don't want you to put grass cuttings in your black bin when you could pay £45.00 extra for a green bin. Totally daft as I can still bag it & take it to the recycling centre and no one bats an eyelid!

    If your referring to the Pakefield recycling site people have been known to die of old age just queuing to get in there! 

  8. Waveney District Council say they can prosecute you if you put garden cuttings in your black bin.  

    It all goes to landfillI!!!!

    I cant see how grass cuttings are any worse than all the food waste and other crud they put in the ground but maybe they know something I dont. 

    Or could it be because they are now charging to have your green wheelie bin emptied I wonder?

    Anyway, guess where my grass cuttings go, disguised in a black bag! 

    • Like 1
  9. I imagine authorised expenditure is whatever Packman sees fit as anyone disagreeing with him seems to end up leaving.......

    Thats a huge cost, did it actually have to be done, what was wrong with the old cards/old meters. 

  10. Lets face it if they could get away with charging for daylight they would.  

    I am never ever suprised by the next cut to services or cost increase imposed on us by our local authorities.

    But you can bet your life those at the top will be taking their pay increases year on year on their already obscene salaries and they wont be loosing a wink of sleep about it either.  

    Its just pure greed and I for one am totally sick of it.

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