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Posts posted by dnks34

  1. Thats good, but I do agree with Grace there will still be those who ignore it anyway.......its a sad fact that some people just dont care. 


    • Like 2
  2. I agree troutman62.  I think most of the boats have a handbook or folder onboard, it couldnt hurt to have a page giving information about rod licences in them. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Bobdog said:

    I'm not going to say I told you so, but ...

    Does it really matter?

    Atleast I know if I see these guys and the boat when Im out on the river that theres nothing untoward about them, not to mention all the other people who may have read this thread.  

    Wildfuzz was good enough to look into this for those of us concerned and the outcome has ended any speculation, dont see an issue with that! 

  4. If all 4 people are taking turns with 2 rods then you will need 4 licences, thats providing the sister and niece are adults, 16 and under fish free, I think 12-16 year olds do need to register for the free licence. 

    • Like 3
  5. Speaking of Carp I was watching a program on one of the sky channels lastnight called riverman set in the USA.  They have a real problem with Asian Carp over there, the will literally jump out of the water when spooked hitting whatever is in their path and landing in boats, their numbers are huge, they treat them as vermin as they are destroying the native fish stocks and injuring the fisherman! 

  6. Thank you for looking into this for us Wildfuzz,  I am now happy in the knowledge the men in the dory are definately with 100% certainty licenced Eel fisherman!  

  7. Thats very interesting JM!  I had heard there are Carp around but never a Catfish. 

    Are Carp naturally found in the Broads or did they get in by mistake.

    Ive only ever caught silver fish, perch, skimmer, the odd bream and a few pike.  My son had a small Bass at Reedham ferry a few years ago to! 

    I would love to catch a truly wild tench or carp from the broads,

    Pike absolutely fascinate me although I dont fish for them very often, when I do I prefer to use spinners or spoons than deadbaits these days.  

  8. 4 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    There's one on the Waveney, last time I saw it it was 86 pounds! I have heard that it came out last winter at over 100 pounds.

    Really! I never knew there were any in the Broads.

  9. 26 minutes ago, Speleologist said:

    Agreed, but an opinion needs to be supported by substantive information if sonmeone who is not an expert in the subject is to be able to evaluate it. Most opinions in this thread have had no supporting evidence. That does not lead to good, well informed debate.

    So effectively theres a few members probably including me who need not contribute to this thread is this what your saying? 

    A good 80% of this forums content will probably be based on opinion...........

    add in the 20% fact from the informed members like Timbo and I reckon thats a pretty good balance. 


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  10. 15 minutes ago, Speleologist said:

    The only valid way to debate an alternative view is with properly presented evidence, not opinions. As a non angler I have much more respect for facts about this than opinions.

    this comment make no sense to me. 

    Voicing your opinion whether for or against is part of what a forum is all about. 

    If you only want to read the facts on any subject its probably best not getting involved in debates on forums! 

    Thats just my opinion! 

    Bigbream, I am genuinely interested in your reasoning for being against the closed season, I was not attempting to start a rucas!!

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  11. I dont see why them having a break is such a problem for you. 

    You are just one fisherman but on any half decent day on the broads there could be 500 hooks dangling in the water.  Ok 500 fisherman across the broads on one day is probably unrealistic but its possible isnt it? The Broad are wild, not managed, theres many things affecting the fish, predators, salt, waterborne diseases, fisherman etc

    A few months respite just from the fisherman each year must be good for the fish and the environment. 

    I cant see any reason to have a problem with it, its got to be in the interests of the fish. 

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  12. Its coming across in your posts bigbream that you are not a fan of the closed season!

    I also enjoy fishing, Im not a match fisherman but surely anything that gives the fish a break for a few months and protects fish stocks for future generations has got to be a good thing.

    Why are you so against it?  As others members have said if people still want to fish during the closed season then there are plenty of other options available to them on managed waters etc.  

    • Like 1
  13. Just now, bigbream said:

    We know it gets cold because the so called boaters out there have to put there boats to bed till the weather warms up.:clap

    Surely even more reason to fish that time of year then!! 

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  14. The picture of the guys net fishing from the dinghy has been forwarded on to the EA also.

    If they are licenced then theres no worries is there.  

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  15. Only probably bobdog?

    Dont like committing yourself do you.

    If you know exactly who they are and what they are doing you could have set minds at rest posts ago.


    52 minutes ago, Bobdog said:

    These are almost certainly legitimate eel fishermen, 

    Almost certainly isnt certain is it.

    They could be ilegally taking fish for the table.

    You must have some superior knowledge to the rest of us, the fact its broad daylight and they appear to be dressed for it doesnt necessarily mean anything. 


  17. Bobdog

    How are they almost certainly licensed eel fisherman?  How would I or any other river user know that just by looking at them? 

    and "some people" are not determined to find a problem where there isnt one I am very offended by that remark.

    The guy on the back of the boat with a rod is breaking the law and should be followed up but isnt harming the environment to the extent the net fisherman are if they are doing it illegally. 


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  18. It could also look like the white underbelly of a pike being pulled onto the boat by the man bending foward, im not certain it is though.

    I know the horning.org database isnt the official list but it does say 539Z joined in 2016/17 and the boat name is mary jane an orkney dory 15footer.

    I wouldnt say the boat in the picture is 15ft either! 

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  19. The boat might be legit but it doesnt mean the fishing with nets is!!

    great detective work I do hope the powers that be can look into it further.  

    If this is illegal activity the culprits need to be stopped. 

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  20. Actually after enlarging the picture (im on my iphone) I think its 539Z not 537Z

    If you look on the horning.org boat database neither registration number is the boat in the picture. 

  21. Who is responsible for issuing licences for net (fyke) fishing such as the dory pictured.

    It looks like the reg number on the dory is hand painted on, it looks to me like its 537Z.

    Also, If that is a 7 with a line through it it makes me question it as thats not the traditional way of writing a number 7. 

    I have no problem with licenced eel fishing but I do wonder if the men fishing from the dory are legal or not and maybe we should be looking in to it as if its illegal I doubt they are only taking eel. 


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