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Posts posted by dnks34

  1. Thats a shame its not the right one Maurice, the bowl from it would definately have been reusable.

    I am not a fan of the compact bowls at all so I have swapped it out for a new regular sized Jabsco Manual, its so comfortable I may well swap the other one in the not to distant future! 

  2. The problem with the spare wheel may have been the tyre (if it had one on)  I think Im right in saying they will take tyres but have always charged to take them.  

    This new scale of charges was implemented by many councils across the country and some continue to make the charges even though central government has advised them its illegal.  

    Its as though they will charge to take any waste that is of no monetary value to them, and this charging for green waste is wrong as they are selling that on for biogas I believe, possibly being paid twice? 

    Or maybe its my cynical way of looking at it!

  3. I have just taken my old Jabsco Compact Manual toilet minus the seat to my local council recycling site in Lowestoft to dispose of it.

    They have just tried to charge me £2.50 for the privelage!! What upon what on earth is going on in this country?

    I have just been reading online and apparently the can now charge up to £3 per unit to dispose of plasterboard, rubble, hardcore, ceramics, baths, sheet glass amongst some other things.  They are calling 1 unit about the size of a large bucket but an assessment will be made on site. 

    A quick google brought up another council in another area who have had to stop charging for disposal of any "household" waste at the tips as funnily enough, Its illegal. 

    Now I know techinically my toilet isnt household waste but come on.......

    Anyone doing any diy and thinking they can dispose of their old bathroom suite for free at the tip, might not be the case anymore. 

    Maybe burying this kind of stuff requires a deeper hole?

    Anyway, my toilet has now been broken down into component parts and is in my black bin. 

    Stupid Waveney District Council. 

    If you have any large metal items, obviously they still take that for free......

    • Like 1
  4. 23 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

    On top of that when I became a member of the Authority's navigation committee I was told, face to face by Dr Packman, that both anglers and boaters would have to accept exclusion as a matter of fact, that would have happened if such as myself had not opposed the Broads Bill in Parliament, once again, see the Broads Bill.  

    This man is a danger to us all.  

    His intentions seem to be bordering on malicious. 

    The Broads Authority needs to start looking after the interests of boaters/fisherman/visitors/tourists and every other person who is reliant on the broads for an income and stop trying to price us out or exclude any of us through the back door. I

    I utterly deplore with the things that go on in this country unchallenged. 

    Has he considered just how many people could potentially have a grievance with him if he had actually achieved this (and yes I have worded that carefully). 

    He needs to go before he ruins it for everyone. 

    • Like 3
  5. Reaching the WRC by road is not pleasant at all, one of the reasons we gave up mooring there.

    The Broads should not end up as the place people who cant afford to live on land have to live.  I think the BA should prevent this at all costs, there is a welfare system that should be supporting those people.

    But being a liveaboard by choice in properly organised facilities is something I would welcome. 

    • Like 2
  6. 37 minutes ago, jeffbroadslover said:

    I think it may be prudent to not pass any speculative comments until after the result of the appeal is known.


    An appeal wont make them decide his kitchen was clean after all. 

    But it could change how hes been dealt with. 

  7. Theres a big Asda just over the road from the Mercure for your supplies or you will pass a big Tesco's in Sprowston as you leave Norwich on the way up to Horning. 

    I had to google it to find out its name earlier as when we stayed there last it was a Ramada Jarvis! 

  8. Norwich is more or less within half an hour of Horning, certainly Norwich north is.  

    Theres the Mercure on the north ringroad, premier inn in city centre (although im not sure about parking) Holiday Inn ipswich road just off the a47, hotel wroxham, sprowston manor, does the swan inn horning still do rooms anyone?

    theres lots of choice within reach of horning, depends how much you want to spend! Theres a travelodge on the A47 at Acle but not sure about food for that one. Have fun!

  9. I think there should be a way of billing network rail or whoever it is for the inconvenience of it. 

    It is possible people could end up out of pocket for not being able to get back to their mooring and then home and to work for instance.

    It is very convenient these things always occur with the bridges in the closed positions, i cant think of a time one has been stuck open but I may well be wrong!

    The operator at Somerleyton is usually very helpful I agree. 

    • Like 2
  10. There was a boat fire there recently speedtriple, your right that could be what the criminal investigation is about but it made me question as it says in the minutes that a boat cant be moved because of a criminal investigation and as far as i know the boat that sank due to the fire was raised and is gone so I do wonder if its about something else but who knows!! 

    • Like 1
  11. Thingamybob its from whats written in the parish council minutes in the link I posted Ive not actually heard anything about any intimidation myself as I tend to keep my head down but its not suprising when you see the sort of people there are about in one of the boatyards up there, (staithe side).


  12. I was referring to the reports of intimidation and threatening behaviour toward visitors!   

    I also wonder what the criminal investigation is, but I think I know where some of this is stemming from. 

  13. The boat that had been on the end for all that time looked like it had been abandonned to me but I suppose it could just have been unloved and it might turn up somewhere else

  14. 20 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    There is no point in having complex and detailed gas installation safety regulations if some berk can simply put a Camping Gas stove on the deck and light a barbeque!!

    I almost spat my coffee out......hillarious Vaughan!!!!

    • Like 3
  15. Is it an actual BBQ or a camping type gas burner.  

    I agree its not the ideal location to use it potentially blocking one of the 2 exits aswell as the other things that have been mentioned but atleast they were being mindful of ventilation by choosing that location to do it.  

    A better idea would have been to pull over and use the gas stove on the bank but atleast it wasnt left unattended in the video, who knows they may also have had a wipe round after. 

    When BBQ was mentioned I had visions of flames smoke and charcoal.......

    Two things I will pick them up on, Im not a fan of dogs on furniture that will be used by other people, I have a small dog and wash my sofa with upholstery cleaner every month to keep it fresh and hygenic, I doubt Barnes have the time for that between hires and Brinks Melody wasnt worth 300k when I hired it in 2006 when it was around a year old!!!!

    Still, it looked like they all had a nice time and thats what its all about. 

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