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Posts posted by dnks34

  1. My boat isnt new or overly luxurious but it does have the things I think I need for my basic requirements.  

    I dont have to have shorepower every night but in the colder months I prefer it to using the diesel heating, its quieter.   I also like hot water by means of an immersion and I like to keep my batteries topped up whenever possible.

    I also have an Autistic son who can not manage to well without "devices" so they need charging and theres only so long I can be away from 240v even with the small inverter I have onboard.  

    I dont enjoy camping and if the boat was anything like that id rather stay at home, or in a hotel.

    • Like 3
  2. Personally I think to an extent the period of diplomatic patience towards sailing vessels on the broads needs to come to an end.

    Every sailor powered by oars, engines wind the will of god or otherwise ought to be responsible for keeping out of the others way.

    It might have worked in years gone by but it doesnt anymore and is responsible for the petulant displays many of us have experienced!! 

    I will get my coat...........:dance

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    But just a minute - if you saw a hired car go over a red traffic light, would you phone Hertz to complain about it? Of course not. 

    Actually I have! There was one incident a few years ago where a Hertz rental van cut me up horrendously on the A1079 on the outskirts of York.  I pulled over and got straight on the phone to them and let them know what an idiot they had hired their van to! 

    I wouldnt say I would lean on the boatyard about the rubbish as your absolutely right it isnt their responsibility but I dont think it would hurt to politely let them know about it, if they did decide to say something to their customer it could make that person think twice in the future.

    Rubbish bins or not this person may have still used the bank anyway but we can still live in hope. 

    • Like 1
  4. I thought the pontoons before the railway bridges were layby moorings for all boats.

    I think this mindset encountered by the differing groups using the broads is getting very old.  

    Im a sailing boat and dont want to pay for anything that a motorboat can use is just not the right or a helpful atittude In my opinion.

    The way I see it is the pontoons are there by the railway bridges to improve safety for all river users and aswel as that can you be certain there are no sailing vessels on the broads that use shorepower! 

    • Like 3
  5. 2 hours ago, Wussername said:

    I fail to see what it has to do with the boat yard. Rubbish is the responsibility of the person who hired the boat.


    10 minutes ago, Wussername said:

    I agree Peter. Inform the yard by all means. 

    What changed your mind?! 

  6. As Toll payers I suppose no the moorings are not free!

    I also suspect as Kfurbank says that all Toll payers in one way or another have contributed to the initial install costs of the electric posts and also these latest meter upgrades and the cost of new cards whether they use them or not!

    If it did come to light that the Broads Authority are charging a proportion on the sale of these cards to recover other costs I think it could open a can of worms we will all inevitably end up paying for.

    Sometimes its could be better to let sleeping dogs lie! 

  7. I agree electric is not a necessity but I dont think in the modern day they are anything unreasonable to expect or are out of the ordinary either.  

    I also want free 24 hr moorings but my point was do these moorings being a navigational requirment have to be free? 

    How long before pay and display machines are installed because we are all complaining about 35p on an electric card, after all they already have the electricity to power them in most places it seems!!

  8. I see the electric points as a positive thing to have available. 

    I accept that there is nothing stating they must supply any at all but I also ask you is there anything stating they must provide "free" 24hr moorings for river users? 

  9. Good analogy Islander and on the basis of your post I also want a portion of my toll deducted for the parts of the Broads I cant access and if there are any electric posts at the locations i cant get to Im not paying anything toward them either!!

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  10. In my opinion providing a number of electric posts for river users is within the BA's remit and if it isnt it should be.   

    No offence intended JM but should we switch them all off because there are a number of folk who dont want them?!!!

  11. I think I have partly misunderstood your post poppy but I do agree that where the cost for electricity comes from should be fair.

    During the season to me electricity supplies usually appear to be in high demand hence my saying its a facility most might want to see more of.  

    Personally I have no problem with costs being covered by those using the supplies.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Poppy said:

    I agree, but electrically powered craft should be exempt.   Vessels with mains electricity should be tolled accordingly to cover the cost of installation and maintenance  of water side supplies!

    Cant really agree with this.  

    Electricity isnt necessarily green there is pollution involved in its production so an electric boater shouldnt really expect or be entitled to anything for free!

    The Broads Authority has form on wasting money on very pointless things yet clawing back every last penny of the cost of supplying electricity to an end user is of importance to them, priorities in order springs to mind. 

    Costs do need to be covered but the Broads Authority are there to provide a service.........to amongst other groups BOATERS. 

    What happens to all the cash they get from central government nevermind the toll money the get from us.

    Has anyone told them this money is for spending on their remit not just on salaries pensions and research after research after pointless consultation.  

    Are they that incapable of making a decision without it first costing £££££!!! 

    In saying that I dont think the current charges for electricity are excessive and its a valuable facility most of us can only wish to see more of.

    If we keep on complaining they will eventually find ways to charge  us for the other thing they are there to provide..........lets pick our battles.........carefully! 

    • Like 1
  13. Definately report them to the BA.

    Id also be tempted to ring the Boatyard and politely let them know what one of their customers have done, they may have a word if they are still to bring the boat back you never know. 

    • Like 3
  14. Maybe Dilligaf means because hireboats are not fitted with VHF equipment?

    We have a VHF although its been in a cabin drawer for the last two years as no one has been bothered to plug it back in after winter lay up.  

    Since the swing bridges were fitted with the electronic broads we havent needed to use it either.

  15. We are lucky in that our boat doesnt seem to create excessive amounts of wash but even so we always slow up when passing moored boats.   

    When we had a river berth at the WRC there were often times the boat was thrown around by wash or by someone passing much to close which worsened the effect of the wash.  It wasnt always hirecraft either privateers can be equally as ignorant to this basic common courtesy.  I remember on one occasion one of the BA spoil barges passed to fast and to close and almost gave us a free lift out!


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