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Posts posted by dnks34

  1. Poppy did your daughter get refunded by the bank on the first occassion? Or is she still out of pocket?

    I find this very worrying indeed.  

    How is money being taken from any account by someone other than the account holder not a serious matter!  

    What amazes me is why the paper trail cant be followed up, if you transfer money from a bank account to another bank account then it has a checkable destination that can then be followed up.....surely!!!!  Also I thought funds could be recalled directly by the bank when its been transfered using an electronic payment.  When money is taken out in cash at an ATM and its in this country its only then you can have a hard time proving it wasnt you.

    Knowing the way Barclays works you also cant transfer directly from a savings account to an outside account you have to transfer it to your current account first.  

    Someone has clearly got access to her Internet Banking and as her security has been well and truly conprimised on that account I would leave the account with Barclays open and fight to get back whats been stolen then open another account with a completely different bank and have all future payments wages etc paid into that, just to be sure it cant happen again.

    The fact this has happened twice is very concerning and Barclays have mishandled it on the first occasion which has clearly allowed the fraudster to help him or her self again.  I would be putting this everywhere I could in the public domain untill i got my money back, i thought Barclays were reasonably good but i might have to have a rethink now to!

    Good luck with it Poppys daughter! 



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  2. Brinks Omega was the first boat my wife and I hired back in 2002.  We had a great time.  The boat has seen a few upgrades since then but the layout and style was what attracted us to her.  The shower being an actual cubicle rather than a shared space with the toilet was also an unexpected feature whe didnt know she had.  

    I cant remember the exact airdraft but it must be around 8ft 3 to 8ft 6 so you will need low water at  Ludham (or somewhere in between) and Great Yarmouth if you intend to cross Breydon will definately need to be at low water with Brinks Omega. 

    For 4 nights I might be tempted to remain on the Northern Broads, a return trip to the southern broads from Wroxham is certainly doable but you will be doing quite a lot of cruising to achieve it and your timings may not all be convenient if your having to hang about to get under bridges etc.

    Re food and drink, anywhere open is worth a visit!  Northern broads wise theres nothing passed Stokesby food wise till you get to Great Yarmouth but plenty of places up to Acle.  Horning is usually a good first night stop from Wroxham, 3 pubs there all serving food. 


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  3. I eventually decided to pay my toll using the online system.  I did toy with the idea of only making a part payment but in reality my doing that wouldnt have achieved anything.  I didnt bat an eyelid at the insurance declaration, im insured so I just ticked the box,  I can understand if its something kfurbank feels strongly about but personally i think we will all have bigger worries on the horizon when we find out what the next Toll Increase will be.....  I think our energies would be better put into getting on top of whats going on with that. Pick your battles as they say. 

    • Like 2
  4. The Broads as an industry generates an income to the Government but I cant really agree that as a result of that we should be paying over the odds for the chairman of the Authority.  How much the industry charges for its pint of beer or mooring fee has absolutely nothing to do with him so i dont see how you come to that opinion but its certainly another way of looking at it!

    In my opinion big mistakes are being made countrywide trying to run local authorities as though they are a business with a CEO at the helm and all that goes with it.  They are not, the reason for their existance is to provide a service to the public, not be penny pinching to shut down public loos and stop rubbish collection etc etc.  They are not in my way of thinking there to make an income but to spend it on the services we all need and not to pay over inflated CEO's salaries. 

    A private profit making company can pay what it wants to its "executives" as its coming out of cash they have made for their company and does not need to be justified. 

    If Packman was getting on with the Job in hand I see his role as pretty similar to that of a council chief exec.  So if he wasnt living in this fantasy land what would his actual responsibilities be?

    For those employed in Authority I also believe the term "executive" is over used! 

    Chief Of Authority would be more applicable, for me the term executive is implying something its not. 



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  5. Is turnover the appropriate term to use? In my mind the term turnover would apply to business, the BA is an Authority.

    I would say the BA isnt a business selling its products and services to generate its turnover, its given money by central government and toll payers. 

  6. Just now, HemsbyPie said:

    £83k for managing 140 people?

    I know wages in Norfolk are low, but for a CEO worth his weight, managing that many people and that much responsibility, you're probably looking at 2 or 3 times that.

    If you are refering to a private profit making company I would completely agree with you! 

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  7. I would think someone with their own boat such as yourself Maurice helming it on a single handed basis all the time are going to be much better at it then someone who hires one just from time to time! 

    The main benefit I can see with having other people on board with you is that If things do go wrong you have someone else to blame!!!!

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    • Haha 1
  8. I think more than anything this highlights the increased risks involved in crewing a boat single handed.  

    On a completely calm day it wont make much difference but how many of those do we actually get.

    I get that Mike is feeling upset about the damage that was caused to the boat as he obviously didnt intend it to happen but I cant really see how it can be blamed on the guy stood on the quay for not helping!  

    Im not intending any offence to you Mike whatsoever but you were at the helm and it was your judgement driving, not his!

    When all said and done it was just an accident and they happen.  

    Its fortunate no damage was caused to any other boats namely privately owned ones as we can end up with big headaches getting damage caused by hireboats repaired and repaired to a good standard, some yards are better st this than others.

    Anyone single crewing a hire boat in my opinion is running a much higher risk of mishaps, people will help but if your having to rely on it it might be much better and less stressful for you if theres someone else with you. 

    • Like 3
  9. Just now, Matt said:

    So you want a better calibre of CEO but on a smaller salary?


    what salary do you think will attract a suitable calibre of applicant?

    Whats minimum wage these days?! :-)

  10. I agree with you marshman! If you compare with some council chiefs salaries then JP's isnt anything new and could be said to be more modest than most. 

    But,  its not so much the size of JP,s salary thats my issue its more what we are actually getting for the money.  

    A man who is more interested in wasting cash rebranding when concentrating on the job in hand would be so much simpler! 

  11. It seems to me that what the Authority are good at is producing Graphs and Pie Charts and report and document after document of in depth information where they manage to hide the things that they dont want us to know about!

    Propaganda I agree with but I wouldnt say they are great at Communcation!

    • Like 1
  12. I still do not see why an Authority such as the BA need a head of communications......... or am I really really missing something! 

    If it were head of PR or head of marketing I could possibly grasp it but communications?!  We all communicate, they are not British Telecom......surely any necessary communications can come from JP himself.  All he needs is employees who know how to say "yes"  its pretty clear what happens to those who have used the word NO! 

    Anyway I imagine they already have a PR & Marketing department and I should probably stop giving them ideas.

    It just sounds like jobs for the boys/girls to me.

    Maybe the new head of comms will be better at letting EVERYONE know about the next toll increase before its actually been implemented.... (if JP lets them!)



  13. Why does the Broads Authority need a Head Of Communications?  

    The term "head" implies its a department in which there are other staff also responsible for communications.  

    Is this a necessary and justifiable cost?  

    I wonder how many departments the Broads Authority has that it could function just as well without. 







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  14. I did our canvas canopy over the winter with bleach amongst other things.

    I used 8 fl oz chlorine bleach (domestos) mixed with 2 fl oz fairy liquid to 1 gallon of water, I did this a few times and it did improve the green staining however our canopy is very mold stained on the top and even after breaking out the big guns designed for patio cleaning nothing i found has managed to remove it all.  I think when the mold really gets a hold in the canvas im not sure it can be removed, vinyl may be different. 

    Be aware that this combination and probably also the power washing wasnt kind to the stitching, i had thought It would probably need a restitch before i started as it wasnt in great condition, this process will finish old or worn stitching off! 

    Still when all said and done it does look better and even with the £60 full restitch (its not a small canopy either so I was happy with that!) and a tin of fabsil ive probably done a comparable job to the proffessionals at a fraction of the cost......im sure one well known norfolk maker quoted about £360 to clean and refurb it a few years back!





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  15. It looks a shed now but in happier times it looks like it would have been a good experience Fred. 

    It says in the sales advert its off grid.  Did they have take water over it to and manually fill a tank up each week for the shower to work then

  16. I wouldnt want to risk 5k on it let alone the 45k they are asking.

    I looks like it needs no end of work to modernise it and put everything in order and to me the mooring fee at a grand a year isnt very attractive either.  Im not paying much more than that for a stern to berth with water and electric.....for a boat that moves!!!

    But im sure theres someone out there who will want it.

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  17. If anyone from the BA has been on any fact finding missions in the Netherlands seeing how they manage their waterways and deal with any weed.......we should be very suspicious. 

    Infact maybe that is genuinely how they control it over there,  smoke it, and look how good the dutch waterways seem to be!

    If anyone has any spare.....send some to the BA c/o JP!  You never know it could help us all no end!!

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