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Posts posted by addicted

  1. 44 minutes ago, LondonRascal said:

    I just had a look at St Katherine's in London, since it has been taken over by Camper & Nicholson Marinas and is having an additional 170 berths and the three basins refurbished.

    Let's say you want to moor your 40ft boat there for a year - it will cost you £8.986.08.  That is inclusive of VAT.

    Electric is not included in that price,  add on £1,019.00 for electric hook up (16Amp) (f you'd like 32 Amp it is available for additional cost.)

    Car parking is not included either - that would be £4,200.00 a year including VAT.

    Pump outs are charger per 500L which of all the above is the most reasonable at £25.00.

    So tkae Broad Ambition to London and leave her there for a year, have a car parking space available and that would be £13,186.00!

    You know the most crazy thing about this, the last time I was round there some of the smaller boats included a Wilds Calypso - its not all grand boats.

     Cheap at twice the price! So you' ll be booking in next week will you? When we lived in North London., St. Cat's used to be a favourite Sunday outing  (by car) I hasten to add! Breakfast at the Savoy then a roam round St. Cat's. Perfect!



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  2. 7 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    I am pleased that, whilst saying that boatyards are "only" interested in making money, you also acknowledge that, to remain in business, you have to be!

    After almost a lifetime in the game, I can assure you that very rarely is there any money in it but we do it, and love it, as a wonderful way of life. We also realise that it is a service industry which relies on regular customers. If they are not happy with their holiday (even if they don't tell us why) then they won't come back again. There are a lot of holiday choices out there in the world today.

    We have always regarded the Broads as our "stock in trade". If they are not beautiful and well maintained then we are out of business.

    But now there is a sea change on the Broads. The service and facilities in the old days were there for all, with more than 100 boatyards around the area - I have never counted them all but in 1964 Blakes had 43 members, some of whom had more than one yard. They also leased and ran many moorings of their own, especially Malthouse Broad and GYYS. There were also a lot more pubs, of course.

    That infrastructure is no longer there and so the few remaining yards don't have the power now, to provide facilities in the way that they used to, so we must look elsewhere for the finance, and the action. Don't forget that hire boats already pay a much greater river toll than private boats.

    I am looking forward to hearing more details from Alan about the NSBA as it is possible that the forum can provide a volume of opinion to add weight to their efforts.

    That they have to be interested in making money.is the point I was trying to make  If  they don't make much I think that is a pity because clearly a great deal of hard work goes in to running such a business. One wonders how long it will before there are no hire companies  at all. I am all too aware that  being in business for oneself is not the piece of cake some think it is and if no money is being made there doesn't seem to be much point in continuing , Love of boats and enthusiasm don't pay the bills, unfortunately. Also it must be recognised just how many of these boat yards are sitting on land that would be much sought after for development.  the temptation to sell for what would probably be a very great deal of money must be hard to resist when you're working your socks off for very little reward.




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  3. All this talk I local jargon reminds me of a short stay in Edinburgh  about17 years ago. We came out of a restaurant and got a taxi back to our hotel The taxi driver was trying to tell us something that was clearly significant but unfortunately we couldn't understand a word he was saying.Finally,clearly frustrated by our obtuseness he tossed a newspaper over his shoulder, saying "0rch seefer yersels! He had been trying to tell us of the murder of Jill Dando.



  4. Apologies if this has already been posted and I've missed it but a fire gutted East Hills bistro & the chandlery half of TingDene marina office at Brundall Bay on Monday night the cause is still being investigated. It's in a right old mess.







  5. I am not on Facebook so have no idea of what it covers. Most things by all accounts. My reason for suggesting the hire companies is for the very reason given by Jenny Morgan they're only interested in making money.Of course they are they're businesses, I don't have a problem with that. It is in their interests to see that their customers are happy bunnies therefore it  isexpedient for them to take close interest in the quality of the facilities on offer for their client base. If it falls below  what's required their clients   havethe ability to go elsewhere.



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  6. 33 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    I think Smellyloo has a good point, I have a sugestion. There is another forum called "Broadly Speaking" I and a number of others here are already members. That forum differed from this one in that it was far more serious. It was often refered to in "the other place" as the "Dark side".

    As this other forum is already there and encourages serious debate perhaps that is where we could take such broadland political discussions. Further, should members of other forums wish to, they too could advertise "Broadly speaking" for this purpose.

    I am aware that there is a certain level of bad blood between some members of some forums, I should know, I am one of them, however, sometimes there are occasions and subjects where such animosities need to be left to one side for the greater good.

    Opinions please!

    Before discovering NBN I was a member of another forum.  I wasn't aware that there was more than one forum for the Broads. I abandoned the other forum very shortly after joining. Finding it full of  rather nasty judgmental people who appeared to  me to spend their time watching the forum just waiting for someone to post something with which they could take issue. Often in a personal vey unpleasant way I didn't look at it for about 5 years or more when I did all that time later it was to find that it hadn't  changed a bit It was still full of seemingly nasty ranting .individuals.I then looked further and found NBN  Although it does seem .that some action is needed  to make the Broads more user friendly,It would be a pity to take any action that would change the ethos of NBN However, I'm not sure that I see this as a political issue. more a case of trying to get value for payment made. ie: boat owners licence fees going steadily up and up and facilities just as steadily decreasing, When a shop  gives poor value you have the choice of shopping elsewhere  Not a political decision, surely.Here unfortunately, we have no  such choice other than to attempt  hold the receivers of our funds to account. Is it possible for the NBN  to do this? Are all members singing from the same hymn sheet? probably not I would guess. I would suggest those most affected by the apparent neglect of boats requirements must be the hire companies.  they must be much better situated to apply pressure than we are



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  7. A few years before we moved our boat to the Broads we came to spend a day aboard a friend's boat who did moor there. We were moored on Perci's island and watched with a certain mount of fascination,  a couple in a hired day boat trying to moor on the opposite bank. After several aborted attempts, a hire boater moored adjacent to the intended mooring came out to assist. taking the bow line The day boat went at some speed bow on to the bank then at the last minute reversed out again.almost taking his helper with him! By this time I'm afraid We were helpless with laughter as it had all the ingredients of a full blown farce. We could see the trailing stern rope and knew where it was going to end up, but were too far away to do anything about it. Eventually after a considerable amount of time they managed to land the boat.  Then they began the process of tying it up, the bow rope was to hand having been tossed onto the bow by the disgusted helper who had by this time abandoned his efforts to help, however the ensuing  lengthy search for the stern rope was hilarious, even funnier was the triumph when it was located only for the finder to realise it wasn't going to come up out of the  water being firmly round the prop! Not to be thwarted in their intention to go to lunch at the Swan, they tied the life jackets they weren't wearing together and to our utter bemusement used them as a stern line. The thought of there being lots of people like that round the Broads  almost made us re-think our intention to move our boat there.



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  8. On 04/09/2016 at 6:51 PM, Gracie said:

    I don't like name calling of any kind but honestly I have to bite my tongue sometimes :facepalm: TeamElla, thank you for the photos they are stunning :clap


    Hi Gracie so glad you're home safe & sound When does name calling start to become accurate description.? Seems to be a fine Line there some of the things you see going on , the people involved  have to be daft & thus probably not worthy of your kind consideration. It's.a lovely evening here at Brundall Bay . just been watching an otter playing on the grass near our mooring he 

    was having a lovely time until a Labrador off a neighbouring boat spotted him & then he felt the need to go for a swim!

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  9. 2 hours ago, Jonzo said:

    I think Woodbastwick Staithe recently becoming no mooring hasn't helped!

    We've always noticed an increase in river traffic at this time of year, on other rivers as well, not just the Broads. I've always assumed it's because boats sit on their moorings week in week out with nobody going near them and then at the end of the summer the owners suddenly realise they're running out of time and start using their boats before it's too late. This doesn't account for  an increase in Hire boat traffic obviously. That must be down to lower charges on the back of the "return to School" I'd have thought,



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  10. 7 hours ago, Hockham Admiral said:

    Bloomin' eck, Charlie... you don't mess about do you!    :bow

    My father never bought a car that he didn't feel obliged to strip the engine of. In 1953 ( the year is significant) he arrived home with a bright green MG. My mother being very superstitious nearly fainted at the sight of a green car." Fear not" said father When I've finished stripping the engine, I'm going to re-spray the bodywork" What colour we asked, "Bronze" he replied. and he and the car disappeared into the garage at the bottom of the garden.  The car wasn't seen Again for several weeks. This spraying venture was a great novelty, metallic finishes were practically unheard of at that time, involving him mixing his own paint  involving all manner of Alchemy. Finally when no part of the car remained untouched it was time for the unveiling followed by the Sunday drive out to the country. When it came out of the garage, my mother announced "it isn't bronze at all,  it's Gold! !"Less than impressed by her lack of enthusiasm for the new colour,  my father somewhat tersely said "nonsense it's bronze, get in"  Off we went. While driving through the  Hertfordshire countryside somewhere we passed a group of cyclists taking a breather by the roadside, they all got out their handkerchiefs and waved  at us as we went by. "Did you see that?" shrieked my Mother ," They think it's the b****Y golden coach! Take me home at once I've never been so embarrassed in my life!!!" Whereupon she sat on the floor and refused to move until the car and she were back in the garage. It re- emerged a week  later a much more muted shade of Bronze, and drew many admiring glances for  all the right reasons. My father may have been a bit colour blind (to be fair I think the poor light in the garage played a part in the drama)  but he knew his way round engines . He was a spitfire mechanic in the RAF during WW2



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  11. 41 minutes ago, Gracie said:

    Carole, I imagine a very sick mind indeed, I think, for our own well being and peace of mind, it might be best that we don't ever get on the wrong side of our Timbo :facepalm:And I won't be asking im indoors to iron my underwear anytime soon either lol



    I'm 100% with you on that Gracie, Frightening just thinking about it. What else is he capable of coming up with one asks, however it's a purely rhetorical question as one doesn't want to know the answer, it doesn't bear thinking about. I do wonder if the ironing system had anything to do with them going their separate ways 3 days later. if so I'm amazed it took that long!!!



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  12. On ‎02‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 0:38 PM, LeoMagill said:

    For boaty stuff I usually get an internet price and trundle off to ny localish swindlery  chandlery LH Jones at st.ives and they will normally match if they can and often beat it. For bigger stuff I wait till they have an out of season sale.

    We've always found Mick Jones to be more than fair when you want a good price and there is usually exactly what you want in stock. Bonus for me is that when we go to Jones I usually manage to get my husband to spring for lunch in the Dolphin. Result!



  13. 8 hours ago, Gracie said:

    On behalf of the women of the NBN, I would just like to say that we know exactly what you're up to when you make a pigs ear of the cleaning, cooking, shopping etc, you pretend to be so useless at it that we will turn round and say "Just leave it, don't bother, I'll do it myself" ..........You may have a smug grin on your faces thinking how you have won another 'battle' but fear not we will make you suffer in more ways you could ever think possible :naughty:

    And another thing, women don't nag, if you just do as you're told in the first place the word 'nag' wouldn't exist :dance


    p,s  Im indoors said to me "You never bring me breakfast in bed" I said "If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the ruddy kitchen" :naughty:

    Gracies What's good for the goose etc., When first married my new husband asked me press his suit trousers. I had already discovered that I loathe and detest ironing with a passion. So this request didn't go down well. I merely asked in all innocence " do I have to turn them inside out to avoid making them shiny?" He pressed them himself and never asked me to do it again. Result!!!



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  14. 1 hour ago, ranworthbreeze said:

    Hi Mark, 

    I have not done this but a very large steel boat that used to be near us set off with their shore power cable still attached, we were having breakfast watching them do all of their pre-checks before setting off, sadly they forgot to unplug, the cable ripped the post off of the pontoon, leaving the mains dangling and the water pipe was fractured. On seeing this the skipper was paying more attention to what had happened rather than where he was going and ploughed into  a boat opposite.

    I went and insulated the mains and capped of the water pipe until it could be rectified by Tingdene.

    I did not know about the issue with someone using your electric post, so a small lock might be the answer.

    The Tingdene staff are very good, they have accepted deliveries for the boat and will go and put on electric post for us during out of season. 

    Carole the road does need working on, maybe we should all ask Mark or Christine when it is going to be resurfaced.



    Oh Alan We wish! We swopped the Jag for a 4x4 because the potholes are such  a challenge. An enquiry in the office produces the answer that they will be working on it soon. Such work,  from experience,  involves  filing In the holes in the first section in such a way that, we will  all be walking in tar on the first warm day.( I all but ruined a new pair of Chathams last summer, a very patient husband and a bottle of white spirit saved the day not to mention the white carpets on the boat) then re-distributing the shale in the second section. both very temporary solutions. As for asking when they will re-surface, You make Christine faint if you want to! I'm not brave enough!



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  15. we.ve always found Ting Dene to be very good with matters relating to the electricity. Some time ago they altered the tariff to facilitate a small rise in the cost of electricity after which we found we seemed to be using  rather more than the increase would account for. We took it  up with with Mark who  promised to check the meter which they promptly did and he also gave us some  cards which more than covered the amount we felt we had overpaid by .We've always had the best service from this marina in every aspect. Just wish they'd do something about the awful road!




  16. 12 hours ago, marshman said:

    Sadly Chris is correct - all been thought of before I believe but blown out of court by the marina owners for any number of reasons. Or so i believe!!!

    Could call it Airmarina!

    Our experience with being off our mooring for any length of time is that marina owners want to let it to someone else in our absence. While we were moored at Ely marina we were actually asked by  the then owners to let them know if we were going to be off our mooring for a planned trip so that they could let to someone else on a temporary basis during our absence. on another occasion the present owners mistakenly thought we were away for 2 weeks and we returned to our mooring and found a narrow boat on it which kindly left  a load of bitumen on our static fenders. So I think it is unlikely that marina owners would approve of a share Scheme which we have often thought would be a good idea. but it seems that marina owners take the view that the mooring remains their property to do with as they wish regardless of whether it is let on a  yearly basis or not, thus if they get an opportunity to let it again for  a short  period that is a bonus. I think it has precious little to do with insurance it's pure opportunism.



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  17. This business of running engines is a bit of a conundrum. Of course needing something fairly basic like hot water is not unreasonable. I think most antipathy towards folk who run their engines stems from being the victims of inconsiderate incidents such as the hire boat moored near to us at Loddon the weekend before last who started his engine at 9.00 pm and ran it for a considerable time and then  again at 7.15am. Had he been moored next to us without doubt we would have "had a word" which would probably not have been very well received. It mostly takes a bit of common sense and consideration for it not to be a problem. I don't think there is a solution to the problem of the smelly engine. That's a pain whatever time it is running.



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  18. Our first boat was a Shetland 760. one of only 3 made. Perfect size for us two and the occasional pair of guests. What should be considered is that if you choose to buy a boat you're not just buying a boat you re buying into a  completely different style of life. Because boat ownership is life changing. Boating is like Marmite you either love it or hate it! if it's the former, it takes priority over practically everything else.
    Don't even consider it if you are not reasonably handy at routine maintenance. If you have to pay someone to do the most minor things like winterising , oil changes etc. it will be eye-wateringly expensive. Just think of a boat as a hole in the river into which you continually pour your dosh! Surprisingly, if you love your boat you won't mind the cost a bit. If they want virtually instant friends,( there's no-one nicer than the boating fraternity), an ever-changing fascinating environment and instant sanity tell them to go for it!!



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  19. 11 minutes ago, Wussername said:

    News on the street is that The Lord Nelson at Reedham will open this Friday.
    But don't blame me if it doesn't.

    A quantity of beer was delivered yesterday.

    The outside of the premises has been sympathetically restored to its former glory and looks quite magnificent. A credit to all concerned  and a very welcome contribution to the riverside at Reedham, which has in the past looked a bit tired and neglected.
    There is great expectation that good food and beer will provided, no reason to think otherwise as the landlord has considerable experience.
    Once again we will see on the southern rivers innovation, dedication and commitment which can only attract the discerning visitor be it private or hirer.

    Watch out the North I say!



    Sshhh! don't tell everybody or we'll be crowded out.



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  20. 2 minutes ago, BroadScot said:

    You girls should really update your sat navs :naughty: I use my eyes, even though I have Tom Tom!



    that's all very well Iain, but in addition to eyes one needs a sense of direction and as my husband will tell you, when they gave those out I got called to the phone!



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  21. 54 minutes ago, Gracie said:

    Yep, I am one of those people missing a brain I'm afraid, when I first ever used my sat nav I ended up in a farmers field :facepalm:I loved JA's post, can you imagine Jaws sitting on the back of Orca, enjoying a beer and the tranquility, Spirit of Breydon turns up and hauls him off, only to have photos posted on every Broads forum and the faceache thing for us all to say "You really should have known better" :norty:

    Best not to get our knickers in a twist over this, it has been happening for years and probably will for years to come, no matter what it says in the user manual, things happen, whether it be mechanical failure, loss of concentration or plain stupidity, it will happen, no amount of signage or chains is ever gonna change that lol


    I remember faithfully following the sat nav and finding myself on a private driveway in Hendon while trying to find the back way into Brent Cross in an effort to avoid the dreaded north circular.



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