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Posts posted by addicted

  1.  A good few years ago when we were on the Great Ouse, we ordered a new canopy for our Fairline Mirage  from a Norfolk based  company who shall remain nameless. We paid a sizeable deposit and heard no more for quite long time, then someone came who made a  pattern canopy out of polythene in the usual way, a few days after which we received an invoice for the full amount. By this time we were well past the promised completion date so we phoned to ask what was going on and why they were asking for payment in full when we hadn't even seen the canopy . There was no one answering the phone so we were obliged to leave a  message on the ansaphone. We did this about 6 or 7 times never receiving  a call back however we did receive plenty of full payment demands. One morning my husband opened yet another of these demands, after which I phoned the company again and left the following message " If this message is ignored as all the others have been, my husband will climb into his car and drive to your factory to make his opinion of your performance thus far known to you personally, trust  me you do not  want this to happen" We received a call back within 2 minutes. We eventually got the canopy which was o.k. but I would never recommend the company involved for all sorts of reasons,



  2. 18 hours ago, ZimbiIV said:

    Just had a cold call while I was in my shed (smallest bedroom) so I put the phone to the radio, just in time for Donna Sommer to sing........

    "Enough is enough is enough I can't go on."

    Caller hung up for some reason.

    Can anyone think of a better tune to have been playing?


    That reminded of one Hot Summer Saturday night when we were stuck in a traffic jam driving along Piccadilly London. Along side us was an open top car with a couple of lads in who were playing the most diabolical music. My husband wound down his window and  told them their taste in music was awful  and said " now this is decent music and turned on our CD player having no real idea what would play and it was Donna Summer and Barbra Streisand belting out" Enough is Enough"! The timing couldn't have been better, they couldn't believe their ears and roared with laughter.







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  3. Every spring on Brundall Bay marina a cuckoo arrives. Each spring I llisten

     for it and get anxious in case it has  come a cropper somewhere on the way. It is such a relief and I am so delighted when I hear it for the first time. then after  a few weeks when it's constant and repetitive call is driving me cuckoo I wonder why I am so anxious to see it back each year:mad:




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  4. 2 hours ago, grendel said:

    many years ago in the 70's my mother had to spend a few days in hospital. thus my father took over the cooking for the duration. being an ex naval type he had been around the world and knew about foreign food.

    He cooked us a curry one night, it consisted of a tin of minced beef, a tin of mixed veg, and a tin of rice pudding. all mixed in a saucepan and heated up.

    It didnt contain any spices, or curry powder.

    To this day my sister and I remember this meal, and to this day we constantly remind my dad of his culinary expertise.

    That sounds truly appalling.  No wonder you and your sister have never forgotten it!  Surprising really, as I've always found ex naval bods to be very clued  up on the domestic front.




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  5. The amount of changes we have seen in our lifetime in just about every area of our lives, not just  food, have to amount  more than any previous generation has had to cope with. What a wonderful lot we are to have taken all this stuff in our stride and of course lots of us on this forum seem to have grandchildren who make wonderful translators of every day life if things really  need qualifying, a small bit of help and advice and off we go again getting on with it. I think we should all give ourselves a pat on the back..



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  6. Dusty dog probably made a better fist of the dinghy than some people I've seen, in particular me. My  husband bought me a dinghy and outboard. I just couldn't get my head round the principle of the tiller as opposed to a steering wheel.. We were out on the river at Denver Sluice on the great Ouse where the river is very wide I was at the tiller.," Steer the other way",  says my husband "steer the other way!", STEER THE OTHER WAY YOU SILLY C*W!  !  " I AM STEERING THE OTHER WAY!!!  BANG!:shocked Who put that jetty there? What a stupid place to put a jetty! I never did get used to pointing the tiller the opposite way to where I wanted to go:8_laughing:,




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  7. You're absolutely right of course. Some years ago before we moved out boat to the Broads. we were spending a day with a friend on his boat who  had moved there from the Ouse. We were moored on the island at Horning, sitting in the cockpit chatting when suddenly there was a series of bangs  and crashes  getting out to investigate my husband found a hire boat had  come in in front and their dinghy on a long rope was smacking into the bow of our friend' s boat. A complaint from my husband received the response "We've been told to keep it on a long rope" " Yes maybe so" said my husband but not when you're moored and not if it is banging into someone else's boat. They couldn't understand why he was cross  and told him he was an unreasonable man!  It  almost put me off moving to the Broads as you didn't get situations like that on the Ouse and I had the feeling that  if someone did that to our boat  his response would probably have landed him in jail!



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  8. Cruising along the Chet last Summer returning from Loddon we met a hire boat coming towards us with a dingy on the usual long rope as we past on a bend the dinghy swung out across the river and smacked into our hull. We were not impressed!



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  9. Well it's true I can  still manage the heels, but the bikini?  I  don't think so as for chatting up Frenchmen wine is a much better option. I reckon you must have a head start on me, read the post before you get  started, they were Englishmen!!



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  10. John Don't imagine for one moment that just because she doesn't read this forum she doesn't know she is being short changed Not much gets past us girlstwoguns. I should have added in my previous post "dinner booked tonight in my favourite restaurant. Now you know just how lightly you are getting off. She's obviously a very generous minded lady.




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  11. 2 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

    Three women, only three!  On top of that I have sixteen female chickens, four female boats, five female grandchildren, a female prime-minister and a female Queen!

    Every man should have a shed/bolt hole, a handy local serving Adnams, infinite patience, a tool box, a wooden boat and a fishing rod.

     All those females in your life!!! My word  some men have all the luck.:clap




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  12. Teenage girls and boys. Ushering one poor unfortunate besotted individual out the side door while another rings the front doorbell.. The house used to fairly buzz with activity. It used to be such fun never  a dull moment.. When my husband and I got married I tried to warn him that having a teenage daughter was a a whole new ball game to having a teenage son which is what he had at the time and because his son was a bit of a Lothario, my husband thought he'd seen most things  in the teenage romance scenario. How wrong he was. He spent most of the time  in a bemused state trying to keep pace  with the comings and goings. That self professed un -shockable man of the world I married was frequently to be seen with a dropped jaw of astonishment.

     That teenage girl is now a responsible accomplished business woman making an excellent job of  bringing up 2 teenage girls of her own. I've told her to make the most of it .I wouldn't have missed it for the world

    . It seems Romance is still alive and kicking here  after 30 years together, I woke up this morning to a beautiful bunch of red roses and  a lovely card. Happy Valentines Day everyonecheers








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