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Posts posted by addicted

  1. 19 minutes ago, Bound2Please said:

    CarolE phones are made for talking, texting and that's it. We have computers to every thing else. Mind tell my 4 gransons that and they'll say but grandad how can you survive without a smart phone ....

    Cgarlie :kiss

    Couldn't agree more Charlie. Although having said that I like to use the phone to remind me to send cards , keep appointments etc.,  as spending so much time on the boat as I do during the summer I tend to lose track of stuff. I don't need it for internet access having got the wilful tablet!




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  2. 1 minute ago, grendel said:

    what is the new nokia like phone? I have been struggling away with a blackberry (discarded by my wife), until all the buttons fell off, and have just transferred to a second identical blackberry that the daughter had spare. but for all that I use a phone for, the blackberry is a waste, now if I could tether the laptop to the internet through it, that might help, but I cant.

    Hi Grendel, it's a Doro 6520 flip phone which reminds me of my favourite phone of all time from way back which was a Sendo and given how long ago it was way ahead of it's time, It couldn't be  simpler to use.



  3. 6 months ago I was forced to get a  new phone because my dear old Nokia had got a bit cranky  (like me). The only thing on offer was a so called Smart phone. I'm sure the vile thing was invented to torment me . It buried messages, Lost stored info. and was reluctant to turn on and that's just a tiny part of it 's shortcomings. In the 6 months I had it  my mastering of it never improved and usually I'm not too bad at learning to use a new phone. This weekend I saw advertised a phone that promised to be very much like my old Nokia. So this morning I hot footed it into town and bought one! I was vindicated somewhat when I gave my Smartphone to the chap in the shop to transfer my data onto the new one he laid it on his desk while he sorted  out my new one and he looked down at it and said" what the hell is it doing? Crumbs it's got  mind of it's own hasn't it? So it wasn't just me, the phone was truly awful.I 've just spent half an hour loading all my settings on to the new one without even referring to the instructions. Marvellous! I feel as if I've got my life back.




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  4. As soon (if) as I hear ours I'll post. Every year I worry in case anything has befallen that pesky bird. I'm so relieved when I hear it for the first time. My p!easure lasts for about a week or so then it's constant call drives me nuts. Why do I want it to be here safely I ask myself each Spring.








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  5. While cruising the Great Ouse once we saw a hire boater stuck fast in a reed bed. We told him to toss us his lines and we would tow him off .The response was a very snooty "we're not allowed to do that according to the hire company rules."  With this his wife threw us the lines saying" You can sit here all day obeying rules if you like but I'd rather  get going" and giving us a brilliant smile said thank you. We towed them off without so much as a nod of acknowledgement from the husband.





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  6. My first experience on a river craft was 1989 .newly married, we bought a Shetland 760 with a Mercruiser 898 engine. My husband had owned several boats before , the last one being a Broom 30. The first day on our new boat he, armed with a camcorder sent me out to cruise round the marina lake.  I got on fine even managing to bring it in to pick him up from the pontoon without clattering it. I was hooked from that moment on but didn't discover the joy that is the Broads till 2010




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  7. Thanks all for the explanations So now I know. Charlie I've never seen towie. I think the whole attitude came about because Essex is East of London. While Brentwood may boast more than it's fair share of doxies it also boasts an excellent school.



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  8. Both my husband and I grew up in North London and houses in  streets that we thought of as slums now fetch in excess of £1,000,000! In fact the house I grew up in owned by my father would fetch an eyewatering sum now I wish he was still here to know this I can't even imagine his astonishment.  He moved us to what he considered to be a much better neighbourhood when I was 16. The house he left is now worth more than the house he bought in what was considered to be very upmarket at the time. I still don't understand why Essex became the butt of denigrating humour




  9. 20 hours ago, Brenda152 said:

    Just joined. Hoping for a great time reading all the posts on the Forum

    and perhaps meeting new friends

    Hi Brenda welcome from me too I'm sure you'll enjoy membership here,It's   great fun, and so informative I had no idea I was lush until I found out on here!




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  10. On 11/04/2017 at 9:12 PM, MauriceMynah said:

    Not Rough In Essex???? Ever been to sarfend on dole night?

    I've never understood the 'Essex' thing. Essex has always seemed perfectly o.k. to me boasting some very attractive property. I've enjoyed many a day on the beach at West cliffe and my grandparents had a beautiful home in Canvey Island and I well Remember  the  day my daft dog walked off the cliff at Frinton when I was 9 years old (he survived without a scratch)


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  11. 16 hours ago, Bound2Please said:

    Darlin Carole is peculiar as she has an "E" on the end of her name and that dam "E" causes me to have to keep editing posts that I mention Carol in. 

    The weather will stay fine Carole as I will set Gracie on it wont I darlin if it decides other wise.

    Charlie xx xx :hiding:

    Sorry about the "e" Charlie odd thing is that when I had my daughter, because the "e" kept being left off my name , I called her Tracy without and people put an "e " in you just can't win!




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  12. 41 minutes ago, Gracie said:

    Egg hunt indeed, anyone hides my egg they're in trouble twoguns Pops, I'm not religious and would never mock anyone who is but they broke bread and drank wine in the Bible and that's exactly what I'll be doing apart from the breaking bread bit of course :naughty:


    Nice one Gracie Have a great weekend




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  13. Many years ago when we used to moor on the great Ouse we regularly used to share a lock pen with a group of grey haired ladies who all looked to be in their 70s . They owned a beautiful Ocean 30 that was in breathtakingly good condition and always looked so well cared for. They knew exactly what they were doing and handled the boat really really well.




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