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Posts posted by addicted

  1. 15 hours ago, Ricardo said:

    Trust me you wouldn't want everything that in the act enforcing particularly thoroughly otherwise quite a few would be in trouble , thing is if you don't at least look at it you don't know the rules that govern the broads an not all of them are there for the sake of being just rules a lot of it is safety orientated , so while ignorance might well be bliss its no excuse if you are caught in the wrong .

    However I would like to know what aspects of the Broads act you feel are not being particularly enforced ? .

    Nothing specific I just thought that if I was unaware of stringent or possibly fatuous legislation being in place if it was being enforced I would have been made aware of it




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  2. 1 hour ago, Poppy said:

    I know why women don't like barbecues - it's the rules they can't stand :naughty:


    BBQ RULES ~ Standard Operating Procedures


    (1) The woman buys the food.

    (2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert

    (3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill – beer in hand.

    (4) The woman remains outside the compulsory three-meter exclusion zone where the exuberance of testosterone and other manly bonding activities can take place without the interference of the woman.

    Here comes the important part:


    More routine…

    (6) The woman goes inside to organise the plates and cutlery.

    (7) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is looking great. He thanks her and asks if she will bring another beer while he flips the meat.

    Important again:


    More routine…

    (9) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces, and brings them to the table.

    (10) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.

    And most important of all:

    (11) Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts.

    (12) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed ‘her night off ‘, and, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there’s just no pleasing some women.

    No wonder I can't stand barbecues. In South Africa they're obligatory and called Brais Some houses even have one built in one corner of their Lounge! Our friends there even used to cook their Christmas turkey in one. Practically every street corner on the Cape boasts someone selling Brai fuel.After lengthy stay there I came home still disliking them.





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  3. 50 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    Carol, may I respectfully suggest that you read the Broads Act!:40_rage: 

    I don't think I'll do that I have a strong suspicion that ignorance is bliss in this instance. If it's that draconian I have to think it's not bring enforced particularly thoroughly




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  4. If liveaboards became some sort of recognised project, ways would be found of making it more expensive than it is now with all sorts of rules and regulations being  introduced that would effectively remove the attraction of that way of lfe  and overspill into all aspects of boat ownership. Thusfar boating is relatively red tape and "big brother interference free I'd prefer to keep it that way.




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  5. Glad you see the point Gracie .As you rightly point out the social side is fun, dancing on the table is fun till you get your high heels stuck between the slats! That can make for a very un dignified exit!



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  6. Boating on the great Ouse was effectively ruined by liveaboards as the majority of them are narrow boats that take up much more mooring space than cruisers. The impact there is all the greater because cruisers there of necessity have to be generally smaller than most of those on the broads because of the height and width restrictions of all the locks. They overstay constantly and there is much less of an authority presence their to keep a supervisory eye and what there isn,'t very vigilant.

  7. Am I one of very few people who detests barbecued food? In fact I immensely dislike alfresco eating at all. If the food starts out hot it's co!d long before you get half way through it.It usually consists of indigestible junk smothered in some unmentionably disgusting  sauce! And this is done in the cause of having fun??!



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  8. I don't think for one moment that the BBC will be remote!y interested in the subtle issue of what the Broads are called.Country file will only be interested in wild life  issues and as for anything remotely political the BBC has it's own agenda. Personally I think we could all benefit from the BBC being given a radical shake up and clear out






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  9. 2 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    Shes actually for sale with NBS at Brundle , although she came off the Ouse a couple of years ago , Cerise Lady ( although name will be changed)

    Our preference would be a Northern Broads mooring though not set in stone , so far our list to try  includes NBS wroxham , Sutton Staithe , Coxs Barton Turf and Broadsedge marina are there any more ?

    if survey successful I will seeking for this month onwards 

    This boat was a familiar sight on the Ouse and latterly here on Brundall Bay. I believe she was for a good few years berthed in St. Neots which back in the day was something of an Ocean 30 stronghold .Most of the Oceans were gradually replaced by Sancerres. She  slways appeared to be a  well cared for boat. She's certainly  a good looker! I wish you great joy with her I'm sure she won't disappoint 




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  10. Welcome to the forum from me There are a couple of moorings available at Brundall Bay marina where we moor . We relocated here from the Ouse  in 2010 and wish we'd  done it years ago. This is a great marina with good service and facilities. Hope you get your boat,, if you're buying her on the Ouse it may well be a boat we know . What's she called?





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  11. 1 minute ago, JennyMorgan said:

    I once watched a flotilla of hire cruisers follow each other onto the putty on Breydon. Found out later that it was a large school group each boat having a teacher at the helm. 

    Why am I not surprised at that. So often when having any information concerning today's teachers it seems to me to be a case of the blind leading the blind.





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  12. 22 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

    I have seen privateers doing some incredibly stupid things, witness the RIB collision on Oulton Broad last August that sadly resulted in two disfigured children and their mother. Indeed I'm more inclined to despair at what some privateers do over what hirers ever do. Whilst both factions can be incredibly ignorant privateers surely have no excuse! 

    The excuse is that any nitwit can just as easily buy a boat as as hire one. And buying one isn't necessarily followed by an injection of common sense.




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  13. On 05/05/2017 at 11:43 AM, Jonzo said:

    I didn't realise it was filmed by the people themselves - In which case no problem it being here at all.

    A very daft thing to do, especially on a boat that isn't theirs.

    They probably wouldn't do it if they owned the boat




  14. The Waters Edge at Brammerton has a good reputation,with it's own moorings and outside seating/tables if the weather allows.Good food if a little on the expensive side, however little or no walking required and you can phone ahead and book a mooring




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  15. 2 minutes ago, vanessan said:

    Unbelievable, or is it really!  I can only think that these folk have no common sense, don't read newspapers or watch/listen to the news or they think they are immune to anything going wrong. 

    You couldn't make it up,!




  16. I'm a huge fan of" Strictly" The problem is that when it starts in September we are still using the boat and the time it goes out clashes with going out to dinner which is de rigeur on Saturday nights. I got round the problem by getting a Cello T.V.. which records. It will only record the channel that is being watched but does have a timer  so you can set it up much the same as a video recorder. Works a treat. We liked it so much we bought a bigger version for the kitchen at home. It was relatively inexpensive as well.





  17. 55 minutes ago, Bound2Please said:

    Sadly I still remember both programs ............... does that make me ancient rather than an old fa*t?


    Never let it be said Charlie!



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  18. Welcome  Carol and Keith from me too. Hope you get the pleasure from this forum I've had. It keeps me going through the winter when the boat is under wraps and I'm home not there! Enjoy your boating holiday, hope the weather is kind and not too windy. Your boat looks lovely.


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  19. 1 hour ago, Gracie said:

    A very warm welcome aboard the forum from me :wave

    Have to agree with Charlie, not only the Broads becoming addictive but this forum too

    We have never actually been to a Meet (yet) but great fun by all accounts, especially if you're a bit of a lush who has trouble finding their way back to their boats at two in the morning :naughty: 


    Gracie, How can you resist? Sounds just up your street, (and mine) We can't make it either. Can't get the boat there and the walk from the car park is not an option for me these days.



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  20. Our next door neighours from a few years back were keen gardeners their garden was their pride and joy. One day we were just going out and our neighbour seeing us on our drive came over to show us a little gift her son had just brought round- 2 ducklings She was thrilled. You won't be p!eased for long said my husband, whichever part of your garden they don' t c**p on they'll eat . A few days later we met her outside again having  just returned from returning the ducklings ,from whence they came having swopped them for a pair of lovebirds. We hadn't the heart to tell her that their racket would drive her nuts. We figured she'd find that out for herself They lasted a week!




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