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Posts posted by addicted

  1. 4 hours ago, Baitrunner said:

    I don't think we eat enough of it to worry about it. And only buy the English stuff. 

    In fact first bunch last night. And a good price from Morrisons. Not normally a fan of theirs but spotted it at the weekend. Lovely with some fish and new pots.

    Now we haven't mentioned the Asparsgus wee syndrome that doesn't affect everyone apparently.:bow

    I wasn't going to mention that, wasn't sure it was that widely known. Strangely don't remember this  being an issue when we were younger. So have to wonder if it's something that occurs later in life. Incidently my father who had a language all his own always called it Sparrers a**e




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  2. Is it true that asparagus causes issues such has been mentioned here? We eat a lot of it all year round (don't mind the foreign stuff it's o.k. if you're selective) I' ve never heard of it having arthritic effects before or gout come to that . I thought the latter was due to a surfeit of good living! ( or something like that!)




  3. 1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

    WDC, grrrrrrr, they don't want you to put grass cuttings in your black bin when you could pay £45.00 extra for a green bin. Totally daft as I can still bag it & take it to the recycling centre and no one bats an eyelid!

    Did you buy your car so that it could double up as a dustcart? I don't think so! That's the viewpoint from which  I see this deplorable situation.



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  4. 1 hour ago, wombat nee blownup said:

    As there are clearly people who cant see why its nice to have a bit of leccy in the cooler months of boating and have a gripe about it coming out of their tolls too even though they don't use the posts then why cant I pay a reduced toll because I cant get under Potter or Wroxham bridges so missing out on a substantial area of boating. It's just how it is  and I  am not here moaning that I want a lesser toll because of that.





  5. Of course you're sick of it as are we all. Town hall no marks being paid obscene salaries to make a bad fist of just about everything they do. I'm sick of having to reorganise my schedule in order to get the bins emptied because to miss  1collection is to to wait 2 weeks for another. Meaning  4 weeks old waste in the bins. No thanks! Why do we have to pay so dearly for services that are so much cheaper in other countries? A more appropriate name for this country would be gravy train! Rant over!




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  6. 25 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    Carole, you are not the only person to have discovered the shortage, I have a very indignant near neighbour in the same boat and who is off on his boat at the end of the week! This really isn't the first example of how out of touch the management is. Surely they have some idea of just how many cards were used last year. How many boats plug in, a thousand perhaps? Each buying five cards, hardly rocket science.

    The chap I saw at Yare house today seemed to  think the cards would be there tomorrow if that's any help to your neighbour.




  7. Just been to Yare house to swop our out of date cards for new ones Guess what? They've run out! They're sending to me here at the marina The cxhap I saw said they had had 5000 go in a couple of weeks. I told him in no uncertain terms that it was gross inefficiency and enquired of him"" haven't you upset boaters enough "?

    He agreed, although in truth it's not his fault I was shooting the messenger somewhat.




  8. Local authorities charge exorbitant sums for waste disposal and then are so surprised to find themselves having to pay out for the clearing of fly tipping sites. I've always thought it wrong to have to pay to dispose of domestic waste.  It's greedy of councils to impose these charges and pure opportunism. I've alwaysthought that if they provided it as a service flytipping incidents would be drastically reduced. Of course there will always be the individuals who can't be bothered to go to the depot so it will never be completely eradicated.





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  9. Just now, Bound2Please said:

    Well CarolE its all about getting away from hustle and bustle of everyday life. Its good to go without TV radio computers interweb  and the likes. Relax have a drink or half dozen chat with like minded peoples, and just watch nature at its finest.

    I too have done the sea thing, but in fishing boats, and yes one piece of sea looks like all rest. But the wave patterns do change as do the swells. 


    Spot on CharliE for me mains is not about t.v., charging gadgets(why?) or anything like that it,s about making sure the fridge is working correctly (don't fancy getting salmonella) and showering in warm water.




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  10. 1 hour ago, Bound2Please said:

    Agreed CarolE but they are not Superior in any way shape or form, and neither are motor boats, in fact all boats share the same water so are equal in that fact.

    Electric posts are a new fangled thing of the last few years, that in my opinion take away what boating is all about. The original idea as charging stations for electric powered craft is what they should have been left as. When we first hired the boat we had used gas lamps for lighting.  Before you all say it I was born in the 20th century.


    Just what do you see as boating being all about Charlie? For me it's about being on the water seeing something new  and different every day. That's why the sea holds no appeal whatsoever. As the song goes "I joined the Navy to see the world and what did I see I saw the sea! Having done alittle sailing I spent more time looking at the sail than arfound me!




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  11. Absolutely right I very much dislike the "them and us" attitude that seems to be the wayof so many sailies . I know (before anyone tells me) that not all think that way but enough of them do to make it noticeable. We all have different preferences, mine is a comfortable cruiser, with as many mod cons as possible to make it's use as user friendly as possible I' m too long in the tooth to rough it and see no merit in doing so. During the Summer we



    spend more time on the boat than at home , retirement permits that. Would I be able to do that if we owned  a rag and stick, well no! Have I ever had the slightest inclination to





    own such  a craft? Again no but I appreciate that many  absolutely love that type of craft , I just wish that so many of them would not try to promote the notion that that type of boating is in some way superior!

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  12. 2 hours ago, LondonRascal said:

    I may have said this previously, but while it was a nice idea originally to have the electric posts at various locations, and originally was to be a network of 'charging posts'.  Good idea poorly managed.  I say that because nobody seemed to take account of the fact that many many privately owned boats at the time (and perhaps the odd hire boat too) had shore power connections.  The leads being identical to the new 'charging posts' being installed.

    You did not need to be too clever to figure out anyone could use the new posts and get the top up cards for them.

    If it was a real initiative and push to encourage electric boating, there should have been closer consideration given to the use of the posts and their locations and to have a 'standard' on the Broads that builders of boats followed along with the post manufacturers and equipped both electric post and boat with a connector different to standard marina used shore power cables. Only electric boats could use the posts and the idea of electric boating may have flourished a little more than it did.

    My other gripe is what people who use the posts seem to use them for - it has become almost automatic that you arrive, there is a free post, you plug in yet the boats equipment simply does not need this shore connection leave aside the cost of the electric.

    I'd understand it if it was a case in winter with additional heating, or perhaps for cooking but to watch some telly and charge some devices on the boat up really surprises me.

    Why should it surprise you that not everyone's agenda is the same as yours? We always plug in if there is the opportunity to do so I'm always mindful of the power used by the fridge on a hot day, and prefer not to have to worry about draining our batteries  if I can avoid it.  In days gone by we had a 3 way fridge, 12v while cruising gas when moored , mains when on the marina. I preferred this system but boat safety testing now precludes this option. The only reason we plug is because of the fridge. If electric posts means not having to endure the noise and smelly fumes from  a generator then good !




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  13. Big sighs of relief! Tony should have had more faith, bet there's celebrations in your house tonight! All London final, should make good viewing Even though I'm a Spurs lady I'll be routing for the gunners come the day! Just as Tony does for the Spurs as long as it doesn't clash with the interests of the Arsenal.








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  14. Deep despondency here today Gracie sorry to have to tell you Tony isn't confident  Arsenal have what it takes at the moment and like you he's a fan. I' m really gutted the Spurs lost For the first time in a very long time I thought we were going to pull it off Did I drown my sorrows last night? You bet - Big Time!




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  15. Well now Gracie Will our lads do their stuff today or will I be the unhappy recipient of a triumphant text from my Blues fan no. 2 grandaughter? Will I be toasting their victory or drowning my sorrows in The Yare tonight?




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  16. Well you would if you're on board on your mooring as you're so close to us. I wonder when it arrived as there was no sign of it at the time of our leaving here Tuesday morning. Hope you're enjoying your stay . The weather forecast isn't looking too wonderful for the coming week is it?






    He's made it! He's arrived safely back here I' m delighted to report that,

    I've just heard the cuckoo here on Brundall Bay marina for the first time this year. I'm planning to be here for the week so by this time next week after a week of his call I'll probably be going slightly cuckoo myself


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  18. When we first arrived on the Broads in 2010 Somerleyton  Bridge was only being opened for passage through for two short windows a day. We were on our first trip, following a friend who was showing us the ropes. We arrived downstream of  Somerleyton shortly before the bridge was due to open and there were quite a few very large craft hovering waiting to go through. When we finally did go through we couldn' t believe our eyes. There were myriad craft all over the river going in every which direction,  and just to add  to the mayhem. several hire boats who had been moored at the mooring just upstream of the bridge . just pushed off with no thought  as to oncoming craft, one such boat came a long side us  on the port side so close I could almost reach and touch his boat, I leant out of our boat and politely asked him if he would drive his car like that?  With a surprised look he shook his head, I then equally politely suggested he  throttle back and go behind where he should have stayed in the first place which he immediately did. It all sorted itself out in the end but was a very bizarre situation which made us wonder if we had made a mistake In relocating.



  19. On ‎20‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 9:11 AM, NorfolkNog said:

    Glad you enjoyed the Dog Inn - excellent pub IMHO also I must compliment you in your taste in beer - Humpty Dumpty and Broadland Sunrise in particular are two of my favourites. cheersbar

    Sorry to hear about the mooring - Ludham Bridge always seems to be one of those windy spots and of course whichever bank you choose the wind is always blowing off it, it's sods law. It's not infalable by any means but Mrs Nog always gathers both stern and bow ropes together and provided the stern rope is long enough it's usually possible to step ashore and you immediately have control of the boat to pull the stern in. It works for us (but no granny and eggs intended :-)

    Well done Mrs.Nog. When we used to have boats of about 30' or there abouts  I always used to get off with both ropes and could never understand why others didn't see the logic of this. While moored at Reedham Ferry a couple of seasons  ago a Freeman 27 came in and finished with the wife on the bank with the bow rope and the stern off on it's own course to wards the centre of the river. When they finally got in  (with our help)  the wife berated her husband for the mess that they had got into. She wasn't best pleased when I told her that in fact it had been her  fault for pulling on the bow rope ( a common mistake) The poor man was embarrassed enough without getting a rucking for something he wasn't really responsible for. I pointed out the advantage of getting off with 2 ropes ,  and hoped that she would adopt that method in future.



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  20. back in the '70s I was living in Enfield, and my next door neighbours originated from Grimsby Whenever their parents came to visit they would always bring us a huge parcel of fresh (very fresh) fish. Delicious!




  21. Welcome Merlin, My first boat was a Shetland 760 and was the great love of my life for many years.  Even though the boat we have now  is  bigger and grander  my first boat still holds a special place in my heart.  I saw her out on the river  some time back and her owners,  looking at the boat we have now were frankly  bemused  at my obvious love for their boat.




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  22. Just now, LondonRascal said:

    My Mum had a Sony Android phone, and would complain bitterly about things which I would shrug off as her not being able to understand how to use it properly but it was not until I got down to use it myself that I found out just how bad it was.

    All phones are not equal and sadly there are many out there which are just not capable of running the the operating system and Apps smoothly which causes everything to go slow and generally fall apart the moment you begin adding to it - things like texts, photos, other Apps and so on.

    She now uses an Honour 7 - it is the 'cheapo brand' of Huawei but it works really well, is snappy and takes great photos and a battery that with moderate use will last a couple of days between re-charges. Not all Android phones are equal and in my experience it is far better to get one online so you can actually have a try and see and send it back, for when you buy in store you can't just take it back used and swap it unless you happen to buy from somewhere that is accepting of such.

    The Smartphone I had was an Android but then so is my tablet and that has a mind of it's own as well it must be an Android thing as a friend of mine had to abandon her phone also an android.  y new one was advertised as costing from £39.99 pay as you go.  But I've got  contract with Vodophone that's so cheap they practically pay me! So I bought the new one from them at £59.99. still very cheap really. Spending so much time on the boat from April- November (we're only home for about 4 days a month) it's quite important for me to have a reliable phone.



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