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Posts posted by addicted

  1. thanks for the tip off, I certainly wouldn't go in there on the back of what occurred. I don't see how there could have possibly have ben a misunderstanding. What's not to understand about a lone helmsman in difficulty? A request for assistance should not have even been necessary it should have been on offer.



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  2. Welcome to the forum from me also,  there's every possibility that you'll find the forum addictive as well as the boating. I've been addicted to boats since my first owned boat 30 years ago. Never hired in this country only on the Canal du Midi in France, which we  absolutely loved. Hope you have a thoroughly enjoyable holiday.




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  3. Going back to the boat tomorrow for a few days . We found  some of the curtains had succumbed to mildew when we went last week so brought them home to wash. Tried vinegar, and "pink  stuff" but marks still there although improved. Can't attack them with too much gusto as the lining seems a little fragile in places and liable to tear. They look O.K.,  as they say "  a blind man would be glad to see them" The hardest job promises to be hanging them again, -  tiny hooks and inaccessible tracks. We're really not looking forward to that but once it's done we can get down to simply relaxing which we've not been able to do thus far because of the required cleaning schedule, although Tony will want to finish polishing I 'm sure, Strange man actually finds cleaning the boat therapeutic.:mad:



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  4. I remember seeing a film on T.V.. once designed to demonstrate how fuel vapour travels. With a special effects camera they filled vehicles at a petrol station and the vapour was made visible I've never forgotten how far and quickly it travelled, the memory of it comes back clearly each time I'm in a fuel station.


  5. Thanks to everybody who responded, I have passed on the information and he is very grateful.   I did explain  that I had been sure of getting an informed response as beer is a subject close to  your hearts. Again, thanks all:6_smile:




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  6. Just spent two nights on board our first this year. The boat is now spotless It took Tony 2days to do the outside and he has the aching back to prove it! He has even polished one side Luckily our neighbour's boat is on  hard standing so we were able to move over to access the port side which was a real help, because even though Tony claims he can walk on water he never seems to manage to clean the port side while we are on our mooring! We're now looking forward to the coming season , let's hope the Summer weather is kind to  us. Happy boating every one!







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  7. The son of our marina neighbours has just moved his boat to Horning and he is horrified attempt cost of a pint compared with he South Coast can anyone suggest a use friendly pubthatoffers good beer at a reasonable price please




  8. I'm cooking lunch today for Daughter, son in law and friends No. 2 granddaughter is going to the England match courtesy of her new boyfriend. For your  further education Gracie carbolic is a particularly stringent and unpleasant form of soap used ,many years ago when dirt of all types was more  prevalent.  Don't put it anywhere your mouth! That was a bit extreme Charlie:naughty: even for you.

    Have a nice day everyone:) 



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  9. Oh how envy you girls with lovely mums because, quite simply my mother wasn't, Each year on Mothering Sunday  I used to struggle to find a card that wasn't full of "what a wonderful mother you are" I'm sure you can have no idea how hard it is to finds a  card that  isn't full of the sentimentality that would have been so inappropriate, lucky  you. On a happier note my mother in law was a lovely lady who I knew  and loved for most of my life and who for most of my life was like a second mother to me. Long gone now and missed very much indeed



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    We have attended this event several times and have always found it to be disappointing in it's content On one occasion we took a friend who had just purchased his first boat and needed just about everything! All that seemed to be on offer was second hand tut and we came away empty handed, so anything that could raise it's profile cannot be a bad thing, if the costs to you to exhibit are not too steep it might be worth a go.



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  11. I think we all can see that these terrorists are motivated by blind hatred. Is there anyone out  there who can explain  to me what it is they hate so much and why? It's quite true to say they are not like us. When we see news reports of the dreadful things they do to their own citizens in particular women who have done nothing wrong, we're horrified and utterly replulsed but we don't go and blow them up or mow them down because of it,.

    Vive la difference



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  12. Just now, Gracie said:

    Sorry if I'm banging on about this but it's murder and terror plain and simple, live by their rules or face the consequences of being blown up, mown down or having your head hacked off

    Another poor victim lost his fight for life last night, an elderly gent going about his business, another family that have to face a loved one never coming home again

    It breaks my heart it really does


    It wouldn't be so bad Gracie if the rules they want to impose weren't 2000 years out of dat.e I can't believe anyone raised in the civilised world would seriously advocate changing their way of thinking to just to appease and accommodate this scum.



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  13. 1 hour ago, YnysMon said:

    I fear that Brexit and Trump will make the situation worse ...the seeds of terrorism are sown by alienating people.

    It seems to me that the only way not to alienate these "people" is to give them appeasement  which would mean you living your life the way they deem right. .I don't  think you would fancy that much and I know I wouldn't.



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  14. 2 hours ago, HemsbyPie said:

    I was in the British Embassy last month when the Paris attack on the Louvre took place. Yesterday I was within a mile of Westminster. Sometimes brexit & trump don't seem such a bad thing...





  15. It would take a whole lot more than that for any religious denomination to get any attention from me! I remember seeing my dad chasing 2 religion pedlars, who he had found out had been pestering my nan while the rest were out at work,  down the front path with a garden broom! Religion was not a popular concept in my house for all sorts of reasons. Dad used to say it was a dictatorship masquerading as religion. As for tolerance I think there is more intolerance to be found in religion. than in practically any other walk of life.



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  16.    Grendel, You're quite right this type of disgusting act has damn all to do with religion, but the fact of the matter is that unspeakable  atrocities have been carried out in the name of religion for hundreds if not more years. these people are deranged enough to believe that theirs is a noble cause and those of us who seek to disabuse them of that misconception are considered by them to be deluded.

     Ironically, one thing this appalling episode has achieved is to steal the thunder of another  terrorist - the despicable Mcguinness. News coverage of Westminster has prevented the illustrious BBC from subjecting us to hours of eulogising that scum, which would have had my husband apoplectic with rage




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  17. I too am appalled by the events that unfolded at Westminster yesterday but can't help wondering  if the heroic  police officer who lost his life due to being stabbed several times was wearing protective clothing. I have to assume given that the wounds killed him  he wasn't,,. It begs the question why not? He was serving in what must have  been perceived to be a high risk location. Reluctant as I am to strike a note of pessimism ,I honestly don't see how our security forces can protect us against this type of terrorism. They can watch these suspected fanatics till the cows come home,  a car, unlike explosives and bomb making equipment is an every day commodity and the procuring of such is simple and uncomplicated, unlikely to  attract  attention which is obviously why it has become the chosen weapon  While the terrorists  must know that their surviving an attack of this type is unlikely they think they are going to a  better place and have no hesitation in  carrying out a suicide mission. Insanity is notoriously hard to treat effectvely and that ,I believe is what we are faced with, that and downright evil.




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  18. my father was notoriously picky with  food and my maternal nan  never got over the time when knowing he was due home on leave  from the R.A.F and hearing  it was available she queued for 4 hours for some smoked haddock especially for his welcome home meal. Sitting down to eat he saw my mother had something different and much more mundane and immediately asked if she would swop dinners with him. He wasn't being gallant he preferred her meal to his. My nan talked of this incident for years.




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  19. I well remember the day meat came off ration. With great ceremony my nan (who lived with us) announced she was taking me to the butchers to chose my tea, When we got there \I was invited to "look in the window and chose whatever you fancy" Well a load of raw meat didn't hold  any particular  attractions to a little kid  and I remember being singularly unimpressed and couldn't understand why she was so excited, so for  no reason I can think of I chose a lamb  chop.




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