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Posts posted by addicted

  1.   I  can identify with the washing machine saga got that going on here at the moment too in  addition to everything else. The washing machine has started making noises indicating  that the bearings are on the way out. It's not 2 years old The previous machine. wasn't a Rolls Royce of machines -  quite the opposite it was a bog standard  Whirlpool that was supplied as part of the package when we bought a show home.  It was 15 years old by the time it started making the noises the new one is making now and never saw an engineer in all that time. I usually get good service from appliances so am very disappointed with the Indesit I've now got. I e mailed my annoyance and  received a phone call from the service centre today from a very sympathetic  chap who agreed with my assertion that I shouldn't incur any expense (the guarantee has expired all we have is parts warranty) on a diagnostic visit and scheduled an engineer to call next Monday free of charge.  No doubt they will try to charge for the labour in replacing any faulty parts if applicable..  I will make a huge fuss if they do arguing that a machine needing drastic repair after such scant use is not fit for purpose. I'm hoping they try and pull the old "it's hostile water damage that's caused the problem" chestnut. they'll come seriously unstuck if they do - we've got  a water softener, which is probably why the old machine did such good long service



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  2. Thanks all for the advice and the sympathy especially the sympathy! I'll be treating the newly found plumber like royalty. We used to have  British Gas to service the boiler but got fed up with them trying to sell me stuff  I didn't want and then getting all the follow up letters with quotes for  work I had" shown an interest in"  except I hadn't shown interest in any of  it plus the last time they serviced the boiler it wasn't done properly and they sent me £30.00 compensation because of that. I'd rather have a properly serviced boiler thanks very much.



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  3. We needed to have our boiler serviced, a new control fitted to one of the showers  and new kitchen taps fitted, So find a plumber  was the mission. the first few we rang had ansaphones and left messages were ignored.. Of the ones we spoke to, the first wanted  £195.00 plus v.a.t. just to service the boiler. the next made an appointment for a week later and rang on the morning of the appointment to say they didn't have anyone available in the area and best if we found someone else!  At least they let us know. The next lot made an appointment and on the morning of the appointment rang to ascertain exactly what they were coming to do. When the boiler service was mentioned they said they wouldn't be doing that after all as a "gas man" was needed and he wasn't around that day,  But when he was it would cost £99..00 plus v.a.t. They rang later to say they were running late and instead of coming at 11.00am would be arriving at 5.30pm. 5. 30pm came and went and at 6.45 we got a call to say they would be there within the hour.. An hour later 2 decidedly dodgy looking characters arrived. and  on looking at the plumbing under the sink, .started shaking their heads, saying they had never seen a configuration like it before and would have to think about how to fit the new taps while they were fitting the new shower control. This took all of 5 minutes. They then sat at the kitchen table with a calculator and announced that  practically all of the pipework under the sink would have  to be replaced as it didn't comply with regulations and to fit the taps  (we had supplied the taps) would cost  £245.00 plus v.a.t. . We told them we'd think about it and paid the £100.00 asked for the work done so far.  Given that our house is relatively new we were a bit surprised by all this. The next day  while out in the town my husband met one of our near neighbours who just happened to mention that  he had a plumber coming next day to fit new kitchen taps. Would you ask him to come round when he's finished and give me a price for the same job  asked my  husband. Next morning the plumber duly arrived. " dead simple" he said" £30.00 inclusive"  £60.00 to service the boiler.The point to this sorry tale is that I have now had to recognise that  regardless of how we feel ,to the outside world We present the  picture  to those that way inclined of someone who is old enough to qualify to be ripped of big time, A fact that  I  found incredibly unpalatable.:(



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  4. The last three boats we have owned have all had the water pump located in the bedroom.  Not really conducive to a good nights sleep especially when you have overnight guests who "get up" in the night and feel it essential to give their hands a really thorough wash under running water.



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  5. Back in the day, before I discovered boats, cars were my passion. In the early 1980s I had a rather beautiful pale gold JAGUAR XJS. One hot July Friday afternoon my  husband was planning to spend the afternoon travelling round the various building sites we had going, to pay wages. He decided it would be more fun to do this in my car than his somewhat ponderous Range Rover. He wasn't known for his respect or consideration for cars having a rather cavalier attitude. A subject that was the nub of many rather heated discussions.

     I didn't have occasion to use my car again until the Monday morning. When I got in the smell was truly eye watering. I went in search of the cause. On looking in the boot I found  that courtesy of my husband's lunatic driving the tray of eggs I had bought from a local farm and forgotten to remove  were now a smashed, slimy, smelly mess, and worse -  the boot was a seething mass of maggots!

    Dear reader I divorced him!



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  6. The last funeral we attended was in an area unfamiliar to us and we were looking for signs pointing the way.

    The one on the corner of the road where the crematorium was situated helpfully pointed the way to " crematorium and recycling centre!" The Local Authority's version of life after death?

    Hope a ll goes well today Tim



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  7. Tim, Totally fascinating. Can't wait for the next "instalment" I love this sort of stuff.. I've tried to trace my own origins but never get very far as my paternal  great grandparents were Prussian, arriving here in the late 1890s and because of the war my father was very reluctant to discuss  this aspect of his family. Indeed  I only discovered this fact by accident when I was 11 years old and any questions directed to my father about this matter were met with  little or no response so   I learned not to ask. Apparently even though my father was effectively brought up by his grandmother she was very tight lipped about her origins and he had the impression that she had come from a very wealthy family and had eloped with someone her family didn't approve of.

    One story my father did tell was of the occasion when a German plane flew over their garden  in North London strafing. His gran was hanging out washing and seeing the plane coming was heard to yell "Ach mein Gott, The bloody Germans!"


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  8. Lamb Chop bake

     In a shallow oven proof dish place thinly sliced onion, arrange tinned sliced carrots over the top with any other vegetables you fancy. Tinned butter beans works well also tinned chickpeas or sliced fresh courgette, butternut squash etc. thinly sliced,. Pour over tinned tomato soup so that veg is just covered, lay lamb chops on top of the whole lot season well and sprinkle liberally with dried mint, Bake in a hot oven until the chops are brown and crispy = about 45-50 minutes.  serve with jacket potatoes baked at the same time. This is a favourite of my family  on or off  the boat.


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  9. 13 hours ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

    That`s right Paul, and i remember you and Lorna came aboard and had a pleasant evening with us, and we watched your video of your "adventurous trip" across a bumpy Breydon.  I bet your home mooring must have been well flooded too. I did wonder whether my car ever went under water that night at Brundall, but it started fine, and wasnice and dry inside when we got back.



    our car was parked  on Brundall bay marina during the night of those floods and we had to get in through the rear door as the front of the car was axle deep in water and we didn't have wellies with us  which we needed to walk to the front of the car. the water  wasn't deep past about berth No. 65 so cars parked there were unaffected



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  10. Thanks Tim what a great read that was, very poignant and I loved the photos. It says so much good about your dad that you are going to miss him so much. I've no doubt you made it plain during his lifetime how much you loved him and that's probably all he needed to know to shuffle off his mortal coil a contented man



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  11. I well remember being at the helm crossing Breydon one relatively calm day when  what proved to be an enormous seal came out of the water just in front of the bow. I admit it, Loch ness crossed my mind!:shocked" What the hell is that?" I yelled, "It's only a seal you daft bat!" said my husband. calmly.


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  12. Back in the 1920s my father lived with his parents in Millom,Cumberland for a time and while there my nan acquired a working collie from a local famer. They brought it with them when they returned to North London. While out with the dog early one morning my nan was walking past the slaughter house that was close to where she lived, just as she was passing a lorry arrived loaded with sheep. As the unloading of the sheep began the tail gate of the lorry fell off and there was dozens of frantic sheep running all over Phillip Lane a main road in Tottenham, Nan could see the dog was very keen to get going so she slipped his lead and with no instructions he herded them all into the slaughterhouse entrance, much to the delight of the slaughterhouse owner who offered my nan a sizeable amount of money for the dog but she wouldn't sell him. I have no idea what his name was, Dad never said when he told this story.


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  13. when I was about 9 years old we acquired a 2 years old springer spaniel named Skipper. No matter how hard we tried to curb his talent for escaping he always managed somehow to get out and go street raking sometimes not returning until the early hours. Skipper used to do the rounds of cake and sweet shops on the high street in North London where .we lived  and could hold the begging position indefinitely, a talent he put to good use in the middle of the pavement outside the shop of his choice. Skipper had a few personal hates one of which was black people and he was known to jump on the platforms of passing buses to make his feelings on this matter known to the West Indian conductors that were so prevalent at the time.. Most of them came to know him and  never took offence, rather, when the bus passed the bottom of our road they would move down inside the bus so he couldn't see them! The whole area knew Skipper but my dad found another home for him as he was destructive when left in alone and he went to a pub at the Elephant and Castle where he caught and detained 2 burglars, Another of his quirks was that he would let anyone come in but woe betide them if they tried to leave!








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  14. Many thanks and likewise to you and yours .Actually I quite like it when everything is back to status quo. I know a lot of folk feel it al looks quite bare at first and I think the national grid is probably quite grateful for the reduction in demand  when I take down all the  lights.  but on the whole I am quite happy to have everything back to normal  (that's when I've remembered where I've stored everything  that had to be relocated to make room for the decorations) There's something to be said for doing the job  in stages even if it's only so that you don't feel as exhausted as we do at the moment!


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  15. Well that's it for another year, all the decorations down and returned to their storage cupboard. I always prefer to do this a little early as there is always something that escapes our notice and is spotted lurking somewhere obscure a few days later so if we do it early there's no danger of going past 12th night with decorations still up. Silly superstition I suppose but I always observe it anyway,


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  16. We had some friends who owned a  dim but loveable boxer named Benson. The fact that Benson got called to the phone when they gave out doggy brains didn't escape our African Grey named Joe. When Benson came to visit,  Joe from his cage in the study seemed to instinctively know when Benson had finally settled from the excitement of arrival and would whistle him up promising "Walkies," "biscuitt"s and all kinds of things irresistible to Benson . The poor dog would be running from room to room totally confused. iI he went into the study, Joe would promptly go into his totally believable Rottweiler imitation,  terrifying the life out of poor Benson, and as he returned to the lounge and settled  Joe would start the whole procedure again.. Joe lived well into his seventies and although the evil bird being a typical African Grey (they prefer men) hated me with a passion, I do miss him. He had the most amazing vocabulary but he never swore fortunately.



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  17. Happy New Year to each and every one of you. Hope I'm not tempting fate when I say it has to be an improvement on this one which has been a bit of a stinker with so many untimely deaths etc, So here's wishing you  all health and happinesscheers



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  18. 3 hours ago, Timbo said:

    Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts. It really does give a lot of comfort.

    The malarkey has not finished yet however. Following his visit to see his brother I was unable to contact Bill to update him on whats been happening. So I've been unable to settle through whittling after Bill.  Following some detective work on Facebook this morning I've managed to contact my cousin to find out that Bill is now in hospital with exactly the same symptoms as Uncle Albert. You couldn't bloody write this stuff!

    Sorry the angst  is going on Tim let's hope for a  better outcome to Uncle Bill's predicament



  19. 2 hours ago, brandenjg said:

    Were the £15 vouchers solely for use on the product you'd made the complaint against? If so it's a bit of a cheeky gesture offering you more of the product you don't want :P


    No they can used for a wide range of products made by the company some of which I'll be happy   to   use


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  20. Since the early 1980's  I have used the same dishwasher detergent, Eschewing the new kids on the block sticking to my tried and tested. Recently I found |I  was unable to get it and after a few weeks was only able to get  "Gel" as opposed o the liquid I had always used. So in desperation having run out I bought some. "why are all the cups still stained"? asked my husband, "Why indeed" I wondered , This state of affairs continued so I phoned the customer relations dept. of the manufacturer. "is this product in addition to or in place of " I enquired.  " In place of" was the reply. The EU strikes again!   Apparently there were ingredients in the previous product that were considered not to be eco friendly so it ad to be discontinued in it's previous form. .All this interference with the efficiency of products leaving us with products no longer fit purpose is making me downright eco hostile. I told the company  that the new product was not up to standard and not fit for purpose and pointed that it was expensive and I would have to throw it away and buy something else. She was very apologetic but there was no alternative as the EU rules had to be obeyed. This was 3 weeks ago and in todays post  I received vouchers for dishwasher products to the value of £15.00.  Not bad! the downside is that I am still not able to use my preferred product any longer.



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  21. 22 minutes ago, SteveO said:

    We are having a beetroot and goat cheese starter, followed by salmon en croute on Christmas day, Lovely, as it will leave room for lashings of Christmas pud afterwards.



    Salmon en croute? Delish! but  I struggle to be in the same room as goat's cheese. Enjoy!



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