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Posts posted by addicted

  1. I'd like a pound for every time I got a telling off from my nan for stepping on the newly whitened front door step. Her opinion of the new neighbours next door was dependent on the whiteness of the washing on their line Sparkling whites would earn her abject admiration. Her own line of washing was largely dependent on me not pinching a length of it for a skipping rope! That earned me a good  good telling off too on many occasions. That didn't bother me much as I knew my dad was in my camp and not  a big fan of her washing lines strung all round his garden.




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  2. 10 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

    The attraction of a warm, mellow, sometimes flickering glow of a lovingly polished, slightly battered old oil lamp grows stronger by the day! :Sailing

    But not the delightful brown stain it leaves on the ceiling



  3. Only had one experience of running out of water here in Brundall Bay. Last Spring when we had pushed the boat over to the adjacent mooring to access the other side for cleaning when we went to push/pull it back it stuck fast on the bottom halfway over and wouldn't go back onto our own mooring . We had to wait for the incoming tide to give us a bit more depth

  4. We were told today that as and when the electric posts break down on our marina (Brundall Bay ) they will be replaced with the new digital ones. The cards work on the same principal as topping up your mobile phone apparently, the only slight problem is that the marina won't be able to feed your meter on phoned request during your absence in the same way as they do now. It will be necessary for you to leave the card with them and phone a request for them to top it up. As the new cards are non disposable apparently the BA is still trying to come up with a way of collecting them . one suggestion is for boxes to be installled adjacent to the posts on the moorings for used cards to be posted into. One would have thought that such a basic requirement would have been properly thought out prior to altering the posts.





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  5. Came to the boat yesterday intending to stay for about 10 days unless the weather gets too awful and drives us home. Apologies in advance for any peculiarities in my posting .It's likely as I' m at the mercy of the tablet when on the boat and it has a mind of it's own.




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  6. 6 hours ago, riyadhcrew said:

    Hello peeps,

    I'm sitting here 6,000 miles away on a tropical island in 32 degC and I would gladly swap it for the broads. All the videos and photos are what keeps me going every day.

    I think it's what is known as nostalgia Eric, pretty powerful stuff.





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  7.   I remember when we were moored on the Great Ouse, we used to enjoy cruising during the early evening and often used to find ourselves near a riverside pub at a convenient time for dinner. One such evening we headed for a pub planning to have dinner there,  when on arrival we found it was Karaoke night. Not my idea of the best fun! I was persuaded by my more tolerant husband to give the benefit of the doubt. All went O.K. until a girl got up and positively murdered an other wise good song.  I stalwartly stayed with it until the equipment broke down just before the song was due to finish, that was alright but the D.J. .mended  it and worse went right back to the beginning. That was just too much to bear, I was out of there fast! followed by a heartily laughing husband.



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  8. When we bought our present boat, we transferred the necessary funds from various other places into our current account to facilitate the purchase. As when we've done this before, we got a call from the bank (Lloyds) wanting to know why there was so much money in the account and what were we going to do with it., I explained and was told " You do realise that that is an awful lot of money to have in a current account, and if it is  compromised in any was while it is there it is entirely your responsibility" My husband was livid when I told him of this conversation and phoned the manager immediately, making his feelings known. the manager confirmed what we already knew that it was arrant rubbish. and even though he had been told we  were away on holiday proceeded to send an apologetic bunch of flowers to our house where they sat on the doorstep  advertising our absence until my neighbour noticed them and removed them, I told her to keep them by way of a thank you .

    My daughter used to own an estate agency in Highgate North London and had more bank accounts than you could shake a stick at, Landlord's contingency accounts, absentee landlord's accounts etc. ,Barclays  made so many errors she used to receive flowers ands wine  virtually weekly

    . On one occasion when we were cashing  in an ISA over the counter at our local Barclays, we were overpaid by over £2000.00. in cash. When we pointed out the error the response was "what are you going to do with the money you have  drawn out? We had thought a "thank  you may have been nice!







  9. The finding of an old world war 2 unexploded bomb  in London over the weekend reminded of an incident that occurred a few years ago. The small building company I was involved in running was working on the refurbishment of an old house in Edmonton North London. the previous occupant had obviously been elderly as the house as pretty much as it had been built the late  19th century. We sent a labourer in ahead of everyone else to strip it all out. . In a garden shed full of detritus he found what he recognised to be a bomb. He reported to me and I phoned the police who said they would send in the bomb squad. While we were waiting for them to arrive a police constable turned up. Our labourer had meanwhile continued to work inside the  house stripping it out. the constable said to him "I must ask you to stop doing that as you may disturb the bomb and cause it to explode." I can't just stand around said the labourer" "and anyway I' m nowhere near it". He carried on working a and a few minutes later he saw the constable emerge from the shed carrying the bomb, he then placed it in the middle of  the lawn and placed his helmet over it! " that's better " he said you can carry on now. The bomb squad arrived and took it away.





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  10. I once got a very indignant letter from Nat-West complaining that I had gone overdrawn a closer look at my statement revealed that they had been paying my mortgage twice each month. In the same post as their letter of apology was another letter complaining about me being overdrawn!  In my experience there is not much to choose between them. they're all as bad as each other. I always thought it quite significant that when I left school,  banking was one of the few careers that didn't require educational qualifications to offer you a job




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  11. I may be being obtuse here but each year we phone round to make sure we get the best deal.  I didn't know we were supposed to be insuring to comply with the  terms of an Act. What would constitute  not meeting the requirements?




  12. I don't have an explanation as to why women wear sunglasses at night but I do know why they put them on their heads when they're not needed. It's most probably for the same reason that I do,(I don't wear mine at night I hasten to add)it has diddly squit to do with fashion it's simply that if I lay them down I'll probably never find them again!



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  13. 14 hours ago, Lastdraft said:

    Oh no , thought this p**t plied his educated rubbish on the other forum. That's me out of here. 

    I can't begin to say how disappointed I am to find all this stuff on this forum I don't, blame you for feeling  the way you do. if this  continues I'll be doing likewise.



  14. 12 hours ago, Wench said:

    Fortunately for you or me Carole

    Wench cheers

    If Charlie's mischief was a problem to you you'd have cured him of it years ago Inge. Show me a husband devoid of a streak of mischief and I'll show you a wife bored witless .Mine gets a  certain look on his face just before he delivers a pearl. I wouldn't have him any other way.



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  15. You

    2 hours ago, Baitrunner said:

    Reading that it sounds like it's the typical few that ruin it for the others. 

    Thats life I'm afraid which is sad for the decent owners.   

    I dont have a dog and see it as a good thing to be honest. Too many people with dogs assume everyone else loves to be slobered over or have muddy paws put on them. 

    You're right the "love me love my dog" people are  a  pain, but not as bad I think as the parents who because they are on holiday think they are entitled to let their out of control kids run riot driving everyone loopy. Nine times out of ten this situation ends in tears when one of the little darlings comes to grief due to lack of supervision.




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