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Posts posted by Malanka

  1. The day started slowly as the doggies decided to have a lie in, we knew it couldn’t last but we took what little solace we could and awaited the inevitable. The weather was looking good for the day and the trip to Rockland from Loddon is a short one. We weren’t concerned as we knew we could plug in if we had to and we had lashings of hot water from the immersion and yesterdays long trip. We all showered and primped and primed ourselves before we left as we wanted to head into the New Inn early mid afternoon-ish for dinner with the woofters. This was to be their first joint pub trip since Monty was a young pup of 13 weeeks or so.

    Monty is somewhat of a throwback Airedale to our very first one >Barney who was a Norfolk Broads veteran. Barney used to watch me sailing in Hickling from the bow of the Silver Jubilee and even once leaped from the bow of the boat into the water to chase after me as he thought I was sailing away from him. This remarkable thing was made even more remarkable as trying to get Barney to swim was nigh on impossible unless one threw him bodily into the water. He would paddle, but as soon as his back legs started to float and he lost traction at the back end he would gently back out of the water. Nope not doin dat swimmin ting nope now-way matey….NO


    Picture from my white board in my office of me and Barney at Hickling in 1995.


    Monty, is a complete contrast to Boris who will jump in the dinghy on the mere prospect of a swim, Monty is like Barney, no way no swimmin ting.


    Fiona and I walked the woofters about the town and I waited outside the Co-Op whilst essentail supplies for the day after Rockland were sourced in said establishment. Everyone smiles at Airedales, that is every human smiles at Airedales as we believe they look something like fluffy teddies and have a smiley face. Doggies of the small variety and some of the not so small variety somehow wish to get their retaliation in first and just bark at them and in some extreem cases just straight out jump on them. This invariably is a bad idea but they continue to do it through our 6th interation of Airedale kind.    In this regard numerous little doggies were walked past the two seated and bored looking Airedales outside the Co-Op on their hind legs front legs thrashing about and their voices somewhat strained as the collars constricted their woof ability significantly, as their owners negotiated them past our two Airedale terrors. Sometimes the two of them bark back, but not always and it is our intention to get it back to Boris levels which is not at all. He is a bit of a giant and he just doesn’t care. With little dogs Boris is great as he grew up with Louie a Bichon Frise who as far as Boris was concered was just stunted as he didn’t keep up with Boris’s growth spurts. Louie unfortunately crossed the bridge with the aid of a motor vehicle when at the dog walking service, Boris thinks every little white dog he see’s will turn out to be Louie. Its very sweet actually.


    Ok, Showers completed water taken on board, electrics returned to the cupboard and away we go on the short hop to Rockland St Mary, we have texted Lorna and said we are on our way and the reply was we are here already so we knew we would have nice neighbours. The weather was lovely if a lilttle windy and cold at first but the sun started to shine half way down the chet and the canopies amplified the suns warmth into the wheelhouse and we basked like ripening tomatoes in the lovely natural heat of the sun.

    Arriving at the river mouth we splurged to six mph and the clear skies strong wind and empty river made a lovely sight. We weren’t in a rush at all but just enjoyed the day as we headed to Rockland.


    Lovely day lovely journey

    As expected the journey did not take too long and there were very few boats about, but the wind was freshenning throughout the journey. We turned into the inlet for Rockland and the wind disappeared like a scene from a movie, it was quite remarkable but hardly an unknown phenomenon in these parts.

    We pootled down to the mooring and there amongst two other boats was Braveheart, we quickly moored alongside and deployed the mudweight and a line to Bravehearts bow to keep us steady. Immediately we were secure we loosened the zips in the stern well and a black and tan flash rocketted out of the back of the boat and onto the grass. This was a feat that was to be repeated several times in this location much to Monty’s amusement and our annoyance.


    So everything ship shape and younger crew members doing whatever they wanted, and the sun being over a yard arm somewhere, it was prosecco time on Braveheart so Fiona and I went over and said hi and we talked and laughed and had a completely marvellous afternoon as Alex regailed us with tales from his childhood and close encounters with very deep oil sumps. Lorna continued the excellent afternoon by recalling the bad weather the UK had experienced recently and her travails in trying to get to work through the thick of it all.

    Halfway through the afternoon we were joined by Monty and Boris who had decided that Malanka was boring and Braveheart seemd a much better bet to get some treats so they both jumped out of the back of Malanka and jumped onto the back of Bravheart, begged a few treats and then laid down to sleep in the saloon.


    Alex and I wandered over to the pub to say hi and reserve a table for later. Unfortunately our preferred time was after the pub had stopped serving for the afternoon, but instead of disappointing us the Chef said, “I’m only upstairs, what is it you guys would want and I’ll cook it for you”. We said we would take a menu back to the lassies and return shortly with the entire menagerie. How good and accomodating is that? I have to say it’s quite typical of the New Inn Rockland St Mary, they are always great and incredibly helpful in every way. Foods good too by the way.  


    Boats zipped up and everyone prepped we headed to the pub for our first 2 doggie lunch experience for a very long time.

    The pub was almost empty and the dogggies made a B line for the bar where their Aire senses rightly told them were dog treats to be snaffled. Both boys sat and received their treats in regal fashion and we settled down to have our drinks (why wouldn’t you) and await the commestible delights to come.


    The meal was delicious and the conversation delightful. If anyone has not yet tried the New Inn  Rockland, please go and give it a whirl you will not be disappointed. A few doggies came in and a few woofles were exchanged but overall both Boris and Monty did really well for their first joint pub visit.

    We had a super afternoon with Alex and Lorna on Braveheart, a delightful early evening in the pub, and onboard Malanka (our turn to provide the prosecco) we had another wonderful fairly late evening of chat and laughter. Soon it was time for dog perambulation and Befordshire was beconning.

    Tomorrow we had decided to moor in a  new overnight location for us which was Hardley Mill Pontoon. This was why we had purchased the items required for Boaty Spag bol from the Co-Op, which is like normal spag bol but on a  boat. No culinary compromises required.

    Beef tomatoes, pasata, garlic, onions, peppers, beef stock, fresh basil, Italian herbs, tomato puree to be fried in the meat as it then tastes like sun dried tomatoes without the cost, red wine (a nice one please), olive oil, butter and bread (can’t have spag bol without garlic bread)  and of course decent dried pasta.


    Sleepy doggies already in Bedfordshire it's tough this boating malarky


    To come shortly, dramatic boat rescue in windy river, repeat of dramatic boat rescue in widy river, (they let go of the rope mid river), superb location, windmill zoomies from Monty, howling gale and wind over tide.

    See you all soon.

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  2. Unfortunately I have a speaking engagement (no honestly I really do) in Hamburg Monday through Thursday of that week. It's a fun jolly, I get to talk for an hour, do a bit of a panel discussion and the organisers pay for me in an Hotel for three nights and I get to go to three conferences for free. Do not know why I didn't do more of this earlier in my career.


    So sadly mate we will not be joining you this time, rabbit stew not withstanding, or venison sausages either... Boy were they good. (the sausages)



  3. When I was in Primary school in the 70's in Rochdale everyone in the school at junior three as it was called at the time received "safety in the environment training" from the fire brigade. Was great fun as they brought in a huge tender we got to play about on.

    The mantra then was R.T.R.R.

    Which equated to:





    Only if none of those things was available was any discussion at all undertaken on "going in".

    If anyone was about in the North of England (Lancashire please), we had a huge spate of canal and gravel pit drownings both summer and winter. So we all got this training 46 years ago.

    I also have life saving badges and diver recovery certificates galore, but practicing in a pool in warm water in jammies in no way prepares you for winter cold water in jeans and a jumper. So on this ocasion no I would not have gone in. I would have retrieved a life ring.


    One time when i did "go in" was in South Walsham broad in the scorching summer of 1983. I would have been 21 at the time and Mr fit and healthy, squash playing, endurance swimming fitness nutter. Family mud weighted about 60 yards behind us, neither mother nor father could swim as became obvious later, and their only child of about 6 or so fell over the side of the bow of the boat, we saw this immediately from our position sunbathing on the back of Juliet 9. Neither parent saw anything and were doing nothing. We yelled very loudly and saw that the child had slipped his grip on a fender and was clearly floundering, he started screaming for his life as he clearly could not swim either. The boat was less than three feet away from him but he simply couldn't reach it. Both mother and father started screaming and clearly panicking as they could not reach him, this started the child to hysterics of crying and screaming so he wasn't breathing much, ( the boat had a life ring on the roof), their boat had a tender so father goes to back of boat gets the dinghy and pulls himself  (not rowing) round to the child and lifts him out.

    Sounds great and a good result, except that the only reason the father had the time to do all that was that I had immediately jumped into the water swam quickly across and held the child up for the father to lift him out, he couldn't do it from the dinghy by himself. I also climbed up the back of the boat and put a rope with a loop on the end on the stern line of the boat for them so if it happened again they could give him the rope. Why he didn't use the life ring I have no idea, maybe not being a swimmer it didn't occur to him I just don't know.   None of them were wearing life jackets but in their defence the old huge orange jobbies would have been unbearable in that heat it was well over 30 degrees.

    After doing that the water was so pleasant I then swam about for the next half an hour or so and afterwards relaxed on board in the sun to chill. I was young and very foolish.

    Would I do that now, no I would not.


    • Thanks 1
  4. Sorry for the lack of updates but my gorgeous wife dragged me to the blue coast in the lady from Coventry for our 25th wedding anniversary ( which is today) 

    I will update the rest of the trip before spring meet up. 

    Below are some illustrative images 




    • Like 8
  5. God yes. Terminal oh yes. Broads bug bites deeeep into the soul and comes out your bum and infects yer brain and then yer done for i tell ye he he. 

    Severe cases buy woodies  only saved by deep pockets, forgiving partners and either skill in woodwork or friendly boatyard. 

    Worse than the plague it is much worse . 


    Capn loopps 

  6. You have mice for sanding, do you have to feed them, do they run away? How long was the training? How do you attach the paper to their tiny little feet, what about droppings? Oh the questions they just keep coming.

    What do the boat beagles think, ours would eat them for breakfast, or at least try and show willing.

    Who said you were rubbish in bed ? I didn't.... 

    • Haha 1
  7. Not looking forward to the vicarious varnishing the interior of Malanka I can tell you. A few spots need doing but doing the whole thing Aggghhhh the hours, the hours. Not mine you understand I'm with john in the wine department.

  8. Timmy wear your academic gown (I just KNOW) you have one! Then you may look all professorial and erudite, just before falling down and swearing like a trooper.


    After that I suggest you sit in a wheelbarrow and be whizzed back and forth to supervise.

    • Haha 1
  9. Ecliptic mix, you got a space going Juke Box ??


    As for Timbo surpassing himself , I hope the nurse cleaned it all up and gave you fresh pants mate...


    Sometimes this forum is just sooooooo fantastically bonkers it just takes your breath away with joy at the fun folks can have with words rather than fight with them Hooooraaaahhhh.

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  10. Polly

    I hope you don't mind, but if folks want to, or would like to, mosey on over to Malthouse Saturday morning and join us with flags a flying and enjoy a brief CinC from Malthouse to Salhouse waving all the way with much merriment, please just turn up and spot us. We will be the white woodie with the flags on her moored in the middle of the broad with probably a few other boats attached too.

    You could PM me if you want to, or just turn up. If you have never been part of a river CinC it's a great opportunity for enjoyment of your boat with others doing exactly the same as you. Waving tooting and dressing the boat with flags is always fun.


    Over to you guys, stay in bed, chat or come to Malthouse for a right good time getting back to where you came from ...LOL. Also it means you will get new neighbours too so it's not the same ones as Friday... Good idea huh ....LOL


    Ok that's my good idea quota for the day, time for a lie down.



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