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Posts posted by Malanka

  1. If anyone is interested it was in fact my Maternal Grandfather (H.V Andrew) with the then Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI Billingham) who pioneered the development and use of polymer based products way before a certain US based company managed without the fundamental research done by ICI, to miraculously engineer similar materials...All a matter of public record.


    My mum had plastic building bricks made by him at ICI in 1936. They were stolen in a house break in before the war ..  


    This remains my only claim to vicarious fame ..lol If you don't count two episodes of "We Are The Champions" in  the summer of 1974 with the Lovely Ron Pickering. We won (Beat Joseph Rowntree School) then lost in the final...


    Ahhh memories.

    • Like 1
  2. Excellent post smelly. The rise of the armchair warrior is currently unchecked although recent proposals and changes to legislation make "trolling" as abusive as face to face shouting of abuse. To me that's clearly a step too far. I better go hide now before the thought police come to take me away.  

  3. Hi Timmsy Whimmsy, Malanka was officially 64 in May this year. There are things on her (I won't say in public forum) that are from the 1920's though as well. Still going strong.

    With reference to your lovely lecture on form and function (look see how I summarised that for you).

    I personally would only shoot rapids in a jet boat made of metal.

    The 40kts power boats you see criss crossing the sea in Thailand are metal too

    The little water taxis tend to be wooden.

    The really huge big, massive V8 powered boats are wooden also.


    All perfect in form and function.


    Thinking of form over function the Mary Rose is a good case in point.  

    Form and function coming together in harmony is the designers dream. The Spitfire comes to mind, the eliptical wing designed to accomodate the machine guns actually embued the fighter with remarkable characteristics, both physically and in the aesthetic realm too.  

    You about in October for that wine tasting ? Nobody called Timmy drinks beer. Nothing wrong with a good old stereotype or two...



  4. But Timmy you look so suspicious in your baggy, faded, green corduroy trousers, five day stubble, check jacket with leather elbows, pale pink shirt sleeves sticking out the sleeve ends, pocket protector(I just know you have one), scruffy hair and professorial look. a more disreputable looking human being doesn't exist outside of shady horror movies. The only give away would be if they looked at your feet and saw those expensive shoes. Instantly YEP... no doubt about it .... drug dealer....LOL


    A mate always gets on the phone whenever stopped in foreign parts in his car, he says " its ok I'm just calling the embassy". Many times he has been asked to just move along.


    Anyone else like my word picture of Timmy in his heyday?


    Timmy do you get the feeling that the Department store story could end up being a BAD IDEA?


    Ginger Beer anyone....

    • Haha 3
  5. I was born in Rochdale Lancashire:

    lived in:

    Rochdale Lancs (19yrs)

    Coventry (2 yrs)

    Wolverhampton (2 yrs)

    Manchester (2 yrs)

    Maidenhead (3 yrs)

    Thame Oxfordshire (5 yrs)

    Maldon Essex (7 yrs)

    Züllighoven Wachtberg Germany (5 yrs)

    Lasne Brussels Belgium (7yrs)

    Muri Bei Bern Switzerland (3 yrs)  


    Got two Essex boys and one Oxfordshire girl. All work or educational moves, some of them not voluntarybut still loved every minute of it.


    Fiona's is similar before we married and of course identical after that,  apart from she lived in Belgium for an additional 9 months to facilitate the middle one finishing his IB.

    So as you can see from the many posts Andrew we are a diverse bunch. Happy Birthday.

    We drive 2600 km every round trip to the boat. Takes about 13 hrs one way.


  6. I perfected the double declutch downshift many years ago just to annoy traffic policemen and their speed guns. They would point it at me as I approached sounding like a screeming banshee only to see 30mph guv writ large on their LED screens. Happy days.

    Years later I perfected the drive a foreign car malarky. Belgian was good but German plates are the business, everyone that is looking (not everyone in Essex as we all know) can see the car behind, German plates were guaranteed to clear a path for zee crazy German guy....aka me.

    Even the boys in blue thought it was too much trouble to stop a German car (way too much paperwork) as an unmarked one past me at about 82 ish mph and a matrix sign popped up in the rear window with SPEED LIMIT 70....

    I flashed my xenons and reset the cruise to UK normal rather then German or French normal.  

    "Millie" the sexy  lady from Coventry is a different kettle of fish and I actually enjoy driving her slowly (relatively). I am also well aware that traffic cops sometimes just want to have a look and stop you. The customs folks do this as well.

    "do you have anything you shouldnt in der boot of der car " they said. "Have you seen the size of the boot in this car" I answered. "Yes but you could still have der contraband alcohols in zere", only if I'm smuggling miniatures I thought to myself, but responded with , "no I don't but you're welcome to look if you wish".

    "No it's OK they said", then suddenly "is zis your car" they asked. "Yes" I replied. "OK then you can go" said the tall handsome one.

    "I wonder what they would have done if you had said no " said Fiona. "No idea it's a bit random I must say", I replied with thoughts of cavity searches  and mirrors flooding my mind.  

    Tim try four border crossings every trip and roaming French Motorbike Duoanes everywhere. For some reason they seem to believe people smuggle things OUT of Switzerland. Incredible....  Cuckoo clocks anyone.???

    • Haha 4
  7. Little Timmy not "huge" big manly Timbo. Or does little Timmy mean something different to you. he he

    Amazing what you see casually through the windows of boats you know little Tim..



    • Haha 1
  8. My own personal pet peeve on the topic of pet stuff (and as you all know we have four darlings) is that of cat stuff. Toxocariasis which is the disease which caused all of the furore about dog poo years ago before the actual stuff being everywhere and stinking up parks and paths all over the place became the issue, it used to be the contents of the stuff. (stuff = pick your own word I don't mind)

    We were bombarded with information about how dangerous it is and how irresponsible dog owners were for not worming their pets, despite the fact that both cats and dogs can carry this parasite and cause infection.

    Info below: 

    Toxocariasis is a nematode infection caused by Toxocara canis/cati (Dog/Cat Roundworm).

    It's acquired via ingestion of parasite eggs passed by infected dogs or cats.  The hatched larva migrate from the GI tract to the muscles, liver, lungs, eyes, or brain.  For details & symptoms:  http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/229855-overview


    Funny thing is though when you research how many cases there are of this horrible disease there aren't in fact that many and never have been. However what there are many many more times the cases of is Toxoplasmosis. This is usually picked up gardening when little timmy has done his stuff (after the neutered Tom has done his duty killing local song birds that is) in next doors garden and then kindly burried it so nobody can see it.

    The reason is toxocariasis cases have dropped through the floor to the point where NHS England no longer collects information on infection rates. Whereas toxoplasmosis is rampant all over the place with infection rates somewhere between 23 to 33% of people infected depending on region. Its usually asymptomatic (doesn't show itself) but it IS there.

    Info below:

    Toxoplasmosis is a protozoan infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii. 

    It's acquired via contact with infected cat feces.  At risk are pregnant women who transmit the infection to their newborn, causing congenital neurologic & ophthalmologic birth defects.  For details & symptoms:  http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1000028-overview 

    Anyone seen any articles about the dangers to the public of irresponsible cat owners recently ? No me neither, I just wonder why...

    For the sake of argument there are almost as many cats as dogs held as pets (not quite equal but heading that way), I for one would like to see the same kind of media campaign that was there in the seventies concerning dog mess and the dangers of un wormed dogs to now be used to educate cat owners as to the genuine danger their pets pose to others when they are not treated for this parasite.

    Pet population info:


    We can all do something to prevent infection, always use rubber gloves to garden, always cover sand pits so Timmy does not have access when its not in use, don't feed your cat uncooked meat (big source of infections), have them treated at the vet and don't push them out the front door at night. The latter one has the added benefit of saving local birds. Unfortunately neutered cats are the worst offenders for bird killing (it's to do with social development and "presenting" food to parents). And when cats are neutered they stay in the immature stage of development and so keep doing it. Vicious circle really. Not sure if hormone replacement therapy for cats would get them out of this stage it just struck me as a wild though...lol  


    Anyway lots to think about there as well as poo bags strewn across the countryside like the knickers i used to find walking our first Airedale, the long missed "Barney", down a disused railway line every saturday morning. Pink ones, lacey ones, some black and lacey, mostly hanging from the branches of the trees. The local dog walkers used to think it was hilarious, what was less hilarious were the other discarded items responsible couples used after throwing their knickers into the trees. They were everywhere too. Come to think about it (steady on) it could have been a local "dogging" spot in more ways than one.


    Happy Monday folks. 

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  9. All news outlets these days refer back to talking heads sound in their conceited knowledge that their PPE degree has filled their heads with the prerequisite abilities to be able to pontificate from positions of assumed authority, with pre-supposisions galore, extended quotations by the bucketload, secure in the knowledge that the ignorant proles watching won't notice.

    They are so wrong they can't comprehend just how wrong they are, the very independedntly minded British public has never accepted things just because some self aggrandising talking head tells them there's a poroblem and here's my (the best) solution to it costing x billion.

    The great people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland do spot pigs in pokes, they do spot the no ahem Sherlock moments. They just chuckle to themsleves and get on with things that really matter to them. The BBC and every other news outlet are just noise in the background of daily life and people doing what they need to do to live and support their families. Sychophantic support for a 20th century idea of what "we " need from a state Broadcaster is outmoded and the current do five tings at once on my phone whilst playing a play station game whilst watching Netflix generation will, and do, simply ignore it.


    Its us old folks that even consider it remotely relevant



  10. Robin, its a moot point but, its perfectly feasable to be cossetted along in lexus like comfort in a rather nifty, rather sexy, beautiful, very very fast and superb sounding total waste of money called a sports car. I know I do it every day to work....LOL

    In fact Fiona and I did just that in the sexy lady from coventry for ten hours on the way to and from our last (gearbox crunching) trip, the seats for long journeys were actually more comfortable than the normal mode of transport (Lexus 450 RX).


    I think a more suitable retort wouild be I simply don't care to go that fast. If you did you would be looking at a Princess and 33 Kts. Still luxurious but is the significant increase in speed worth that huge increase in costs and associated maintenance for ten hours a year at 33 kts. I think you're absolutely right to go for your dream. Its your wishes and wants here, not needs, so stay on your track to your dream.... Keep going for it. 


    Folks that follow the train of thougtht you mention are those that go looking for a 40 ft Bavarian and end up buying a Princess 60'.

    Loving the evolving story too. Its kind of a vicarious journey for me too.


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  11. With regard to lip reading I had a surreal conversation with my mum in one of her (5 ) recent visits to Broomfield hospital. The hospital had lost and or broken both of her privately owned hearing aids. So we sat there having a perfectly silent conversation to the huge amusment of the other folks in the ward and the medical staff. But you can hear they said to me. Yes I know I said but I also lip read as my mum has been deaf as a post since I was a small child. Was quite amusing.



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    • Haha 2
  12. This nonesense is all about reducing peak load and nothing to do with efficiency per se. The amount of energy required to boil a fixed volume of water is the same if the kettle is 100 W or 1000 W all that changes is the time over which that energy is transferred to the water. The people who thought up this rubbish are or were scientific illiterates and shouldnt be in charge of energy policy in any way.


    It buys into the pre-conception that domestic use of electricity is a major issue. Therefore we must do something...This is perhaps partly true but not in the sense that most folks assume. One of the biggest uses of electricity domestically is the provision of water in the home to flush it down the loo. Many folks don't give it a seconds thought that you turn the tap and water comes out, why would they.  Every single  millilitre has to be pumped, mostly uphill by the most humongous water pumps, then boosted several times along the way by humongous water pumps. The old joke about the bond film ending and everyone rushing to put the kettle on is true but the bigger issue is everyone rushing to the loo and flushing it. Billions of gallons of water would need to be moved instantly way more than the energy required to boil the kettles which may take two or three minutes. Remember kettle efficiency used to be measured by how quickly it boiled your water. Not anymore.....You can't make this stuff up. Oh and these are EU commission requirements.

    Most countries that have these capabilities have something called the spinning reserve that gets switched in at the right moment. In CH this is easy as its Wasserkraft as they say. (hydro electric). Uk its both this and the non renewable sources (until someone invents a way to store it of course) Hydro is such storage of course but not everywhere is like switzerland with valleys everywhere.

    The equation is simple with electricity if you have efficient electric motors and most are these days then reducing the number of Watts just makes the task performed take longer. 1000 W x ten minutes is the same as 500W x twenty minutes.

    If we cast our minds back and remember the old black and decker ads from years ago. Their drills were always sold on how many watts it was. the Bosch equivalent never had the same wattage value. the reason was simple Bosch used a very efficient electric motor and Black and Decker didn't so the wattage had to be higher to achieve the same torque values from poorly wound motors. I'm sure there are enough sparkies on here who can explain that better than me. My knowledge is purely from the physics perspective.

    Rant over...


    Post Brexit please let us go back to old style bulbs that don't require me to immediately ventilate the room and leave for 15  minutes, not walk on the area with the bulb in then use sticky tape to pick up the phosphorous powder in the carpet. That follks is from the US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) that then goes on to say dont worry at all it's not an issue. (say what! leave the room ventilated, get out and do not re-enter for how long? Not an issue! Huh go figure.)

    LEDs are fine but not universally liked. How come its not ok to eat minute quantities of mercury in fish but it is OK to inhale it if I break a bulb? Medically speaking inhalation is waaaaaay worse.

    We can metablise mercury at low levels so consumption technically is natural but I draw the line at breathing it because the commission tells me I must to save the planet. 



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  13. John, our heartfelt condolences and a sincere wish for the best for you and yours out of such a tragedy. I watched my father die of spine cancer and held his hand at the end and watched him go. A tragic yet cathartic event I will never forget. You will come through, it does get better and remember your sister in good ways and don't worry that its mawkish to do so it isnt at all. Marvellous people deserve to be remembered in good and funny ways.

    The northern tradition of a good old booze up to remember some silly stories is a good thing. I never met your sister (i dont think) but if she from the same place as you then that's enough for me. Sound as a pound as they say...


    Next time you see us stop us, follow us and and we will raise a glass together (or maybe two or three). Might even feed you too....






  14. Silly driving is not unique to a particular gender I believe or even nationality. During our last trip to Norfolk in the lady from Coventry we drove 2000 km over the return journey through four countries and I can honestly say that there must be something really attractive to both men and women, young and old about the back end of the new car. OK its got four coke can sized exhausts that produce a most melodios cacophany of greek god patying when we open her up a bit. But really I have never been tailgated so much by all sorts of wonks as to defy belief. The worst part was on the way home this was in the wet by wet I mean WET.....

    I don't know what it is about quicker cars but folks in France can't seem to drive their Renault Clio Sports without wanting to "try me out"  by reading the book fiona is reading in the passneger seat from the back bumper location. Zooming past me then slowing down in front or just rocketing past me a good 80kph over the limit (This was in switzerland and it was the ubiquitous Golf sport with 300bhp). Get caught doing that here and they will take your car and never give it back and fine you a multiple of your monthly salary to boot.

    I just sit there and smile and keep driving, blasting out "go down rocking" by Brian Adams on the 750W Meridian Surround sound. Life is too short not to have got the car in the first place, so I am determined not to shorten it any further by reacting to facile prococations from life's population of losers.

    So its funny to read everyone elses experiences are the same as mine, its not the car as we don't all drive the same vehicle, its not the same country as we live in different ones. It seems to be a malais that is afflicting everyone else except us. I'm just so pleased to know that it's really just everyone else who isn't us, young or old, male female or LGBT or whatever.   Maybe going places at 4 or 5 or 6 mph gives one a different perspective on life...I'm sure there's a PhD in that for someone somewhere.




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  15. Solvent based easy answer. Don't be fooled the sovent based stuff doesn't penetrate that far into the timber. To make sap spurt out of a log takes 15 atmospheres pressure. It will penetrate between cells but not necessarly into them. It still works so don't worry. 



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  16. Boris was on board from about 17 weeks or so and Monty will be about the same. MM typical EDP with flowery embellishment really not working. The lady herself claiming to know what the dog was thinking. Going in to bite... Really ...imagine that.

    All puppies bite and the inhibiting of that natural behavior is one of the most important things a puppy learns. Some folks try to pretty it up calling it mouthing. Monty is learning from us and mostly from the other dogs who yell if his toothy needles get too close to sensitive ears.


    At the end of the day some folks are just afraid of dogs big and small, no need to ask why or how but the simple fact is the owners should act accordingly. But then one is asking for common sense from all concerned. Still waiting...LOL

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