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Posts posted by Malanka

  1. Charlie, Doug et al.

    We will be already in the saaarf before Friday but plan to meander up to Beccles on Friday. If you would like some company we can process up the river to Beccles together, we can hang about downstream till you tell us you're cummin. (we have walkie talkie thingies)


    No dog, no kids, no dinghy, just Fiona and me! woo hoo.


    Let us know and we will see what we can do.



  2. Ok so after two glorious weeks we are back at Stalham not anticipating with any enthusiasm the 12 hrs behind the wheel tomorrow.

    But we have some very encouraging news. Phil helped me measure ( water tanks almost  empty) the air draft after all the new wood had been fitted. Last time we did this after some planking it had a good effect on the airdraft. So plumb line in hand and totally flat water we measured. Six feet six and a half inches at the tip of the pulpit rail and six feet six at the wider part with the vents on the cockpit roof ( roof down) which is such good news I just had to tell you all. I had a hint after doing wroxham bridge at six eight and having bags of room. So Potter will hold no fears for me now. I just have to get Fiona to let me. 




    • Like 6
  3. We are loving the new canopies so thank you to jeckells for them they are super ( other canopy folks are available). 


    The new seats are amazing too again jeckells. ( other seat folks are available) Boris unfortunately thinks they are just for his exclusive use. Errr nope 


    we are now in Womack Dyke after leaving Loddon this am at 06:50. Top down cruise all the way and we again were pinked. 

    Typical broads day warm in sun chilly in the wind. Dog loved it. Having no green stuff underneath ( new tar wash) Mal slips along nicely again. 


    Will write this whole thing up as a tale and add all the details. Caught two bream tonight caught released within 30 seconds decent sized ones too. Then it was dinner time. 

    Womack dyke is really full and large numbers of herby woods boats looking for mooring after 5 pm. Poor souls not a great start to their holidays.



  4. Perspex was invented in the 1930s Tim. So all boats could have been fitted with it. TBH I wouldn't have worried about the small panes being vulnerable to breakage . All but one of Mals windows are glass and yes they are heavy as they are easily 3.5 mm thick. Glass is strong stuff mate. Not bad for a supercooled liquid eh ! Mal is already well over ten tons so what's a little extra.

    I really can't wait to see  RT floating. Make sure you pop by when we is in Beccles. We won't have the Boris ( we is coming in the lady from Coventry)



  5. Question to both of you . How do you get away with having so many man toys? 


    Drill , sander, jig saw and the drawbridges went up. They briefly dropped for a power washer but now nope what would you need that for. Don't they know is not needed YET!!! 


    But maybe soon . Honest , pretty please . I'll wash up for a week !!!! 



  6. Tim my friend. Elon Musk made a profit ONCE, the rest of his ventures including the all mighty Tesla loses billions but is propped up by the Californian state since Donald cut his gravy train off at the knees . I.e. No subsidy after 90k cars sold. Ooops.. 


    the man is an expert subsidy miner , there are many like him and they just loves trees.


    edited as I forgot to add that his subsidies to date exceed 6000, 000, 000 dollars. 


    Google it ! 


    • Like 1
  7. Thanks Charlie, was nice to exchange a few words.


    we have just watched the sun go down on Brammerton Common was a lovely evening . Weather said rain Norfolk had other ideas and it was glorious. One of those does if get better than that moments. 


    We are on our way backNorth on Saturday so we will pootle over to St Olaves Tomorrow and see what's what. 


    We are picking up a returning Helena ( dropped her at Norwich station today) and an American visitor ( Justin's GF who is from North Carolina) on Monday in Wroxham so we get to have lots of fun before then . 


    We have an eco Herbert Woods electric cooking thing in front of us. How anyone can think running a Diesel engine to generate leccy to cook with is remotely green amazes me. Logic and thinking things through must have died out in the 80s and I didn't notice. 


    As they say "You can't fix stupid".




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  8. Hi Poppy yes we had Tide  under , wind behind was fun. Easily 6 when normally would  be 4. 

    Thing I have to remember is 650 rpm is 3.7 mph took me a while to figure out what notch was what. Breydon tomorrow will be fun but can't go much above 7 mph as towing mini this week . Her most comfy revs is 700 to 800 which gives us 6 mph.  With tide and wind was fun for a minute or two. Definitely not to be done down the Chet lol 


    Our faces have been pinked today was a good day 



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  9. Thanks Charlie she is looking nice. 


    Shortly after that photo a self appointed self righteous and all round rude ignorant person accused me of speeding. I gladly showed him our GPS which was showing between 4.7 and 5.1 mph in the 5 mph zone. I suggested I knew the speed limit and after accusing me and now knowing I was perfectly fine with my velocity would he care to apologize. NO get away was his response. Some people have no backbone no manners and no respect. Needless to say his boat was a very expensive man of the broads. 


    Oh oh well on to the ferry inn now. Rain has arrived pub food later . 



    • Like 3
  10. Don't forget those salaries the BBC showed were only for directly employed talent not for those folks like Graham Norton whose own production company makes his chat show. Or for those who have registered companies employing them so they don't get paid directly. Dimbleby, Mary (the saint) Berry.


    IMO the issue with the Biased Broadcasting Corporation is not the money payed to talent (we couild always force the BBC to use redcoats or blue coats on minimum wage remember). But the money it pays itself. Countless Talentless "management officials "directly managing Scottish Football Association, awarding themsleves ridiculous bonuses (for what??) who couldn't get a management  job in the real world after their 2:2 History of Medieval Art degree from Wetminster Uni (deliberate) was deemed barely relevant to a life of professional management skills.


    I have been coming across such useless oxygen thieves my entire career. Self reflection and Humility are just dictionary entries for these people. Some of them end up at the DWP or the Overseas Aid department too.


    But don't lose heart these folks exist in other countries too, The Germans even have a word for them Beampters....  So its not just us...


    On a lighter note just to see I do have a nice side. I actually received a NICE email from the Swiss Tax people. It said "we are sorry you have not received your tax rebate for 2015 by now, however we are runing late with our assessments and we apologise and ask that you have patience we will send this to you in due course, of course with the 3% interest added".


    Can anyone imagine the HMRC sending such an email? No me niether. 


    What a nice thought...

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  11. To be honest if we had tied it to a tree it would have pulled the cleet out. It was going way too fast weighed thousands of tons and was fully loaded. We were very lucky because nobody was onbaord at the time so the boat would have been adrift and off down the canal. With or without life jacket you can't swim in the canal du Midi either to go after it unless you want to catch something horrendous.

  12. I much prefer the installation of cattle prod in Helm seat. Over the limit by 1mph short shock, 2 mph sharper shock with added vibration to warn of impending doom, 3mph full deployment, severe shock and insertion. Vibration should be optional.




    Nice navigation lady asking you to slow down, you know the one that says ("please do a u turn at the earliest opportunity") when you fluff it up on the M25".




    The mad indian ring tone telling you to slow down. If you have never heard it, google it. Its earthy but hilarious. Warning  NSFW.  

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    • Haha 1
  13. Maffets on the south spitfire etc small 2 and 3 berth ones and Martham on the north. Silver jubilee ( huge very forgiving) Juliette ( 39 ft lovely layout) Judith and Janet's are good too but much smaller but still enough for 4 or 5 . 

    They are very maneuverable and Warmer when the weather isn't so good than Tupperware boats are. They chug along rather than glide silently but that's what I like .  Liz's gorgeous water rail is lovely but you have to be very friendly if you know what I mean . Not sure I could put up with the anxiety of putting Mal up for renting. She would love it as she loves being out and used. And definitely doesn't like spending so much time in the shed. 


    Martin and Fiona 

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