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Posts posted by CambridgeCabby

  1. Dependant on level of disability and the careful selection of a suitable type of boat then there is no reason why not .

    we often see fellow boaters who have a disability enjoying the beautiful Broads and all they have to offer (although getting older means  Katie no longer feels up to climbing St Helens tower nowadays )

  2. 23 minutes ago, SteveO said:

    We nearly always wave and usually get a wave back. The only exceptions are a certain misguided type of Broom, Freeman and Saily owners, who think they are some form of minor aristocracy and are so far up themselves that they are wearing themselves like a wig.

    I hope there is a special hell for such people.


    Makes me glad that the Broom Owners Club deemed my Ocean 30 unfit to join them then 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  3. Congratulations Charlie , commiserations Inge ,

    no seriously all the best from Kate and I , reminds us of my father muttering “I wonder how long this will last” when we were signing the register , well so far 33 years , I guess sometimes kids do know best 

    • Like 3
  4. Reminds me of a joke I was told years ago concerning two engineers watching a blacksmith at work and commenting to him that in their work they have to be accurate to within a thousandth of an inch , prompting the old blacksmith to state that he prefers his work to be exact  

    • Like 1
  5. If you want outside space 

    A bounty 27

    more internal space 

    Hampton safari (25 ft)


    obviously without knowing budget etc is difficult to really know what to suggest but the two above start at about £5k for a rough bounty up to £25k for a tidy example 


    what i would recommend is avoiding if possible a petrol boat as isn’t available waterside so means carrying fuel from a garage , and don’t jump in too quickly , Kate and I spent over a year till we found our ideal boat 




  6. We always wave like insane idiots , but that’s probably cause we are !!


    it brings a smile to our faces when we see the obvious glee a youngster gets when their wave is enthusiastically returned 

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  7. The trouble with no increase would be in the future when they use it as a reason for a much higher increase , a 3% increase although unwelcomed is not unexpected ; perhaps with the extra income more moorings may appear but I won’t hold my breath

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