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Posts posted by KaptinKev

  1. 20 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

    And that's exactly the reason you will not find me on u tube , after 13 yrs of virtually contiguous movement around 8000 hrs I recon I can control a boat enough to go backwards under a bridge if I could think of a viable reason for doing so , sadly though your never going to see me on u tube as I prefer to just do it without the camera rolling :15_yum:

    So why does Miles ( I think that is his name) do videos on youtube and doesn't show off in any way. So why don't you show how it is to be a live aboard and make some money in the progress?

  2. 1 minute ago, Ricardo said:

    I would hope you did but you did come up with quite a different reason for the event, if we stick to the facts everyone will know the facts will they not ! 

    If you want to stick to the facts, Griff wanted to show off. He has the boat and the skill, so with youtube about, why not have a bit of fun with it and look at me. I'm sure that is what youtube is about nowadays.

  3. 5 hours ago, grendel said:


    I wonder about the risk to swimmers from the exhaust fumes generated by passing boats, if it is this dangerous as blow back through the canopy - how dangerous will it be at boat exhaust level swimming past, as when swimming you dont often have much choice whether to breath or not, and will generally be inhaling deeply.

    Granted most boats are diesel, and this specifically states petrol engined. but surely all the support boats will have petrol outboards. 


    I'm sure you will be at a greater risk by being a pedestrian in London.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

    Well it would do if that was the real reason for going through backwards which it wasn't ! 

    Don't you think I know that!

    • Like 1
  5. 21 hours ago, socrates said:

    Does that mean it had to be done? I was asking why someone had to go through the Wroxham Bridge backwards. What conditions would make it necessary to go through Wroxham Bridge backwards?

    I am interested to know.

    It basically means that they have eyes in the back of their head, or I think on this occasion, BA had a problem with her gearbox at the time and could only use reverse. So Griff had to step up to the task to get the girl home.

    Hopefully that answers your question.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    Yay! An even more detailed blog than mine. Love it! Every bit of it...more please!


    Personally I think you need to have pictures along with a blog, as I reckon that's what a lot of people like and you done yours really well.

    • Like 1
  7. Well personally if I was a privateer, I would be more than happy to pay a mooring fee, as they own the moorings and have to look after them. Perhaps if I was a regular on the broads, I would ring round boatyards to make them aware of me and the name of my boat and go from there, just to see who would accommodate me and their terms.

    What good it would do I don't know.

  8. On ‎09‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 18:13, YnysMon said:

    Monday 2nd April (Bank Holiday Monday)

    As I’ve already mentioned in the Members section, we hit a bit of a snag this morning.  We got up early as planned, but when we started the engine the oil warning light came on.  We quickly switched off and Graham went to check the engine.  Somehow there wasn’t any oil in the engine, though there seemed to be a lot of it on the outside.  We eventually figured that maybe when the engine was checked a couple of days ago the dip-stick wasn’t returned properly and securely.  Unfortunately, there was hardly any oil in the top-up bottle, so we had no option other than to call the engineer.

    I checked the Skipper’s Manual for the contact telephone number for the engineer.  Strangely it had the same land-line number for both day-time and out of hours. I programmed the number into my mobile.  (Graham later pointed out that the handover folder we’d been given had a mobile number for the engineer – so why couldn’t they have updated the Skippers Handbook? Grrrr!)  I donned my waterproofs (it was raining persistently) and went off in search of a mobile signal.  I walked through Dilham village, joined the A149, through Smallburgh and was on my way to Stalham (still no signal) when I passed a farm house that I thought maybe had a light on.  I must have been spotted, as the lady of the house opened her door.  I ran across to ask if I could use their phone and was invited in.  Not only that, I was offered a cup of tea.  By this time it was ten to eight, and when I phoned the NBD number I just got the office voicemail message.  Luckily, they were opening in ten minutes time, so I had a nice chat about our various pets with the kind couple who had taken me in (in a very wet state – I left one of their kitchen chairs pretty wet) and after I did finally get through to NDB they even more kindly offered me a lift back to the boat.  Weren’t they lovely!  


    Once I got back to the boat I just had time for another cup of tea and some breakfast before the engineer turned up.  He checked the engine and said he needed to go back to the yard to get some more oil (shame the person in the office that took my message didn’t note that I said we were completely out of oil!). Ah well, he wasn’t long, and once he’d topped up the oil and completed his checks we were free to get off just before 10am. 

    We set off in great trepidation, wondering what on earth we would do if we couldn’t get under the bridge.  One thing that did give us hope – the private boat that had shared the mooring with us started off downriver only shortly before us.  We thought their boat looked as though it had a similar air-draft to ours.  We came to a halt within sight of Weyford Bridge to watch them proceed very carefully through the bridge, with what looked like very little clearance.  The other private boat that had left Dilham mid-afternoon yesterday was moored just upstream of Weyford Bridge, opposite the house-boats.  It was the type of boat that would have had to retract their roof to get through the bridge, so maybe they were waiting for the rain to stop.  I'm still wondering days later if they got through okay or whether they got stuck there for a day or two.:default_sad:

    Phew – we got through with an inch or two to spare.  Felt like dancing once we were safely though!


    We cruised slowly down the Ant, which was much quieter than yesterday.  Wonder if a lot of people who had been out yesterday had handed their boats back?  There was a lot of space at How Hill and at the moorings upstream of Ludham Bridge.  We stopped at the latter and had some lunch (chicken salad again with new potatoes). 

    No problem getting under Ludham Bridge today – much quieter.  The last of the party with eight Hunter’s boats were coming in to land on the moorings below the bridge – looked like a School/Youth party.  Hope they weren’t being put off by the rain!


    We normally like to string out our holiday until the last moment, not minding getting up at dawn to travel back to the Boat Yard.  However, given the stress that we had earlier on today we decided that it would be a good idea to overnight in the NBD basin tonight, so we made our way in that direction.  We did have a stop at the Staithe for Horning Church, as we had plenty of time to get to Wroxham.  By the way, if you do stop at Horning Church Staithe, take care...it was pretty slippery!


    The path up to the church was a bit muddy, but luckily I was wearing my wellies and there was a handy large puddle to wash my feet in before going into the church.



    As I walked back I came across this sign…


    Got to Wroxham around 4pm and I popped to Roy’s to top-up with wine for this evening and alco-free beer for Graham (Roy’s have a really good selection of the 0% stuff by the way – much better choice than most supermarkets). 

    I think I may have been converted.  Staying in the Yard overnight was very peaceful and we were able to plug into their electric.  Might consider mooring in the yard/marina again in future. 


    I just have to say that you have documented your holiday really well and the pictures just add to what a great time you had. Personally I wouldn't choose to have a boating holiday in winter unless I owned my own boat, but you really enjoyed yourselves and captured the broads at their best. Very few boats, great views but on the down side, the much needed electric post to keep warm.:default_biggrin:

  9. On ‎06‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 07:39, Broads01 said:

    I'm sure you can picture the scene and a situation I've found myself in once or twice. Say, for example, you're solo, somewhere in the wilds of the lower Bure and you are 'caught short'. What is the best option? 

    Option 1: I'm the absence of boat traffic (hopefully), bring the boat to a standstill mid-river and be away from the helm for as short time as possible. 

    Option 2: As above but don't rush, the boat won't go far and any traffic appearing can go round it anyway. 

    Option 3: On no account leave the helm. Pee on the floor if you have to. 

    Option 4: None of the above. 

    If you are on a dual steer boat and you are on the top deck, there is natural drainage. The only problem is, you need to steer the boat, take a pee and not to soak what ever you are wearing down below.:default_biggrin:

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, johnb said:

    I don't want to start an argument but I thought that colour is orange/ish. To me, the WD40 title is on a yellow background-please help because I have trouble with colours (Not red. amber green usually!)

    I have to admit, it is orange and not yellow. Watching tv and looking at the forums and then trying to post, is not a good idea as we aren't women and can't multi task! 


    Can of worms have been opened.

    • Haha 1
  11. 20 hours ago, Ricardo said:

    A while back I decided that I had enough , however in hindsight I feel that I might well have acted in haste , its pretty obvious I'm still active anyway so I figured I best explain things  .

    Basically I got rather fed up mostly because I felt it didn't matter what the subject was or what I said I would face the same opposing posts , not that I mind a bit of banter but constantly it wears yiu down n to be honest I lost confidence in posting , that returned after a while and I started posting again only to be shot down once more for no reason other than I hadn't explained that I hadn't left .

    Anyway cutting a long story short I'm after a lot of discussion with various people stopping right here. Now I know of late there's been the words unfriendly forum used but I don't see it like that at all , realising that not everyone will agree with you all the time is important to know as is seeing the other side of the coin .

    So I hope you'll forgive me for my moment of madness and thanks to everyone for your kind words in  the original thread .

    Oh BTW a couple of member's asked a long time ago if I could do a thread on the alternative life style of living onboard , having thought about it dismissed it thought about it more iv decided wat the heck why not , my intention is not to say this is how you do it n the rest is wrong but basically what iv found to work for me and others over the last 13 yrs mixed with a bit of humour hopefully , you have to have a sense of humour when too live with a dog n pigeon as pets :default_biggrin:   :default_beerchug:

    As long as you get likes in your postings Ric, you cant be going far wrong and I'm sure there would be quite a few people who would miss your posts. As for a live aboard, I worked with a electrician who got the title 'Smelly Bob', as we couldn't come to conclusion whether he was saving on soap and water, or he just simply didn't use deodorant!

    • Like 1
  12. 26 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

    Does it not freeze in loddon ?  as that's left on by the council ! Were as Norwich is off as is Yarmouth and reedham you need your own hose as BA take their hose away .

    All boats need to use a hose to fill up their boats that is supplied and left in hopefully a coiled up state. With the freezing conditions we have had of lately, anything supplying water outside and that includes the tap even if the pipe is well insulated, problems will occur and will not be in the suppliers interest 

  13. 3 minutes ago, socrates said:

    Yes, I just don't understand why the (shall we all them the Authorities?) don't insulate the pipes and leave the water on, it can't be that difficult to do. And, why do they turn the power off? 

    I think the power issue has been answered in a previous thread, as for the water, it may be that below freezing conditions, maintenance and public use may not mix financially.

  14. 4 minutes ago, grendel said:

    sorry, I wasnt paying attention, I dont see they have been removed, there are two main mild rebukes moderators use one the :default_eusa_naughty: is a warning that Broadscot (one of our sadly departed moderators) used  to use - the :6973434b8b31cd5effed88c7cbb2f1149d4af7_t:being a tribute to him.

    The other is the warning I placed :ics_unifsmall: the Q flag meaning you are standing into danger.

    Now I understand, thanks for that:6973434b8b31cd5effed88c7cbb2f1149d4af7_t:

    • Like 1
  15. 8 minutes ago, grendel said:

    I think you are being told off for mentioning Broads and National Park in the same breath

    It wasn't me, but Finny the post was aimed at. Although the emoticons have been removed now looking at my screen!

    • Haha 1
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