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Posts posted by KaptinKev

  1. 5 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

    Current Broads Authority...........could this mean that we may be due a new one?!!!!


    Now I have to say that after being on here for a while now, but I seem to get the jist that after viewing many comments about the BA, the IQ isn't that high in that department!

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, JohnK said:


    Now, I suspect I’m going to get a lot of posts telling me how wrong I am (probably by mods too). Of course I’m wrong, I hold a minority view. I’m probably an idiot.


    You're not an idiot John, you just need thicker skin for the forums. Just take a page out of Ricardo's book perhaps!

  3. On ‎30‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 16:33, grendel said:

     How long will it be before all the skilled boat builders have retired, and all the new youngsters will just be trained up as fixers not builders.

    I have heard about a similar problem in my field and I'm sure other trades have the same problem. Youngsters are growing up with the skills of operating a game pad and making sure they are keeping up with social media and not interested in what the old boy is doing. I grew up with interacting with my mates like riding our bikes and playing football, where nowadays it's all done electronically. Most importantly Blue Peter:3_grin:  has a lot to answer for, as I always use to watch this programme and had a lot of pleasure making things, which I think helped me in my future job. Although I do have to use drill and screws to fix things and not double sided sticky tape. :default_biggrin:

    • Like 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, Wyndham said:

    Just out of interest, do you know why (serious) cyclists wear glasses, dark or otherwise?

    Because lycra and sunglasses are the Tour de France thing at the moment, or is it because they like to ride their bikes towards me on a t junction and blame me for being there.

  5. 40 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    My bucket list.

    1. Buy bucket.

    2. Put list in bucket.

    3. Empty bucket in bin.

    4. Try to find somewhere to keep bucket.

    5. Throw bucket in same bin list was thrown in.


    Something that won't be on my list is to be a grumpy old man! :3_grin:

  6. I think you forgot to mention that cyclists are colour blind and traffic lights don't register in their heads. But on another note, any cyclist or car driver that wears dark sunglasses on a full cloudy dark day, seriously needs their heads tested.

  7. 2 hours ago, Ricardo said:

    Which we arnt were talking boats or boat moulds to be exact , with the British boatbuilding industry ists simple , " use it or lose it " .

    Like with most companies, if you can build cheaper and make more money elsewhere, loyalty to your country doesn't come into it!

    • Like 1
  8. On ‎12‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 01:02, BroadAmbition said:

    So to the doom mongers and those so badly hurt because Robin did it his way and ignored their advice he never asked for (Mainly over on the YBW) I have a grown up response







    So from one fellow tradesman to another, I do have a lot of respect for you, as I have heard how you are good at your respected trade and seen what a good job you do of BA, but I think you might be missing a little thing from your post!

    If Robin wasn't up to adverse advice or criticism, he wouldn't have gone the youtube route. I do tend to think Robin likes the attention he gets from his adventures on the seas and the Norfolk Broads and if he wants to make his boat adventures open to all, he will have to take the rough with the smooth.

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, LondonRascal said:

    I’ve been posting the Forums Facebook Groupas it’s easier from my phone. However here is the post from this morning and an update video for you all here too?

    “Yesterday during the height of the rough seas I experienced something I have never had before: An anxiety attack. 

    I went from being rational and fine and on the helm to no use whatsoever and found myself unable to focus. I ended up alone in my cabin feeling pretty helpless. It was not so much a fear, more something that I had no control over and the feeling, sound and motion in such seas  I’d never been in before that kept on and on and worse my reaction to this was to almost shut down. 

    As time went on I began to feel better and was able once off the coast of Folkestone to regain some normality and assist as we came into Dover. 

    It’s a hard thing to admit and now deal with when you experience such and have little control over it. The thing was it breads itself. So then you fear another episode which causes you to turn into a spiral of worry and guilt - as if you are letting the side down (and then you get pressure on your shoulders not to) - not from other people but your own self. 

    The fact the seas were to be as bad as yesterday to begin and as we had another experienced crew member joining the boat at Dover, I took the decision after talking to all involved to either leave the boat and wait for calmer weather which I would do or should the crew feel able and happy to go on I would be happy to trust them in the care of the boat but I would not be joining them on this leg. 

    It was decided that they would continue by sea and I would get a train from Dover to London and then London to Great Yarmouth. I feel very emotional writing this because I have never known a man as confident and kind and who has the ability to lead a team and reassure everyone as Charlie Griffin praise too to Howard Griffin who has been planning our routes and adjusting courses to keep the boat and crew in the best position for the state of sea. Everyone else has been through their own ups and downs too being new to such conditions as I was and I think all being equal it was a good call to come in at Dover last night and not push on. 

    The latest news from the ship is the lose of Auto Helm which gives people something to do than just stand and look out of the windows hour after hour. There is about a 12ft swell on their Starboard bow. 

    I’m happy to be on the train and not the boat. I also hope in being open about this to the Group people will appreciate this hard decision that I took even if may seem rather an odd one. I guess times like this you find your strengths and sometimes weaknessss too.”

    And here is the video update: 


    I really do feel sorry for you Robin, the ultimate trip in your lifetime and a phase of anxiety overcomes you!

  10. 13 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    Hang on a minute folks!

    This thread has just run to 8 pages of serious, interesting and informed debate about a subject vital to the Broads.

    Our Moderators are those senior members whose wise council has become respected by all but there is nothing to say that they cannot express their own opinions. Indeed their opinions, when given, carry a lot of weight.

    This is why I could never be a moderator. That would be "the poacher turned game-keeper"!

    So is it possible that if a moderator doesn't agree with what you say, their opinions carry a lot more weight than what we say and may be subject for approval?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Siddy said:

    If a mod has a view on a topic as well as others in `MY` eyes they have took themselves out of been a mod on that topic and are subject to been pulled like the rest of you.

    If not who'd be a mod to lose there right to voice. Other mods must cover that topic.


    Unfortunately if you carry the word "Moderator" above your name, you don't have the right to voice your opinions, it comes with the job!

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 2
  12. 1 minute ago, rightsaidfred said:

    I think mods are also members with the same posting rights as every one else and just as entitled to an opinion


    I beg to differ, if the moderators have their opinions known, anyone who would oppose what they think would have their posts quashed!

    Moderators need to be neutral and NOT post, they are simply there to keep the peace. 

    • Sad 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Bound2Please said:

    All who support these bans, for their only their own benefit, peace and comfort. Who dont have to earn a living from the area, are in fact killing off generations of hard work, that has kept people employed and with  roofs over their heads.

    So its ok to break up communities, families and in fact any thing that doesn't effect you YET, as long as wildlife gets nice easy life. Well I was brought up in urban countryside, we had woods dense woods scrub land parks with deer running wild, in fact they still are, the woods are smaller. But the wildlife is as abundant if not more than in the 50's and 60's.

    So my view is leave the broads real national parks to get along as they dis 50 years ago. Where did this country go so wrong. Ah yes I remember to many university bods that think they know better than the folks that have looked after nature side by side with getting on with their lives for 100's of years.

    Conclusion Mother nature has her own way of righting wrongs, dont interfere with her let just do her own thing PLEASE.

    May the broads be the magical experience they was when I was kid and my parents were kids, and for my great great grandkids.


    Can I just say as a moderator, you are meant to take a back seat, not a front seat!

  14. 5 hours ago, grendel said:

    The second top rail is laminated together.



    All I can say is echo what other people are saying and the boat is looking fantastic, but how do work or find anything amongst that clutter on the workbench. If I am repairing or making up something, I have to have space and tidiness while I work.

    • Like 1
  15. 26 minutes ago, JohnK said:

    I have to say. The constant “it’s not an NP” reply to everything the BA says or does (good or bad) stops me from getting involved in any discussion now (here and FB)

    I’d be very interested to know if anyone else feels the same way.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    It sounds like you want to get into a discussion of not getting involved, is there a difference?

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