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Posts posted by KaptinKev

  1. 23 hours ago, socrates said:

    A couple of people have asked me to report on the progress of the restoration of Broadland Grebe. I have been reluctant to do so for several reasons: not least of these is that I admit to being no expert on the subject, and I am all too aware that most people on this forum know a lot more about wooden boats than I do. Furthermore, I am all too aware that there are a loot of keyboard captains who just love to tell me that I am mad and naive! to undertake such a task. 

    stb side rot.JPG

    transom off.JPG

    new planks in.JPG

    painted in shed.JPG

    Personally I say take no notice of these keyboard captain's. You go about restoring a boat in your own way, and that way if all goes well, you can give yourself a pat on the back. If you make a mistake, we all live and learn and at the end of the day, it's your project. You will get a lot of enthusiasm along the way with your boat rebuild with members on this site, and pictures along with likes and forum responses will help if you want to take them on board.

    • Like 6
  2. 13 minutes ago, SteveO said:

    I couldn't possibly comment on the allegation, although the Yorkshire Tea people do say that one bag makes two cups.

    Surely you aren't talking about wife here.:default_biggrin:

    Shields have been raised and photon torpedoes are at the ready!


  3. 21 hours ago, SteveO said:

    When we were kids, advent calendars just had little festive pictures behind the doors and we still thought they were fantastic. Of course my parents, being thrifty Yorkshire folk, re-used the same calendar for about  5 years until several of the little doors had fallen off, at which point they grudgingly replaced it.

    Is it also true that Yorkshire folk reuse their teabags, or is it just a rumour?:default_biggrin:

    • Haha 2
  4. 20 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    and in January there is a full on maintenance weekend where Charlie, Howard and others will join me on board and sort out the list of items I have so far identified

    Yes indeed a full on weekend it will be, Thursday pm right through to Monday pm.  I'm bringing two plus me, that is Brian and our very own 'Wizard' both of whom assisted in the restoration of 'B.A' The Wizard is a joiner / cabinet maker of the highest order, we are lucky to get him.  We will be in the 'GriffTile' van so no shortage of tools will be with us too.  Then I have enlisted another ex-RN mate who lives in Plymouth, he does electronics and the like (Not to mention normal electrics) he is on for the four days too, then hopefully Robin is bring another plumber mate from London, so that will be about six of us turned too for a minimum of 10 x Hr days each and every day.  I will be proper disappointed if we don't achieve quite a lot.  Looking forward to getting cracking


    You can tell Griff was enlisted, or he is on certain medication and if that is so, can he direct me to his pharmacy.:default_biggrin:

    • Haha 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Londonlad1985 said:

    Blimey! That's a whack. Do you get a price per unit? As the marina are charging for electricity are they governed by ofgem? can you challenge their rate? 

    Now I have pulled this one out of the air so to speak, but I think the going rate is about 15 to 20 pence per KWH. I know they have overheads regarding cost to keep your supply up to date and safe, but I think that is the going rate.

  6. On ‎28‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 18:56, Jayfire said:

    I believe the hook ups are 16 amp so you should be able to use up to a total of 3680 watts subject to the rcd protecting your electrics.

    The cards can be bought from the outlets listed here Leccy Cards

    The RCD is only there to protect against earth leakage so to speak, and will always be rated the same or higher than the MCB that protects against short circuit or over current protection. Unless of course a RCBO has been used that has a combined RCD and MCB.

  7. On 22/11/2017 at 17:33, LondonRascal said:

    I have begun this new thread that will be the long term ‘update’ thread as to all the works and modifications etc that take place on Independence rather than to continually update the ‘Big Changes Ahead’ thread which is more generally about the changes I plan to make and the boats purchase etc.

    Friday 17th to Sunday 19th November 2017:  

    I then went to the local Chandlers – these are Force 4 – and have an enormous shop about 15 minutes walk from the boat. I get lost in these places, so much to look at, wonder about and want and to be honest when I went in there they looked at me as if I was not ‘one of them’. 

    Now this term ‘one of them’ refers to the fact boaters down in the South West tend to have a certain look about them. Sailors tend to be older gentlemen who have a more rugged appearance, usually sporting a rich beard (grey) and wear a hat but also will have something on their person that gives the game away they are indeed a Sailor – some rubber all weather boots, or striding along toward you clutching a new stainless fastener in one hand and a wrench in the other. Moterboaters on the other hand can be spotted wearing ‘deck shoes’ a MUSTO jacket (usually cream or navy but not red) and a ‘smart casual’ shirt tucked into their Chino’s or smart Jeans. Then there is me sporting a T-Shirt, jacket, jeans and trainers, you can see therefore I don’t quite look the serious boating type.

    Having spent about half an hour in the shop, you can imagine their initial surprise when I arrive at the counter with a bucket, Teak cleaner, Boat Wash & Wax and a cleaning brush with extending handle. “Oh” says the chap, and then proceeds to tell me that I will no doubt be cleaning my boat this weekend and asks “so you have..what..a small runabout?” and when I reply no, I’ve just bought a Trader 535 Sunliner his jaw dropped so much I wondered if I should have helped prop it up with my brush pole. 

    It is funny how once that is over with you are accepted, for not only are you a owner of a large boat, it is considered to be a ‘proper boat’ for proper cruising types. We talked a lot and I got two catalogues and a free bag and the door held open for me “see you soon I hope” he said cheerily as I left.(It makes you wonder what he might of said under his breath!)


      Perhaps you can bring some of your dress sense from your Broads video's(is that a good thing) to inspire some of these salty types, as it seems they have none.:default_biggrin:








  8. 9 minutes ago, Philosophical said:

    Does anyone know for sure when was it driven into the river?

    I was simply questioning the assumption that it was driven into the river in 1991 being the year it was stolen

    It's like the question that, if the insurance companies know that there are more than a million motorists out there that are driving on our roads uninsured, why isn't this knowledge being used to combat it.

    I know, the resource to combat this outweighs the risk.:default_dry:

  9. 21 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    ‘B.A’ tucked up in t wetshed, i’m treating mysen to dinner the Bridge Inn. Here now Broadsword and dinner on it’s way. Then drive back to wetshed, dvd, nightcap’S’ and off to bed. It’s proper cold outdoors with hail n driving rain  on and off, I wouldn’t be surprised if it snowed


    Sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite.:default_biggrin:

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    I remember the bmw being brought up years back. Seems the local pond life use ‘this stretch of river to cool down their hot wares 


    I have to state that pond life have more intelligence than the low life in public.:default_dry:

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Snowy said:

    Just seen this on Twitter  from Broads beat 

    Vehicle found submerged on riverbed from Sonar scan was stolen back in 1991! Enquiries continue... @NorfolkPolice


    Since our boys in blue are under staffed and under paid for what they have to put up with in their job, I think enquiries will be ongoing through 2020 for this finding. But by then, alot of people will have forgotten about it.  

  12. My era was the 80's and was a colourful time, with the look of Duran Duran being on how to dress(oh dear). I even had the streaked blonde hair was a bit painful to have done sometimes, which takes me back to when I did have hair. Now when I watch some of the music video's from that era, I do sometimes find them very cringe worthy.:default_blush: 

    • Haha 1
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