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Posts posted by Meantime

  1. 47 minutes ago, BrundallNavy said:

    This year the rate per £1 card is 5.5. Anyone know what it was last year. 

    I suspect that is the rate for last year. That is far better than you can currently get at home, never mind what it's going up to after the price cap rises in April. I suspect they have a fixed commercial supply contract and the key statement for me on that web page is that it will be reviewed in May 2022. I suspect by then they will have had their review from their commercial supplier and it will be a lot less than 5.5 units for £ in future.

  2. I'm also surprised the chancellor didn't make more of the fact its a 6p per litre cut not 5p per litre. VAT at 20% is added to the final price which includes the fuel duty, cost of fuel and retailers profit. Therefore a 5p reduction in duty also leads to a 1p cut in VAT if the duty reduction is passed on.

  3. I think you'll find the 58p per litre duty is the same for petrol and diesel and is charged or collected by the forecourt not the distributer. The chancellor reduced the duty from 6pm last night so any forecourt which didn't reduce their price has added a 5p increase, because they will only be passing on 53p per litre on any sale from then on.

  4. 8 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    I think I'll start to smell a rat when I hear that Cheddar Cheese, Melton Mowbray pork pies, Somerset cider etc all start to go up in price.

    What makes you think that the producers of those products will not be affected by rising feed prices and the cost of fuel to process, transport and store those products at the right temperature. In this globally connected economy we are all affected. Your being delusional if you think they won't be going up!

    • Like 1
  5. 43 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

     I read this morning that the price of chicken is expected to rise by 30% due to the war in Ukraine, but I’m struggling to find the connection.

    Russia and Ukraine account for over 25% of the worlds supply of wheat. The war has sent the price of wheat soaring around the world. Feed prices for poultry farmers have risen by 20 to 30% which will ultimately be passed on. Add in the effect of the cost of oil and gas increases which will effect everything that needs to be moved by road, processed in a factory, then moved to a supermarket.  

  6. Will probably come as a big shock to those yards who have done all inclusive prices including the fuel. Wonder how long before you see locking fuel caps on hire boats? My boats had one for about 10 years now.

  7. Farmer Giles has not been able to supply you with Red Diesel legally for sometime unless he charged you the appropriate duty. So nothing will change there.

    Private boaters have been paying the full rate of duty on Red diesel for sometime, on the portion that is used for propulsion and a lower rate for the Red diesel used for heating, otherwise known as the 60/40 split. This is due to continue after the 1st April when other sectors are also forced to pay the full rate of duty.

  8. 52 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    No residue water marks up here :default_biggrin:

    As for ‘B.A’ - wetshed :default_biggrin:


    How do you tell the difference between the Sahara sand and the rust falling from the wetshed roof? Just different shades of Red surely :default_norty:

    • Haha 2
  9. 3 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    Yes, that’s what occurred to me too. It does say emergency works, so presumably not something they could plan far in advance.

    You would hope that since the river authority gave planning permission for the opposite bank to be replied and the bank raised, that they would know where the water was going to overtop next time round? Plainly they didn't so they are going to fix it. Hopefully they have leaned their lesson and know where it is going to over top next time, or maybe not, I guess time will tell! Who will be the next unlucky recipient of flood water being stopped from going onto a flood plain?

    • Like 2
  10. 49 minutes ago, jeffbroadslover said:

    Can anyone enlighten me as to why Richardsons are no longer listed as a sponsor of the forum?

    Have we done something to upset them or is it simply a money saving exercise?

    We now have to "go the long way round"  if we want to view a boat being discussed on the forum



    Purely a guess but I would imagine that Richardsons sponsorship was instigated by Clive Richardson who is still a sponsor as Horning Pleaseurecraft. Possibly explains why we have recently got a new sponsor to replace a departing one? 

    All guess work, but I would imagine the best people to ask, are "The Management" :default_norty:

    • Like 1
  11. 22 minutes ago, gancanny said:

    its very shallow, i would keep away and be safe  :default_icon_twisted::default_gbxhmm: 

    If it's that shallow I would say the more people that use it the better as the prop scour will help deepen it and make it more usable to everyone :default_norty::default_gbxhmm::default_icon_twisted:

    Do your bit and help your fellow boaters by using it as much as possible. :default_beerchug:

    • Haha 2
  12. 23 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    Anyone employed on a yard, who works on gas installations, must be gas safe qualified, and that means everyone.  It is not permitted to have one qualified, who "supervises" the others.  Gas systems are tested every spring before hiring starts.

    There may now be a new certificate required but I have not heard of it.

    In the UK anyone who rents out property has to have an annual Landlords gas safety check completed on all the gas appliances, boiler, cooker etc. This has to be completed by a Gas Safe engineer. As of the last 12 months electrical systems have also been covered by a similar inspection regime, although only required every five years.

    The BSS test is only once every four years so I suspect that a similar gas safety check has to be completed annually by a Gas Safe engineer for any boat hired out to comply in a similar way as residential property landlords have to.


    The above covers which properties need a gas landlords safety check, I'd be surprised if there wasn't an equivalent annual check needed on hire boats in addition to the normal 4 yearly BSS check.

    Edited to add this taken from the Gas Safe website:

    "What is LPG?

    Liquefied petroleum gas, or LPG, such as propane or butane, is a flammable fuel that’s used in heating appliances, cooking equipment, and vehicles. You’re likely to come across LPG in camping equipment, BBQ's, and patio heaters, and it’s also frequently used in dwellings like caravans, cabins, boats and rural homes.

    Remember, if you rent out your dwelling - even if it’s just a short-term let - you’re classed as a landlord with legal duties when it comes to liquid petroleum gas safety - and gas safety in general."


    • Like 1
  13. 10 minutes ago, Maxwellian said:

    not sure this is a rule, more reasonable consideration


    The problem when you market something as a National Park when it isn't is that you cause confusion. The same thing happens when as the Authority in charge of the Byelaws you advertise things as though they are the rules.

    There is NO rule or byelaw about the running of engines between the hours of 8pm and 8am. By suggesting there might be a rule as the Authority do time and time again, they end up legitimising the running of engines between the hours of 8am to 8pm. 

    The byelaws they are meant to enforce are clear. NO one should run their engines at moorings if it causes a noise or pollution issue at ANY time of the day.

    The BA consistently issue and advertise advice in contravention of their own Byelaws, but that's not surprising really when they want to advertise themselves as something they clearly are not.

    Who knows maybe this year the BA will start to give away key rings with slogans such as please avoid creating wash between the hours of 9am to 5pm, or maybe they'll issue keyrings asking us to please avoid travelling at more than 4mph through Horning during the hours of 11am to 3pm.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, oldgregg said:

    There's no connection to the Norwich one in Chapelfield Gardens (now also closed).

    The site in Windermere is now under new management.

    Looking at a press release, I think the Grimsby one could be the same people https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/whats-on/food-drink/scartho-restaurant-launches-exciting-news-6712549

    Yes it's the same team, with a good touch of amnesia thrown in for good measure.


    Seems to have forgotten all about the few years spent in Norfolk :facepalm:


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  15. 2 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    That's a very sad statement. We are relatively recent visitors to the Broads. I'm not sure what aspect of Oulton Broad they are referring to, but during the time we have been visited the standard of shops, pubs, cafes, restaurants and takeaways seems to have varied. Personally, I think there has been an improvement recently the last few years.

    It could be a case of sour grapes. I believe Moss and Co who run The Commodore also used to run The Waveney until about 6 months ago, so they have lost both their venues in Oulton Broads in less than a year. The Commodore as they have stated because Stonegate wanted it back, not sure on what happened with The Waveney though.

  16. Looks like it's all change at The Commodore in Oulton Broad.

    Commodore Oulton Broads

    It is with great sadness that we are now into the final two weeks of our tenancy at The Commodore. We have had an unbelievable ten years here and can’t thank you all enough for the support. Stonegate who own the building have decided to take back their premium sites to run themselves and therefore unfortunately we were not offered the chance to extend our time here after ten years of hard work.

    With every set back however comes new opportunities and we should have some news in the next few weeks as we firmly believe that Oulton Broad is sadly not what it once was. For now we are taking every single member of our amazing team with us and you can still get everything the Commodore had to offer just a few minutes drive away at one of our many other sites.

    We couldn't say goodbye though without one more gig from Terry Adams so come and join us and Terry on Friday 11th from 9pm.

    Then on our final night, Saturday 19th March we have the amazing Gee Strings on from 9pm so let's make it a good one!!!

    Once again thank you

    The Commodore


    This probably also explains why Stonegate have taken The New Inn at Horning back under their own management.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  17. I would imagine the right to use as residential would remain until such times as The BA decide that right has been abandoned, but that could be harder to prove as long as the moorings remain in use as moorings. Abandonment would be easier to prove if the moorings weren't used for a number of years at all.

    Again I cannot remember the full details but I think the permission to have authorised residential moorings at The WRC were time limited and subject to a review after a certain period. So I guess if they are not being used as residential at the review the right would lapse.

  18. 13 minutes ago, Islander said:

    So that’s saying a residence can be used as a holiday let then or is it just moorings.



    I'm not sure I fully understand your question?

    If you own a home and you want to let it out as a holiday let, then you generally don't need planning permission, because there is no change of use, however if you own a caravan park and you have a number of short term lets, then to increase the number of caravans beyond the number you already have planning for would need a planning application. Likewise if you wanted to allow all year round residential use of the caravans you would need planning permission, but that would give you the ability to let them longer term all year round, but wouldn't mean that you had to.

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