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Posts posted by Meantime

  1. 11 hours ago, Meantime said:

    You can say what you like about this forum, but there's not many forums that can boost over 2000 newbies overnight! :default_norty::default_hiding:

    ok ok I take it back. We must be doing something wrong now, we seem to have lost 2000 newbies overnight! :default_rofl::default_jumelles:

  2. I see the Co-op are to ban the sale of disposable BBQs at 130 stores within National Parks due to the fire risks they pose. I wonder if that includes any Co-ops in or near Broadland? :default_norty: Off course by the mere fact that they are disposable and therefore very portable, no one would think to purchase near home and take one to a National Park, or even one marketed as one. :facepalm:

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Oh dear, that means I cant start this job till after the weekend then. Shame!

    There's always the prep work to be done,

    Visit Roys or Lathams and select a range of fine bottled ales.

    Take said items and place them in a cool part of the boat to be chilling.

    Select one of the said chilled items and carefully open.

    Review the plans of the work you wish to achieve once the shop is open and you can purchase the screws.

    Open a second bottle of chilled ale and double check your plans and make any alterations.

    Repeat until you think you have honed your plans to perfection.



    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

    Why, who is this Sonia that you speak of? :default_smiley-angelic002:

    So I've been told :default_smiley-angelic002: she offers very good hospitality, although not prone to serving Italian Fizzy water, but good ole English ales. :default_beerchug:

  5. What a strange thread this is. Wussername makes the most sense.

    Someone claims to be a little miffed at being told to slow down, when they admit to being over the maximum speed limit, and even checked and calibrated their method of checking speed and confirmed it was accurate, and thus over the maximum speed limit. Then someone else comes along and admits to going through at a "sedate" speed of 4.6mph, or 0.6mph over the MAXIMUM speed limit. Did I say maximum, as in the maximum speed, not a target to aim for. :facepalm:

    Whatever method the rangers use to calibrate their equipment is slightly irrelevant, as it was accurate enough to clock you going over the maximum limit. :default_rofl:

    Take it on the chin, and maybe just slow down through Horning a bit. :default_biggrin:

    Or have a missed something and the speed limit through Horning has been raised to 5mph?

    Another candidate for replacing the Jokes thread! :default_norty:

    Actually maybe Jayfire made the most sense, time to retrieve another beer from the fridge. :default_wink:

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  6. Paul,

    Let me start by saying that I think both the clock and the coaters are really excellent.

    If I were to see the items in a shop I would probably expect to see a price tag of around £34.99 for the clock and £6 to £7 for the coasters, but would be assuming that they were mass produced in some far off country.

    You've made it slightly harder to answer the question honestly because you've already explained how much labour and parts go in to them. Depending on where you sold them and how you described them, you could ask a lot more than the prices I suggested above. Hand made in the UK, or hand crafted in the UK springs to mind. 

    To take the clock as an example knowing the amount of time you have put into it, you should really be looking for around £99.99 at the very least, but if I'm honest the part of the clock that lets it down slightly for me, is the part you haven't made, the dial and the hands. Little things like spending a little more on the mech, making it a limited run and perhaps signed on the back by the maker, may all add to what people are prepared to pay.

    Hope I haven't offended but was trying to answer honestly. 

  7. The rules for staying on boats or any other self contained self catering accommodation are you can only do so with members of your own household, or support bubble. That is due to be extended no earlier than 17th May when hotels and other places with shared facilities will be allowed to open. 

    • Like 2
  8. I don't recognise the make or model of the alternator, but you will need to remove the black cover to get to the brushes and regulator.

    The plus and negative wires are straight forward. It appears there is a thinner Brown wire under the positive terminal, this will feed the regulator and appears to go under the plastic cover.

    The W terminal is the tacho pulse and will go to your rev counter. 

    The two wires on the other terminal will more than likely be your battery lamp and buzzer. They will both be fed by 12V from your ignition switch and the earth side of them will be connected to that terminal on the alternator. When the alternator is not spinning or providing an output then that terminal will be at zero volts and the lamp and buzzer will be on. As the alternator spins and an output is generated the voltage on that terminal will rise to 12V and therefore both sides of the lamp and buzzer will be at 12V and therefore the lamp will go out and the buzzer will stop.

    Whilst the wiring could do with some attention, if the lamp is coming on whilst the engine is running the voltage on that terminal must be dropping to zero indicating that the alternator has stopped producing an output. Since the battery lamp earths through the alternator when there is no output you can rule out faulty connections on the battery lamp terminal and negative terminal. A faulty connection on the W terminal would make the rev counter jump. A faulty connection on the positive terminal shouldn't stop the alternator output as most alternators are "self exciting" once they have started running. Long and short of it, is that the wiring or connections are unlikely to be the cause of your problem.


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