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Posts posted by Meantime

  1. 10 hours ago, WherryNice said:

    Barnes are hiring Encore and Serenade(Elite range cruisers in case you don't know) out for day hire between 29th March and 11th April! Quite pricey but they make one hell of a dayboat!

    Looks like Barnes have wisely decided to follow the Governments advice rather than the BA's advice then, unless they are expecting plenty of pent up demand just from the residents of Wroxham and Hoveton!!!!

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, AndyH said:

    I would suggest that the Govt advice is at best vague and as before they are leaving agencies like the Police (and BA) to make an intepretation on travel. I would agree that it does not explicitly say "Stay Local" in the text for 29th March, but it does very clearly say "minimise travel". 

    So what do you consider is a reasonable distance to travel to spend a day on your boat?

    Hi AndyH, firstly welcome to the forum.

    The following is taken from a speech the Prime Minister made to the House of commons on the 22nd February. I have highlighted some bits.

    As part of Step one, we will go further and make limited changes on 29 March, when schools go on Easter holidays.

    It will become possible to meet in limited numbers outdoors, where the risk is lower.

    So the Rule of Six will return outdoors, including in private gardens

    and outdoor meetings of two households will also be permitted on the same basis, so that families in different circumstances can meet. Outdoor sports facilities – such as tennis and basketball courts, and open-air swimming pools – will be able to reopen

    and formally organised outdoor sports will resume, subject to guidance.

    From this point, 29 March, people will no longer be legally required to stay at home

    but many lockdown restrictions will remain.

    People should continue to work from home where they can and minimise all travel wherever possible.

    The minimise travel advice remains after the 12th April when overnight stays in self catered accommodation is allowed again. Clearly it is pretty pointless staying in a second home or holiday cottage if it has to be within your local area, village or town. From the 12th April Zoos, theme parks and drive in cinemas will reopen. They are going to be pretty quiet places if they can only be used by people in the same local area. 

    I would suggest as Ray has posted that visiting your boat after the 29th March providing you can travel there and back the same day would be acceptable if you haven't been able to check it for 3 to 4 months. To do so every day if you had the time would be excessive. If you could combine journeys by doing your weekly shopping on the way back from the boat, or visiting a relative outdoors on the journey to or from the boat , that would be minimising travel.

    Finally the Police cannot make an interpretation on travel, they can only Police the legislation. They have already got in trouble more than once for Policing guidance rather than the legislation.



    • Like 1
  3. Thank you Thunder, that matches what I said earlier on about the stay at home message being lifted by the Government from 29th March, in favour of minimise travel. Makes you wonder why the BA would be suggesting differently! Maybe the website will get updated again!. Meanwhile, I'll continue to look to the Government website for correct information.

  4. 3 minutes ago, grendel said:

    doesnt sound like its saying you cant use your motorboat, just that you cant travel any distance to it, or use it overnight, at least read what they are saying,

    I'd prefer to follow the government guidelines, especially the bit where they are dropping the stay local messaging, in favour of minimise travel. 

    The BA haven't really thought this through again have they. Mr Ranger sees a boat coming down the river, where does the owner live? how far is too far away? How would the ranger know where the owner lives? Would he use the toll database, presumably this only tells the ranger whether the boat is tolled. Does he ring HQ and ask for the registered keepers details, but then again they may not be on the boat, but have lent it to someone who lives "local". Would that be a valid use of the stored data or would it be a breach? And let's assume they do ascertain the person on board is the owner and doesn't live "local" what are they going to do then? All they could do is call the Police!!! As I say not very well thought through especially when the Government is dropping the stay local message.

    You have to wonder what the motive is, especially when they put the bit they want you to follow in capitals, even though it is no longer going to be the Government's message.

  5. 1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

    I take it that you have read all the squit that came with this year's toll demand?

    My demand arrives via email and too be honest I've put it to one side for now to be dealt with later. I haven't bothered yet to follow the links to the usual guff that comes with it.

    • Like 1
  6. I would suggest from the 29th March. 

    102. The Government will also allow outdoor sports facilities to reopen, broadening the options for outdoor exercise and recreation. These facilities, such as tennis and basketball courts, and swimming pools, can be used by people in line with the wider social contact limits. Formally organised outdoor sports – for adults and under 18s - can also restart and will not be subject to the gatherings limits, but should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing bodies.

    106. As a result of these changes, people will no longer be legally required to Stay at Home. Many of the lockdown restrictions, however, will remain in place. Unless an exemption already applies, it will not be possible to meet people from other households indoors and many business premises will remain shut. Guidance will set out that people should continue to work from home where they can. People should continue to minimise travel wherever possible, and should not be staying away from home overnight at this stage.

    • Like 1
  7. Personally I would follow the government advice, not some incorrect rehash of it. The Government is dropping the stay local message in favour of other messaging such as minimise travel, so why is the BA still persisting with it in contradiction to the Government?

    Step 1 8th March is still to stay at home.

    Step 1 29th March is to minimise travel, no holidays.

    Step 2 12th April is to minimise travel, no international holidays.

    Step 3 17th May international travel subject to review.

    All can be found in the official Government publication here

    Step 1 advice starts on document page 27 or PDF page 31.

    Step 1 29th March is particularly pertinent as it falls just before the school holiday break 

    98. From 29 March there is an opportunity for some further limited changes as part of Step 1, as most schools start to break up for the Easter holidays.

    99. By then, the lockdown will have been in place for twelve weeks, during which time people will have been unable to see their extended family and friends or spend much time outside the home. At this point, the Government will enable people to meet up in limited numbers outdoors, where they are less likely to catch the virus or pass it on.

    106. As a result of these changes, people will no longer be legally required to Stay at Home. Many of the lockdown restrictions, however, will remain in place. Unless an exemption already applies, it will not be possible to meet people from other households indoors and many business premises will remain shut. Guidance will set out that people should continue to work from home where they can. People should continue to minimise travel wherever possible, and should not be staying away from home overnight at this stage.

  8. 15 hours ago, Jayfire said:

    And everyone planning on a future visit to Carlton Marshes breaths a huge sigh of relief :default_norty:

    Nothing worse than going bird watching and seeing the lesser spotted bearded lady! :default_jumelles::default_icon_eek::default_norty::default_rofl:

    • Haha 1
  9. The tolls are due on the 1st April, delaying payment would be to make payment anytime after they are due. Paying 4 weeks in advance is a personal choice, but it is not delaying payment to wait until the due date. Paying before the 1st April is to make early payment, in a normal year you would still be trying to make use of last years toll at the moment.

    By all means pay early if you wish, but I don't think anyone should feel guilty about waiting to pay a bill when it is actually due.



  10. 1 hour ago, BuffaloBill said:

    So where do the present car owners park after that? Are they not bungalow owners cars?

    I could be wrong, but I think they pay to park there, so will have to find somewhere else to park. I believe you can pay to park long term in Lathams car park.

    I am guessing there is a member on here who will know the ins and outs of it.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Paul said:

    I note that the plans include car parking spaces opposite .... 

    Is that not a staithe?

    The attached picture shows the area outlined in Red where the 9 spaces are proposed, presumably this is already private. There is one parking space divided off by wooden posts where the green line is. Maybe that is the staithe parking? or maybe from that one space to the proposed nine spaces is staithe parking?


  12. 2 minutes ago, Paul said:

    There speaks the treasurer

    On our last visit we ate a burger, sticky toffee pudding and a couple of pints of Nelson's apiece at nearly £70 for the two of us. It was OK, but not worth £70. We used to spend a lot of money in the brewery shop as well when we visited, which they are not getting now. They have priced themselves above the Recruiting Sergeant but the quality of food and service is well short of the RS

    Think I'd be tempted to pay that to be in any pub at the moment! :default_drinks:

  13. 27 minutes ago, psychicsurveyor said:

    We have also had substantially fewer flu and winter vomiting virus deaths as a result of increased isolation and better hygiene measures, this will distort the 5 year average excess deaths figure. I guess that when you adjust for these ' missing' deaths the figure will be near the current quoted covid death figures.

    True, but if we hadn't had Covid then some of those people would have died from the things you mentioned. James Bond may live twice, but we can only die once, so the true excess death figure is likely to be far closer to the ONS figures given above. Likewise since Covid has taken some people early, once this pandemic is over you would expect the rolling five year average to come down a little, although this will be more than likely offset by the increases due to missed cancer screenings and others not attending A+E in a timely manner for other ailments, which will lead to a rise.

  14. The Government publishes two sets of figures on the Corona Virus Portal.

    Deaths within 28 days of a positive death which is running at 121,305 since the start.

    Deaths with Covid 19 on the death certificate 135,613 since the start. This is where Covid is mentioned as one of the contributing factors.

    The ONS figures probably give a truer overall picture.

    The 5 year average death rate per year for the five years prior to 2020 was 539,083, for 2020 it was 614,114 so an increase on the average of 75,031

    The same figures for the first six weeks of 2021 are as follows, five year average 73,756, this year 105,463, an increase of 31,707.

    If you add the 75,031 with the 31,707 that gives you a total of an extra 106,738 extra deaths since Covid started compared to the five year average before. This is a fair bit lower than either of the figures mentioned on the Covid portal.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. 1 minute ago, JennyMorgan said:

    I note that Olive Court Properties, the company making the application, is owned by Mr Hollocks, living in America.

    That should read preparing the application. No application has been made yet, at least it doesn't appear on the BA planning portal. I seriously doubt there ever will be an application.

    • Like 3
  16. 5 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    No, It does not and can not possibly mean that a car crash fatality (for example) could go down as a covid related death. Consider this... I intentionally infect somebody with covid. He gets tested and is positive. I then shoot him in the head.

    Is anybody truly suggesting that this would go down as a covid death? COME on!  

    Technically yes. The daily death figure just records ANY death within 28 days of a positive Covid test.

    Taken from the CoronaVirus Dashboard site.

    Number of deaths of people who had had a positive test result for COVID-19 and died within 28 days of the first positive test. Data from the four nations are not directly comparable as methodologies and inclusion criteria vary. Data for the period ending 5 days before the date when the website was last updated with data for the selected area, highlighted in grey, is incomplete.

  17. 1 minute ago, ranworthbreeze said:

    The figurers shown each day are still far too many considering were are being told that the virus is slowing down and that measures may be eased shortly


    The important figures as far as easing restrictions are concerned are the number of new infections and hospital admissions. Sad as they are, the death figures lag infections and hospital admissions by a number of weeks. As the effects of the vaccine are felt on new infections and hospital admissions and they are already dropping rapidly, then so the daily death figures will likewise follow. It is the reverse of what happened when the R number rose rapidly, new infections and hospital figures followed, and eventually the daily death figures rose some weeks later and continued to rise even when lockdown was announced.

    • Like 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, PaulN said:

    I'm  very confused about the death figures that are published each day.

    In the first wave, the deaths published for Covid, were those that occurred in hospitals, this was obviously wrong initially, as it didn't include care homes or people who died at home.

    Now the figures we are told each day, are for people who died withing 28 days of testing positive for covid. Does this mean that if someone with no symptoms tests positive and within 28 days they die of say a heart attack or car crash, they are calculated into the covid statistics when their death certificate goes to the central registry?

    Simple answer is yes. In the early days they counted any death after a positive covid test, then as it dragged on they realised that there would come a time when someone could test positive and die three months later of something else and they would still be counted, so they set a time limit of within 28 days, but it will still be counted even if the cause of death is unrelated to Covid.

    If you look at the ONS stats for the average number of deaths per year over the last 5 years, approx 540,000 per year and then look at the figure for the last 12 months you get closer to the true number of excess deaths caused by Covid, which is less than the figure currently being given. 

    • Like 1
  19. So you would have The Berney Arms, never really liked the name Beauchamp, so let's call that The Maurice Arms and then re-instate The Stracy as The Three Feathers as a nod to the heritage. Marshman can borrow a Wherry to do the deliveries and Peter can supply a Jenny Morgan for the mast. Paul can be the brewmaster. All we need now is a gofundme page and were off.

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  20. 25 minutes ago, Hylander said:

    I read that yesterday 43 Vietnamese landed on the beach at Walmer.    Now all other considerations forgotten what happens to these people as far as Covid is concerned.   I trust that they are isolated and tested.

    I just felt the collective tension from the mods then :default_rofl:

    To answer your question, let's hope so.

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