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Posts posted by Meantime

  1. 2 minutes ago, chameleon said:

    if you are exempt you can still wear a full face shield, no excuses

    Something I was a proponent of way back in the first lockdown. Too be honest with the way the virus is circulating, those who genuinely cannot wear a face mask are probably most at risk from the virus anyway and should either be shielding or making other arrangements via friends and family or online shopping. There should be very few reasons to see someone not wearing a mask now.

    I'd be inclined to go as far as say that masks should be worn in any queue outdoors. We now have mass asymptomatic testing in our area, but I query the wisdom of standing in a long queue putting yourself at risk of picking up the virus if you are already taking precautions to minimise contact with others. Asymptomatic testing should be reserved for workers who cannot work from home and educational facilities once they reopen. 

    • Like 1
  2. I see that Morrisons and Sainsburys have announced they are going to be challenging people for not wearing a mask unless they have a medical exemption. Whilst that is good news, I would like to see them actively reintroducing the 2m spacing rules and reducing the numbers of people allowed in the store at busy times. Most of the supermarkets are still open longer hours than they were previously. It's not like people can go out anywhere for recreation, so there is no excuse for not shopping later in the evening to find a quieter time, or earlier in the morning.

    • Like 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, JanetAnne said:

    I suspect you'll find the value of existing internal combustion powered cars to increase after 2030......


    26 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    Me too, it’s all about supply and demand 


    I suspect you will see the price of petrol and diesel fuel rocket due to supply and demand and the treasury!

    • Like 1
  4. The sale of new petrol and diesel cars is to be banned from 2030, 9 years time, with the sale of new hybrid cars banned from 2035, the emphasis on the word new. There are no current plans for second hand petrol and diesel cars to be banned. I would expect some sort of scrappage incentive would be introduced to accelerate the uptake of electric vehicles.

  5. 4 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    Too many were cavalier, ignorant and arrogant whilst government was weak, indecisive & slow off the mark. Pop that in a time capsule and wait & see if I'm not right!

    Your already right! People might think I'm wrong for driving a short distance to take a walk, but actually the real problem is that this lockdown is not as restrictive as the first, when it needs to be more restrictive and I don't mean on going for a walk.

    40-60% children in school still even though it is only meant to be for key workers.

    Churches still allowed communal worship.

    Celebrities still travelling out of the country on holiday. Actually no bad thing, just don't let them back in, negative test or not till this is over.

    Nurseries still allowed to open for all, not just the children of key workers.

    Garden centres open this time around.

    More non essential stores allowed to offer click and collect this time around.

    Cleaners still allowed to come round and clean your house.

    National Trust and other botanical destination gardens allowed to open.

    Fishing allowed this time around. Still don't really see that as exercise.

    And then you have the divide that is being allowed.

    Bollywood actress allowed to have her hair done because it is for a film part. 

    Elite sport allowed to continue, even though some showed total disregard for their elite status when it came to holding new year parties. 

    Continuing drama, The Voice, The Masked Singer and other such TV programs being allowed to continue filming this time around. Even with social distancing the number of crew and backroom staff needed to film these shows must be significant.

    The ramifications of those who can afford to keep their children out of school compared to those who cannot afford to, even if they'd like to. 

    The message might be stay at home, but where it really counts, where the face to face transmission is happening, the law, or the guidance, or the rules whatever you want to call it, is not supporting it.


    • Like 1
  6. The East of England is one of 9 NUTS :default_eusa_naughty: created by the EU and covers a surprisingly large area from Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire in the West to Norfolk and Suffolk in the East, with Essex in the South and Cambridgeshire in the North West. 

    Stevenage is on the Western part of the East of England NUT. (Nomenclature of Terriritorial Units for Statistics)

    Arguably Chelmsford or Colchester would have been more central for the East of England NUT.

    There are 9 NUTS and only 7 mass vaccination centres, so 2 NUTS have no vaccination centre, so things could always be worse. These 7 mass vaccination centres are only the first phase with more planned,

  7. 1 minute ago, JennyMorgan said:

    Can't resist it, the Broads NP!

    Why on earth would Stevenage be the vaccination centre of Eastern England? Cambridge at a push, Colchester possibly but surely Norwich would make more sense, especially for all us Norfolk & Suffolk old gits, or don't we really matter!

    Its not like you've got a motorway to get their quickly :facepalm:

    • Haha 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, TheQ said:

    I see HMG is as geographically challenged, as those that travel over 100 miles to see the seals..


    Of the 7 major mass vaccination centres, The East of England centre is in....Stevenage.



    I guess they went to the same school as those that labelled London Luton airport or London Southend airport! 


  9. 12 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

    as an aside looking around me I wonder how many of the people using the exercise rule would have been doing the same things before covid 19.


    I guess in more normal times people have less time to exercise, additionally when you ban or restrict the number of things that people are legally allowed to do, it is only natural that they will turn to doing the fewer remaining things they are legally allowed to do.

    Speaking personally I live about three miles from the railway station. It is not uncommon for me to walk to and from the station if I need to travel to London for work. I haven't used the train for work since last March, so that's a lot of walking to catch up on somehow. I have always enjoyed walking for leisure and finding new and interesting places to walk.

    • Like 1
  10. I saw on the news last night that in lots of places school attendance is still between 40% and 60% and that most schools are having to ask all their staff to come in to cope with demand. They are also stating that school attendance is far higher than it was during the first lockdown. Since it has been stated that this particular strain of virus is more easily transmissible amongst school age children that seems a very strange situation!

    They also stated that usage of the public transport network in London was far higher than it was during the first lockdown.

    The key to beating this virus is minimising face to face or close contact where possible.

  11. 8 hours ago, floydraser said:
    13 hours ago, Meantime said:

    There are other forums which are very quiet because people don't post. Maybe that's the way to go then!. 

    Couldn't agree more. They will be forums populated by folks who either don't feel the need to express themselves and have learned when it's best not to say anything.


    13 hours ago, Meantime said:

    I shall perhaps try and limit my number of posts over the next few days. 

    Please try.

    Oh! the irony :facepalm::default_rofl:

  12. 1 hour ago, floydraser said:

    If you think there is a "frenzy" on the forum you may well look at the amount of posts you yourself have made.

    There are other forums which are very quiet because people don't post. Maybe that's the way to go then!. Although I note that I'm not even in the top four posters on this thread! I shall perhaps try and limit my number of posts over the next few days. It would be a very boring place if we all shared the same view, in fact there'd be no need to debate anything, or even have forums. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    How many are we up to now?

    "Look at me everybody!"

    What else does this contribute to the debate?

    It provides some balance to the lockdown frenzy on this forum. What I did today was not illegal. It was done with good judgement and with the aim of minimising risk, when compared to other areas I could have walked more locally. 

    If I read Grendel's post above yours correctly, he drove further than he needed to as a part of providing help to someone in need to better recharge his car battery. Could that have been achieved another way? arguably he could have used a battery charger. I liked his post because he made his risk assessment, decided he was at little risk to himself and others by driving slightly further, combined with another mission and completed the trip.

    I've said it before, it is not the likes of me walking 6 miles in a country park alone that is spreading the virus or the problem. Today I have seen three of my neighbours who I'm not going to dob in have visitors who are plainly not part of their household, or support bubbles. Whilst driving to the country park I passed a group of five middle aged ladies walking and chatting together, plainly they are not from the same household. They are the ones who are having unnecessary face to face contact with people indoors and outdoors who are spreading the virus. 

    I guess the bottom line is some on this forum, and even those who are strong proponents of the stay at home regardless message have lent on the rules when it suited them. However I also guess a very high majority of the people on this forum are also sensible enough to make their own judgement calls and carry out whatever it is they do decide to do in as safe a manner as possible. I doubt if there are any of the people on this forum who are blatantly ignoring or breaking the laws. We just all have slightly different opinions on the best way of staying and keeping safe.

  14. 13 minutes ago, SwanR said:

    But it’s debatable whether that is in the spirit of stay at home and stay local. There is a risk if you had broken down or had an accident and needed help. 

    Beautiful photos and lovely scenery though. I can understand the temptation!

    And that is where I did my own risk assessment and decided that to walk for 6 miles around my local neighbourhood would involve crossing endless amounts of roads and endless road junctions with car turning in and out of roads etc. Each one carrying a small element of risk of being knocked over. People out jogging running past too close for my comfort, other people out walking local to them again walking too close etc. etc.

    Most of my work can be done at home, some of it cannot be. Some jobs I have turned down recently even though I am legally allowed to go and do them because to me the risk is not worth it. I can legally go shopping once per day, but have made some changes and got it down to about once every 9 days. The walk I did today is far safer than exercising locally, far safer than going to a supermarket, or some of the jobs I have turned down recently.

  15. 2 hours ago, rightsaidfred said:

    Sorry thats nonsense I live in London with no immediate Green space but I can still get all the exercise I need within  a 1/4 of a mile of my front door quite safely as do most of my neighbours 


    I've just been out for my one exercise today. 6.15 miles of walking. Doing 6.15 miles around streets with cars turning in and out of turnings. Other pedestrians out and about walking their dogs on relatively narrow pavements, having to keep crossing the road to avoid other people actually becomes more stressful. There is a green space at the bottom of my turning and to do 6.15 miles would probably involve about 50 laps of the green. I drove to a country park a few miles away in isolation in my car. Parked the car and went for a good walk with plenty of uplifting views and passed very few people and the few that were there had much more space to pass by without getting too close. It also has some hills and gradients all of which are good cardio. I had to touch three gates and sanitised immediately after each one.

    I could have stayed at home, I could have walked from home, instead I took a short drive and walked in a far safer and more deserted place. I put no one at risk and didn't place myself at risk I was at far less risk than going to a supermarket, which I'm allowed to do once a day, but currently have got down to about once every nine days. No rules were bent and no laws broken.

    A very cold morning, but a good day to be out and about.


    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

    For heavens sakes, what is so hard in staying at home or at least local? 

    The BBC news this morning had contacted Whitehall, various Government departments, The National College of Policing and The National Police Chiefs Council, they also had a retired Chief Constable on the show. None of them could define local! The Chief Constable also said that he had scanned all of the relevant legislation and could not find the word local in it, only in the guidance.

    As the Chief Constable pointed out, Police rely on procedural justice, being seen to be fair in upholding the law. That one case and it should be remembered it is one case, there may well be a handful of others but a relatively low number, has done a lot to undermine public confidence and compliance.

  17. 34 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    A decent nationwide snowfall would do it. Snag with that is, it would hinder key workers too


    My experience is that the snow brings everybody outside to play in it, build snowmen and have snow ball fights. Then there is the increased risk of car accidents and slips and falls on ice that would be the last thing the local A+E departments need.

    • Like 2
  18. Meanwhile, following the over zealous policing by Derbyshire Police they have now issued the following statement.

    But in a statement, the force said further guidance issued by the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) had "clarified the policing response concerning travel and exercise".

    The guidance said: "The Covid regulations which officers enforce and which enables them to issue FPNs [fixed penalty notices] for breaches, do not restrict the distance travelled for exercise."

    The NPCC added that rather than issue fines for people who travel out of their local area "but are not breaching regulations, officers will encourage people to follow the guidance".

    The force has now said it will be "aligning to adhere to this stance".

    Assistant Chief Constable Kem Mehmet said: "We are grateful for the guidance from the NPCC.

    Unfortunately this whole debacle has now given license to those who are truly selfish enough to go where they want rather than just travelling a few extra minutes or miles to find somewhere quieter and safer to exercise.

    Essex Police have always taken the more sensible 4Es approach. Engage, Explain, Educate and lastly Enforce.

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