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Posts posted by Meantime

  1. 25 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    The message is clear, stay at home! 

    Responsible action by the Angling Trust.

    Responsible action by the Angling Trust, or by the Government? the Angling Trust are just repeating / clarifying the words of the Government. Next we'll have the BA come along with their interpretation of the Governments legislation. Perhaps people should look to the Government website for what they can and cannot do and leave the other bodies to get on with what they should be doing!

    • Like 1
  2. There a number of websites where you can enter a number and see who called you, however the information on them is only as good as the general public who supply it.



    I once received an automated message stating that there had potentially been fraudulent activity on my credit card and to get in touch. I called the number back and it didn't accept incoming calls. I did the reverse lookup on the above websites and Google and they all identified that calls from that number were generally scams or hoax calls so I did not respond. A few days later I went to use my credit card and it was declined! I rang my bank to find out why and they said that they had detected suspicious activity with somewhere I had used my card recently and they wanted to replace my card and give me a new long card number. They also explained that they had tried to contact me Doh! and failed and therefore suspended the card pending me getting in touch. 

    In that case it had been a genuine call which I ignored based upon bad information on the web. No harm done ultimately as I wasn't defrauded and apart from the incovenience of having my credit card declined and the number changed, they would have changed the card anyway.


  3. 17 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    Don't think that you'll see many smug photos from today, it's peeing down with rain and blowing a near gale! 

    Just to remind us locals of what even we are missing: 

    Wherry poster.jpg

    At that price I think they missed it some decades ago! :default_rofl:

  4. 9 minutes ago, addicted said:

    I am worried that when people get vaccinated they will imagine they are no longer vulnerable from the time the vaccine is administered which is of course not the case.

    My understanding of the Astra Zeneca vaccine is that the efficacy is lower than the Pizer vaccine in terms of preventing you from catching Covid, however if you do catch Covid then the vaccine makes it a much milder disease, and that in the trials no one who caught Covid needed hospital treatment.

    The big takeaway from that for me is that even once you have had the vaccine, and waited 3 weeks for it to have maximum effect, you can still catch a milder form of the virus, which in turn also means you are still more than able to pass it on to others who have not yet had the vaccine. There will also be a group of people who for what ever reason will not be able to have the vaccine.

    So really anyone lucky enough to get the vaccine early needs to carry on following the precautions for the first three weeks for their own sake, and then keep following precautions after three weeks for the protection of those who haven't been lucky enough yet to have the vaccine.

    • Like 3
  5. 5 minutes ago, SteveO said:

    Just as well we now have a full lockdown. I was getting tired of smug locals posting photos of them cruising deserted rivers that I am not allowed onto.

    I would wait until the law is published and passed. This "full" lockdown is not the same as March, there are many subtle differences already. The mode of transport used to access shops for your essential shopping might not be specified again, so you might still see some locals using their boat on the rivers. 

    It's annoying, or I should say frustrating, but it's just geography. I cannot travel to Snowdonia, but it won't stop people living very local from taking their exercise there and taking pictures if they want. One or two of the forum members here have been posting some welcome  pictures of their local walks exercise around Broadland. 

    If, or I should say when, I live in Broadland, I could be tempted to use my boat to go shopping, providing the law allowed it.

    This is where I walked on the 2nd Jan. It's where I intend to do a lot of walking over the next few weeks. It's local to me, its quiet and when this blasted rain stops it's where I intend to go walking today.


    • Like 5
  6. 22 minutes ago, Gracie said:

    Sorry about the rant, I really didn't want to have my say on Covid again but now one of my Brothers is showing symptoms and booked a test, he is young and healthy so fingers crossed

    Don't apologise for the rant, it's good to get it off your chest rather than bottle it up. Hope your brother is ok.

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  7. 10 hours ago, chameleon said:

    with the number of people not paying tolls because they  can't use their boats, it's going to get smaller

    Is that still the case or just raking over old coals! For a good period of last year people were legally able to use their boat and therefore no excuse for not paying. If they chose not to use their boat and put it, or left it on the hard standing then that is fair enough. 

    • Like 2
  8. Off course the new "rules" don't become law until the 6th Jan. Lets hope this time that people start to follow the intent of the rules before they become law. The virus will not wait for the 6th Jan. People should modify their behaviour now. Fortunately for most the move from tier4 to Lockdown 3 will mean little change as the chance to escape your tier, visit the pub for a final drink, enjoy a day trip out, visit the hairdressers or nail saloon, shop till you drop before lockdown starts has already passed. 

    • Like 4
  9. 17 minutes ago, Cheesey69 said:

    So that’s that then. 
    The Broads are now shut to all.

    This next bit from government website. 

    Exercising and meeting other people

    You should minimise time spent outside your home.
    It is against the law to meet socially with family or friends unless they are part of your household or support bubble. You can only leave your home to exercise, and not for the purpose of recreation or leisure (e.g. a picnic or a social meeting). This should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area 

    So I guess this applies to fishing and sailing?

    As ever the devil is in the detail. Fishing is recreation and not exercise, and even though allowed in November, wouldn't be now. However sailing could arguably be exercise and if you live locally to your boat, even better if within walking distance, and only sail once per day, then why not.

    On the surface this is still not as restrictive as last March, but stricter than November. If need be you can still access your support bubble, that could be a life saver for some. Recreation is of the cards but elite sport still allowed, meeting one other person for exercise as opposed to exercise and recreation. Recycling centres staying open, filming of dramas and TV shows still allowed. Shielding back in place for extremely clinically vulnerable groups.

    So basically a middle ground between last March and November. 

    The biggest disappointment for me, is they haven't rammed home the 2 metre distancing and asked supermarkets to limit numbers again and enforce distancing. Too many people see masks as a false sense of security and drop their guard.

    Space Space Space Sanitise and leave space.

    • Like 6
  10. 1 hour ago, LizG said:

    That's very sad but also very worrying in that they had already had the first phase of the jab!

    It is very sad indeed, it is however worth pointing out that the jab takes up to three weeks to become effective. It also takes up to 7 days for the virus to show. Bad timing indeed but it is very likely they caught the virus around the time of being vaccinated, or shortly afterwards, but before they have began to feel the effect of the vaccine. It was always stated that you would not be immediately protected after receiving the jab.

    My condolences for your loss ScrumpyCheddar.

    • Like 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, floydraser said:

    I use one of these: https://www.aldi.co.uk/car-battery-charger-2019/p/099132311147100

    Sorry it's not actually available at the moment but they come up in Aldi and Lidl for about £12 to £15 every so often. Just set it up and leave it trickle charging all day. It's small enough that if you are careful you can put the bonnet down if it's raining. Not as good as a good run for 20 minutes but a good stand by. I also take it when we go away in the caravan after I found that some sites want payment for lending you a charger.

    I'd urge caution on using such chargers. My car has stop start technology and uses an advanced AGM battery. Replacement price is circa £350ish. AGM batteries have different charging requirements to standard lead acid maintenance free batteries. The car is by far the best way to charge a battery by taking it for a run. If using a charger then ensure one for the type of battery, or one that can be set for the type of battery. In addition I would only use the charger to put enough charge in to be able to start the car again, not to be left continuously on charge.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Ray said:

    As I took the dog out and passed my car I admired the light catching the raindrops in the spiders webs. It's beginning to look more like Miss Haversham's wedding breakfast as the webs crisscross the wipers front and back and cover the door mirrors and handles 🙂

    Having thought a while I realised that it was December 16th I last used it and briefly escaped the village... I feel a bit like Patrick McGoohan in The Prisoner - "I am not a number, I'm a free man"

    No. 9 or thereabouts 🙂

    ( Not a complaint about the restrictions, I am far luckier than many 👍 )

    It's worth bearing in mind that modern day cars have so many systems that continue to run in the background when the car is parked up that they should really be given a run, or at least a charge with a good battery charger once every 2 to 3 weeks. Modern cars will begin to shut things down the longer they are left to preserve battery life, but will still struggle once you get to around four weeks. Things like alarm systems and keyless entry all drain power constantly. My car has door to door lighting where it leaves the headlights on for about 15 secs after you lock the door to give you light to get to your front door, but again it means the battery is never left completely fully charged. With more and more cars using stop start technology, if you've done a short journey with frequent stops before pulling onto your drive it's surprising how low your battery could be when you first park up.

    I have AA breakdown cover on my car and I took out the Car Genie add on, which is a little device that plugs into the ODB port on the car and monitors the car for faults in real time. Having not run the car for about a week I suddenly got a text from my car telling me that the battery was below 11.5V and that the car needed a 30min run or connecting to a battery charger.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, grendel said:

    if you look at the interactive map - https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/interactive-map

    then you may have noticed the dark purple area has moved out of the south east and is pushing towards norfolk through essex and suffolk, the current version of the map is over a week out of date as it still shows the pre christmas figures. fortunately for me the area I live in has become further seperated from that dark purple band as numbers in the south east have stopped rising. progress of the map will probably be as soon as the data is compiled from the current week.

    That map is always updated around 4pm each day and is always for the rolling 7 days up to a point about 5 days behind. So currently the map is showing the 22nd to 29th December, tomorrow will be the 23rd to the 30th December and so on. Towards the top there is a slider that allows you to step back in time a week at a time. It's amazing how different the map looked even 2 weeks back, let alone 5 or 6. Sad to see but I was due to be in Cornwall for New Year and cancelled before it being cancelled. I guess a lot of people didn't judging by the way Cornwall has gone from light Green straight to dark Blue!!

    As you zoom in and out of that map the view will change to show the UTLA Upper Tier Local Authority, or basically your county council. The next layer down is the LTLA Lower Tier Local Authority it basically your local council area. Then it will show your MSOA or Middle Layer Super Output Area which is basically a standardised unit of local area that will contain roughly the same amount of people and was defined for the 2011 census. It is useful therefore for analysing data about small areas on a like for like basis, hence it's use on the Corona Virus map.

    Above all else it is worth remembering that the map is showing the positive cases for your area of people who have come forward for a test. You can probably add an uplift of at least 50% for people who have symptoms and are just isolating and don't need a test to let them know they are unwell, and even more for those who are asymptomatic who have it and don't know and are unknowingly spreading it even further.

    My local area has an R rate of about 1200. so 1.2% of people have it. Add in those who have it but haven't gone for a test and the asymptomatic people and your probably talking about 2.5% or one in forty people have it. A busy supermarket probably has about 200 customers and staff in it. Makes you think twice about choosing the right time to go shopping, and how often!!!!!


  14. 1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

    I can only guess that the organiser of the Ludham 'rave' was incredibly naïve, if not just plain thick. Did he really think that his activities would be ignored, especially during these testing times? We live in a society intent on complaining at the best of times, let alone in the middle of the night in an area where a pin can be heard when dropped! 

    Once established with large enough numbers attending it can be very hard to break them up! Look at the one that happened in France with 2500 people present. The Police ended up just containing that one until they were partied out and went home.

    My opinion is that the people of Ludham were lucky it was discovered so early before it really got going, and for sufficient numbers of Police to have attended and closed the surrounding roads so quickly, suggests to me a level of intelligence had been used to detect the event being organised. Police often keep an eye on social media for such events. Two areas near me Thurrock Lakeside and Southend seafront often have dispersal orders applied for 24hrs when there is a rumour of boy racers gathering to show of their motors and motoring "skills"

  15. 2 hours ago, grendel said:

    yet i was chatting with a friend who works at B&Q and he was saying that there were whole families with 3 kids who went in just to browse, handle the products, and left without making a purchase, just for something to do, because the types of shops they would have visited were all shut. hardly an essential shopping visit. ok they may have done it just to get out from the 4 walls at home i guess, but that doesnt make it the right thing to be doing, maybe outdoor exercise would have been preferable?

    The devil is in the detail. Non essential shops must close, essential shops are allowed to stay open, but it doesn't state you have to do essential shopping in them. Personally I'd browse online then do a click and collect. Gives you longer to go walking then.

    • Like 1
  16. 7 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    You need to be cunning! The end of the fishing season is the 14th of March, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean. Set your rods up on bite alarms, no bait, spot of varnishing whilst waiting for a bite, easy, no probs! I'm sure that there is a forty pound carp hibernating in the boatshed, she must surely come out for the occasional snack. Just come to Norfolk in a full hazchem suit, got to protect us locals.

    Two slight flaws in your plan. One travel from tier 3 to tier 4 not allowed, and two no overnight stays. Apart from that, sounds like a good idea :facepalm::default_biggrin:

  17. Would it be possible to cut a sheet of Formica to the size of the door front and then hold it in place with the plastic trim you were on about buying. The door on my Isotherm fridge is basically a reversible Formica panel that you can remove one piece of trim and then slide the panel out and turn it over.

  18. When I first saw the title of this thread I thought it was going to be about another subject, that of funding cuts. It has been announced that due to the financial hit caused by Covid that 1 in 5 rail services could be axed to save money. The swing bridges have been seriously neglected and I believe were in line for some serious work to be completed on them in the next few years? I wonder how that fairs now with the impending funding cuts? Will the lines be axed totally as part of the 20% of services to be cut?

    • Like 1
  19. 7 minutes ago, grendel said:

    they werent always right, they had an acute sense of humour and an obtuse sense of irony

    Sometimes in equilateral measures or they would have been unbalanced. This thread is in danger of protractedly going full circle. 

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