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Posts posted by Meantime

  1. Marshman you have hit the nail fair and squarely on the head. There is a core here, and in many other places as well that just repeat the mantra stay at home, often whilst living in glass houses.

    However there are no rights and wrongs in this situation. There are very few people who want to knowingly spread the virus and no one wants to catch the virus I'm sure.

    The following is all generic and not aimed at anybody in particular.

    There are couch potatoes who will be more than happy to be given an excuse not to move from the settee. Then there are others who through ill health temporary or long term are not able to live an active lifestyle anyway.

    There are those who are living with a partner, perhaps also with children who will find it easier to lock and bolt the front door.

    There are those who are very happy with their own company who also will gladly lock and bolt the front door.

    But there are also those who love the outdoors, who love being active who find it incredibly difficult to cut themselves off from that.

    There are those who live on their own but do enjoy company.

    There are those for whom being cooped up is bad for their mental well being.

    Then there are those who need to leave home to keep the economy going, the food on the supermarket shelves, to earn a living to pay taxes to in some small way help pay for all those staying safe at home.

    The government learnt from the first full lockdown about some of the mental and physical damage that was done by blindly insisting everyone stays at home with just one outing per day.

    I have become growingly frustrated with a core who seem to think it is bending the rules, looking for loopholes, told you know what you need to do, it is simple stay at home.

    No it is not simple, nor Black and White, there are many shades in between and we all need to find our own safe way through this virus whilst doing our best to stay safe, and keep others safe, and that may not always mean staying at home and bolting the front door for two months.

    I would also echo our treasurers advice not to label people or groups of people who chose to find their own way through this mess even if it doesn't suit your ideals, or your idea of the best way through this. The labelling of people for their actions needs to stop on this forum.

    I have often felt I am treading a fine line here recently because I am an active outdoors person, do take the time to read the legislation and not just the guidance and will not follow blindly the mantra of stay at home it's simple really. I do not look for loopholes, bend or knowingly break the rules. I try to use good judgement and common sense to make life as normal as possible whilst avoiding as much risk as possible, taking care not to spread the virus, whilst still trying to look after my mental and physical well being.

    Be kind and remember Hands, Face, Space and never be without your bottle of sanitiser.

    • Like 9
  2. 3 minutes ago, Jbx5 said:

    That’s the point Ian I am at home haven’t left Norfolk all year !

    Was it  only a few weeks ago people from London were touring all over Norfolk ! That’s when people should have stayed at home. 




    Some with the full knowledge they were entering tier 3 the next day, not just to check on things, but doing the full on touristy thing as well. :facepalm:

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    Ho Ho and a Happy New Year!!

    In truth I was not attempting to stir but Norfolk, instead of going into the hoped for Tier One, has jumped from Tier Two to Tier Four, alarming.

    And a Happy New Year to you as well. As I'm sure your aware I was just pulling your leg.

    Regarding the tiers, I had a week away booked in one of the very few tier 1 areas Cornwall for the New Year. I cancelled it when it became plain we were heading towards tier 3, rather than wait for them to cancel it. At least it gave them a chance to let the place again. Although we almost immediately went from tier 3 to tier 4 and now even Cornwall has moved to tier 2. Judging by the amount of vacancies on the website a lot of other people have also cancelled their cottages in Cornwall.

    Norfolk being moved from tier 2 to tier 4 is in many ways for its own protection. Any tier 2 area with a boundary to a tier 4 area has seen a huge influx of people desperate to shop and this is nigh on impossible to police. This happened in North Essex which stayed in tier 2 whilst the rest of Essex moved to tier 4. Norwich would have been deluged with shoppers from all over desperate for a Boxing Day Covid bargain.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    Simple Stay at home.In doing so we will all be out of this mess sooner.

    But it really isn't that simple. People are allowed to go out for their own mental and physical well being. The key is to keep away from busy places and remember the basics Hands, Face, Space 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Sam said:

    The thing is, that’s a Horning Ferry Marina boat not a private one.

    It is my understanding that Horning Ferry Marina are one of the yards that hire during the Winter.

    That being the case it is possible / extremely likely the hire commenced before Boxing Day which is when Norfolk moved from tier 2 to tier 4. Any holiday started in rented accommodation can continue. Off course the hirers would need to have come from a tier 1 or 2 area and follow tier 2 rules when in Norfolk, including the rules on not mixing households indoors.

    I wouldn't expect to see any new hires starting until Norfolk moves down to tier 2.

  6. The legal position according to legislation on the .gov.uk as opposed to the guidance on the .gov.uk website is as follows.

    Tier 4 Stay at home.

    You are allowed to leave home for a number of exceptions some of which include essential shopping, exercise and recreation.

    You are not allowed to stay away from home overnight, this includes no stays in holiday homes or second homes.

    The legislation, as opposed to the guidance does not put a limit on how far you can travel, or the mode of transport.

    Therefore if you live in a tier 4 area such as Norfolk is now, then you should not be staying on your boat overnight. However despite the BA's rather dubious position, there is nothing in law that would stop you from using your boat during the day for recreation. Recreation is not banned, nor is the mode of travel for that recreation, or indeed the distance you need to travel to complete that recreation. As before National Trust gardens are remaining open in tier 4 areas even though they often require travel to access them. Distance travelled to reach recreation is limited by the requirement to return home over night and the requirement not to travel from a tier 4 area to a lower tier area.

    If I was in Norfolk now I would much prefer to take my boat for an hour or twos cruise on my own, or with my household / social bubble, than join the masses at Horsey or Wells or any other of the popular hotspots for my recreation.

    • Like 3
  7. 34 minutes ago, Hylander said:

    Wells Next The Sea car park -  chocker..

    Off course it has to be remembered that travel for exercise or recreation is allowed even in a tier 4 area. Personally though I would travel to somewhere a little quieter and less crowded, even if it meant travelling slightly further.

    These are tier 4 restrictions, not lockdown yet!

    The sooner people observe the abiding rule of hands, face, space the better.

    I saw a gadget they have been using in a monument in Rome which beeps if you get within 2m of someone else. Sounds like a good idea for supermarkets with one modification. A small electric shock rather than just a beep would be better.

    • Like 2
  8. 6 hours ago, Paul said:

    are these tiers, including tier 4 backed by legislation, or will we see the same debate that we had for the November lock down where "guidance" and "legislation" were very different leaving countless loopholes options for those morons people who decide that the rules don't apply to them to drive twenty miles to take their recreation, shop etc?


    Since I've already stated on another thread that I drove for 25 miles to visit open countryside to take a socially distant walk with very few other people around I shall assume I'm one of the "morons" you refer to. Fortunately I have a thick skin and more importantly a clear conscience and I'm not a hypocrite. I'm not saying you are Paul, but a few people who have replied emotively to this thread need to take a long hard look at some of their actions over the past couple of months / weeks and the activities they have posted about on other threads. 

    To answer your question, the tier system is backed up by legislation and this has been amended without a vote in parliament to include the new tier 4 legislation. We are treading a very dangerous path in our "democracy". As before the legislation is quite different to the guidance and as the advice on the government website states; The law is what you must do. The guidance might be a mixture of what you must do and what you should do.

    Despite some thinking that the rules have been clarified, the rules or guidance are pretty much the same as the previous guidance, and the legislation is pretty much the same as the previous legislation for the November National restrictions. I won't bore you with the details but the legislation can be found here

    As before it provides some legal exceptions to staying home and it doesn't provide distance limits in law on how far you can travel for those legal exceptions. I'm not bending the rules, or seeking loopholes in the law, just reading the legislation as it is written.

    I'll tell you something though, I wouldn't for one minute contemplate some of the activities that others on this thread have very publicly posted about previously, even if some of them were legal, and in one case probably not. 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 minute ago, Cheesey69 said:

    Good luck with that. 
    police stated, backed up by mrs pritel, they won’t be knocking on doors unless there is a house party. 
    Traffic police won’t be stopping people and checking only as part of routine stops. 
    so it’s down social pressure and doing the right thing. 
    And if the public decide to follow the rules 

    It is also worth pointing out that the government hasn't had a vote on tier 4 guidance and I don't believe it is anything more than that at present. I will still be staying at home, apart from the occasional walk in my local area. I shall not be bending the rules. 

    • Like 2
  10. 42 minutes ago, grendel said:

    this clarification puts paid to those arguments we previously heard over how far one could travel to use your boat for the day.

    Clarification? I thought tier 4 in any part of England only came in last weekend? The restrictions back in November related to the whole country and a different set of legislation, whilst the three tier system was paused in favour of national restrictions. 

    The first National lockdown in March was different to the November National set of restrictions, and now again the new tier 4 is different to the November set of National restrictions. In case your still unsure communal worship is still allowed in tier 4 one of the differences compared to the November National restrictions.  

    No clarifications needed for those that follow the rules in force at the time in question. Off course there will still be those that cannot see the difference and there will be those who will not follow the rules in place at the moment in time no matter what. There will also still be those who want to accuse others of bending the rules even if they haven't, C'est 'a vie. 


  11. 9 minutes ago, SteveO said:

    Ahhh Straffe Hendrik.  We visited Bruges a few years ago, had a meal in a restaurant where I got chatting to the Patron, who introduced me to said beer. After a couple of "winter warmers" followed by a coffee laced with Geneva.  I found that my legs didn't work properly. 

    A very interesting fact about De Halve Maan Brewery is that as production expanded beyond their original base they ran out of space for the bottling plant and decided to move it to the outer city limits, but rather than transport the beer from the brewery to the bottling plant they have run a beer pipeline underground. When the brew is ready it is released under gravity from the tanks to the bottling plant. 

    Now if only Howard knew where to dig! :default_drinks: 

    • Haha 3
  12. 4 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

    Hi Ian yes, MT was right, I was shedding a tear because I can't get my hands on any! 

    Both the Christmas Crack and the Christmas Crackling are superb - not tried the Hoppy Christmas but would love to have the chance. The Christmas Crack is dangerously drinkable - you should have seen me last year after the HD open day........:default_drinks:

    But sadly in spite of my hints HD don't do mail order - many breweries do including another favourite of mine up here - Mallinsons of Huddersfield 

    I went slightly continental for some festive cheer! Hic! :default_drinks: Visited the Halve Moon Brewery last year and was planning another visit as soon as it was safe. That's now delayed till next year soooooometime! 


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  13. 19 minutes ago, LizG said:

    It's a shame Humpty Dumpty don't deliver as we would almost certainly order some. As posted yesterday


    I'm sure your never going to be able to drink all that. I'm happy to cover the postage if you want to send it to a good home :default_beerchug: No, ah well worth a try! :default_rofl:

    • Haha 2
  14. 11 minutes ago, psychicsurveyor said:

    By the definations laid out today, yes they are.

    Schools have bbeen given a higher priority and food is pretty essential.

    It was obviously a leading question on my part, because things are not always as straight forward as people like to, or might think.

    The information below is from PHE and is the list of places that people claim to have visited before having symptoms or going for a test. 

    Supermarket (visiting and working) 1084 15.6%
    Secondary school (attending) 1044 15.0%
    Primary school (attending) 867 12.5%
    Hospital (visiting) 302 4.3%
    Care home (working) 190 2.7%
    Gym (visiting) 151 2.2%
    Pub or bar (visiting) 143 2.1%
    College (attending) 132 1.9%
    Restaurant or cafe (visiting) 128 1.8%
    Nursery preschool (attending) 123 1.8%
    Hospitality (working) 122 1.8%
    Warehouse (working) 121 1.7%
    Clothes shopping (visiting) 100 1.4%
    Special needs educational setting (attending) 85 1.2%

    Top of the list are supermarkets followed by Secondary and then primary schools, which goes a long way towards explaining why the recent upsurge in the virus was happening before the end of the last set of National restrictions in November.

    I would suggest that supermarket shopping is essential, although the frequency could be debated, AND the supermarkets need to reimpose the limits on numbers in the stores like they did during the first lockdown in March, as well as drumming home the message on keeping apart 2 metres. Too many shoppers feel they are safe because they are wearing a mask, even those that aren't wearing it under their chin.

    As for schools, they should have closed during the last set of National restrictions. There could have been two weeks of online learning at home and two weeks nicked from later school holidays to make up for lost time. Even now the Christmas holidays should be extended and learning time regained by shortening Easter and the Summer holiday.

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  15. 2 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

    The way I see it is that if tier 3 failed to control the problem, then it was inevitable that a tier 4 would be needed. It wouldn't surprise me if a tier 5 comes along sooner or later, total lockdown with bells on.

    To be honest the only thing which irritates me is the number of people who think that certain things are essential. They are not. Sport is not an essential. Haircuts, tattoos, gyms and pubs/restaurants are not essential.

    Take the guy sleeping rough (and there are plenty of them) and ask him what is and is not essential. Ask the pensioner who is having to choose between "Heat or eat" what is essential. Oh and don't start me on "mental wellbeing", the problem all sorts of people seem to be having if they can't have their own way.

    No, I've had enough of peoples whinging. Put everyone on tier 9, only to be released from it when they have been inoculated.  

    Rant over?,. nah not even started yet!

    Here's a curved ball then! Is education essential? or supermarket shopping?

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