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Posts posted by annv

  1. The Two advantages at  Mariner Keys is the mooring posts are close together and near the edge and a lot taller than most,easier to throw a rope over without getting of the boat, the other is you don't have a offshore wind to allow for plus any tidal flow tends to push you on to the mooring.Bring it on. John

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  2. Hi Chambers is very good so is Bob Knight a pork butcher they make lots of patay and loverly scotch eggs, the wet fish shop around the corner opposite gunsmith is superb, proper smoked fish, trouble is they are all bad for my waistline. John

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  3. The bay is on the other side of what was two Banksmans cottages which were knocked into one, now its been completely redone to a very high standard they even have boat elevators to keep keels clean in the new boat shed,they don't own the mooring, the farm dose, you can walk to the new bridge from their, but there is no footpath as such, only on Suffolk side, this goes from Beccles to oulton broad or catch the on demand ferry at the Waveney River Centre to walk to St Olaves.John

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  4. A easier and cheaper way would be to cut a channel across the road from NBD to old Connourse yard with a Peggas style rolling/lift bridge. Or get a grant from EU to demolish and rebuild using the old stones to clade a new structure with a extra two foot clearance, the bridge has been condemned as not up to spec for a A class road, they were going to do this that's why for many years there was room for a bailey bridge at the side , they then let NBD build their new office complex on the spot of one end of temporary bailey bridge ,now they have to have a ring road around southern side of Wroxham,  possibly better for residence and traffic but not for boats.John

  5. You can refuse the new meters it's another gov co-up the eu said that IDEALLY all meters should be changed for new smart type other governments choose to have one type only our idiots left it up to each supplier, result many incompatible meters result new supplier new meter/different meter and if you change supplier you go on the higher rate until  the meter is changed a sneaky way of dissuading you to change supplier. The suppliers are forcing people to change to smart meters to stop them being charged by govt penalties. Perhaps Brexit will enable use to not have to comply with EU ruling on this!!!  John

  6. I went to a model boat show there was a chap there that sold sounds i bought one for a destroyer that whop-whOP-WHOP i played it a couple of times through loud speaker on the boat as i came round too  a club do bit childish but!!!. They all thought the  royal navy was coming.John

  7. I think that they work on the premise on holiday wife doesn't want to cook and a captive audience ie can't drive round corner as there on a boat that is moored up so you pay up or open a tin of beans,there's another boat coming tomorrow. Thoughs that have car trade in addition tend to be better and more value for money.  John

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  8. The boat that punched a hole in it's stern was caused by i suspect he was steering away from the bank the stern then swings over and where it would just bump the bank and no harm done unfortunately hit the one piece of metal in the whole broads and made a hole,  perhaps a more experienced helm would,1= wouldn't have steered and hit the bank, 2= if noticing boat getting low in water would have beached it be for it sunk. as reguards crashes,  colison waver has a lot to answer for, in not my boat so dont car  it wont cost my deposit. John

  9. If you want a broads friendly boat ie low air draft, unless you have one built like we did you are going to find it difficult, boat shed and google will be your best bet or as we did have a new build, it took over a year to get what we wanted OR buy a suitable hull and have it converted inside by a boat builder to your spec, this will be cheaper and quicker providing you except the shape and size of doors and windows as original built you might like to revise on a bath as they take a lot of water, showers much less. John

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