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Posts posted by Cal

  1. Day 4

    Bembridge to Sandown to Southland CAMC Campsite

    Time to head to a site today to deal with refilling and emptying the relevant tanks. We chose a CAMC site as they are generally pretty good however this was the only place we probably won't bother with next time. It was a very generic site and could have been anywhere.

    The rest of the day was good though and the dog was shattered again!







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  2. Day 3

    Fort Victoria to Bembridge Harbour

    We headed back across the island today to sort of pick up where we should have been on our planned route with another free stopover at Bembridge Harbour. We decided to set off early and this worked a treat as we arrived another van on the beach front parking area was just leaving so we got a great parking spot for the night right on the beach.

    We found a really nice pub in the village and an excellent butchers. Will definitely call in there again next time.





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  3. Day 2

    Fishbourne to the Needles to Fort Victoria

    A complete change to our plans for the week when we discovered that some internet friends were on the island so we headed across the island to meet up with them. It was a great day meeting new friends but we also discovered a fantastic free park up at Fort Victoria








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  4. We got back on Sunday from a cracking holiday in the van on the Isle of Wight. Couldn't have asked for better weather.


    Day 1

    The long drive from Worksop to Portsmouth to catch the ferry and then a short 5 minute drive to our first overnight stay at Kite Hill Farm. We were impressed with the organisation at the ferry terminal, we were quite early having given ourselves plenty of time for the journey but they happily slotted us onto an earlier ferry.

    Every good road trip starts with a McDonalds breakfast!






    After a long day on the road, a walk to the pub and a swim in the estuary a little dog was shattered.






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  5. 1 hour ago, tim said:

    It's the only meal we eat on the boat all week, eating in the pubs the rest of the time!

    It's was written in our marriage contract 36 years ago that she has to cook one meal a day :default_biggrin:

    However, as the week goes on the full fry up get down graded to a bacon sarnie, as the waistline increases!  :default_wink:

    We do the same. Can't have a full breakfast every day.

    We mix it up with toasted sandwiches, bacon butties, varies things on toast, porridge, eggs benedict, etc. 

  6. 17 hours ago, Paul said:

    I generally prefer to cook breakfast aboard, or more accurately in the van since we swapped from waterborne to land side transport. Far too often cooked breakfasts turn up with a huge pile of greasy hash browns and a lake of baked beans to make the plate look full with the odd slither of bacon and 2.5 inch long sausage hidden underneath. This is usually accompanied by some kind of boast on the menu about "local produce" and a bill of around a tenner. Neither beans nor hash browns have any place on a breakfast plate and anyone who inflicts them on me should be prepared for a keel hauling.

    Ask for black pudding and most people look at you like you grew two heads overnight. 

    Do it properly and breakfast creates one pan, one oven tray, a plate fork and knife each, a glass and a coffee can. Easily fits in the caravan's dishwasher plus it provides two of your five a day.


    We tend to have beans, a big flat mushroom, grilled tomato, cauliflower hash browns and a glass of orange juice with our cooked breakfast so it is closer to four of our five a day.

    Add a couple of slices of dry cured smoked bacon, a proper butchers sausage, a slice of Stornoway black pudding, a freshly laid poached egg and a slice of toast and you have the perfect start to the day.

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  7. 13 minutes ago, Bikertov said:

    Eggs are OK, so long as you are not vegan :default_wink:

    I'm actually partial to a cooked breakfast on holiday, but try to be healthy with it.

    So scrambled eggs, not fried. Add to that some smoked salmon, hash browns (if they are baked), grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, beans.

    Veggie sausages can be OK, depending on the type and brand - some are better than others.

    However, if I ate that every day I would be even fatter than I currently am :default_blush:

    We use copperstone pans in the van and at home so we can have a "fried" egg but without using any oil.

    Much healthier than scrambled eggs loaded up with butter or cream.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    Thumbs up from me for erring on the side of caution too , too many times I have witnessed boaters (not just hire) saying “I think it will fit” and then trying , often having to abort as they haven’t the clearance needed .

    Yes , those of us frequent visitors , some with our own boats know at what height we are safe , but those on hire boats should always go by the listed air draught of their hire boat and the clearance displayed by the bridge markers that way they know for certain that they can , or cannot, pass under the bridge.

    I will admit that we did take a Richardsons hire boat through Ludham when the board said 7ft and the boat allegedly needed 7'8" with the screens folded.

    But we are experienced boaters, it was quiet with plenty of time and space to abort the manoeuvre if required and conditions were still so we could edge up to the bridge to judge the clearance. 

    As it happened we had loads of clearance. 

    Good on these hirers though for not attempting the bridge when they were unsure if they would make it. They have done exactly the right thing.

    Quite rightly the bridge gauge boards are pessimistic and the hire yards air draft figures are pessimistic to try to avoid too many bridge strikes.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Hylander said:

    I thought that until we got home and I opened the back door onto the conservatory.    Immediately shut the door on it after opening it up and have not been out there since, it was stifling.   Anyroadup,  dont worry,  winter drawers on tomorrow.  Wellies, mac, umbrella or gamp as I call it.

    The sun is coming round the office now and it's warming up.

    Just text the van and it's 31 degrees in there so the air con will be working hard to cool it down!

  10. 1 minute ago, Smoggy said:

    While there I got a quote on a pint of guiness in the red lion, £5.80!!!! 

    Luckily I far prefer the blackshore over guiness, when in Rome and all that.

    The other half was drinking the Guinness in there. He said it wasnt a bad pint but then again at that price it didn't want to be. I was on the Southwold. Not sure how much that was. 

  11. We rounded day 4 off with one last walk on the beach.





    Day 5 was a day of travelling.

    We had both been woken up in the night by the heavy rain on the van roof but we quickly got back to sleep again.

    When we opened the blinds we realised that more tents and vans had left in the night, the weather proving too miserable for some. This had the unexpected bonus for us of making the traffic home much lighter than expected.

    The sat nav took us a way HOME we have not been before from Norfolk or Suffolk along the A14 and A1. We were travelling for a total time of 3.5 hours and had a half hour stop for dinner at some services.

    All in all an enjoyable trip. We will certainly be back to Southwold. The site isn't the most flash but it is clean, tidy and presentable and in a fantastic location. It is good to see the council spending some money on the site and improving the facilities as well.

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  12. Day 4 and the weather was decidedly more gloomy and chilly today. The strong wind was getting more blustery and we could hear the waves crashing onto the beach from the van.

    We had a walk to Walberswick before catching the ferry back and heading back to the fishmongers to pick up some more lovely fish to take home with us.

    Dinner tonight was a steak and stilton pie with chips and chilli mushy peas.

    As the day wore on more tent and camper van campers started to pack up and head for home. The weather forecast had not improved and another night of heavy winds and heavy rain was forecast.






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  13. Day 3 and today we decided to walk into town. There was a real carnival feel to the town with roads closed off for a travelling fair ground and everyone in a really happy mood. 

    It was really busy as was to be expected and getting a couple of drinks proved to be a challenge with the queues for the bars.

    Dinner tonight was a lovely bbq with produce bought from the butchers in the main street. It was all really nice stuff as well. With the bbq done it was more drinks on the van to finish the night off.

    The wind really started to get up as the day wore on. By nightfall it was really quite strong. We were fortunate and the van was parked directly into the wind. Some of the tent campers were not so lucky and were pitched side onto the wind which couldn't have been comfortable.

    We enjoyed a sunset walk on the beach to finish the day off nicely.







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  14. After a break, drink and walk we hit the road again for the final half hour to our destination in Southwold.

    We were still too early for the official check in time but as with most sites they were very accommodating and let us in early. By midday we were pitched up, bunting on the van and dog wearing his Jubilee harness ready to explore the harbour.

    The harbour was surprisingly quiet. We had heard rumour it was booked out for the break but when we walked down the visitor moorings were pretty empty, as we most of the floating moorings on boat banks.

    After a couple of drinks in the Harbour Inn we retired back to the van for a few drinks and a mixed fish bbq with produce bought from the harbour.







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  15. Day two and we had an early start to beat some bank holiday traffic. By 7.30am we were sat in Farm Cafe eating breakfast.

    Breakfast eaten we hit the road again and were soon over Sutton Bridge heading in the direction of Lowestoft.

    By 10am we were parked at Ness Point, Lowestoft for a break as we were way too early to get onto site.






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