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Posts posted by Cheesey69

  1. So after spending a second day at the yacht station the wind really picked up making stern on mooring a bloody nightmare. 
    So I did notice an over reliance on the bow thrusters that to be frank, weren’t man enough for the job resulting in frantic whining, jets of water and not much else as the boats just went with the wind. 
    Still maintain that a short powerful burst of the main can work wonders. 

  2. 3 hours ago, grendel said:

    Actually the quote I saw said gas prices had gone up.

    what the true situation was that mid August we had three full days without using coal generation, one of the two remaining coal fired power stations in the country then after 3 days of really nice weather in august, then fired its boilers back up and was generating 2% of the national consumption (about 1 GW) this may partly have been due to a fire at the UK end of a cross channel electricity supply line that took out 1 GW of our import capacity.

    in the news though, this start up after 3 days not running was headlined as Gas shortage forces government to bring coal fired power stations out of retirement, in reality they had been shut down for 3 whole days due to low demand, and then bought back on line.

    Coal fired power stations are slowly being phased out of the grid, but the 2 remaining are there to fill the gaps so to speak, they are slowly being decommissioned, with full shutdown planned for 2025.

    but the real interest is how the news headlines made it sound so much worse than reality, much in the same manner they have done to cause panic buying of fuel.

    we only have around 4.2 Gw of capacity left as coal, all the rest has already been decommissioned. and we are not even using the full output available

    Today we are currently running a coal free day 0% of energy from coal or oil


    Voice of reason there. But if the Bloomberg article is correct, wind power failed to fill in the shortages some days in august . So if an all electric future is on the cards, I’d rather build nuclear 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Hybrid is not the final solution. They still involve an internal combustion engine that, given the government’s current plan, will still be banned. 
    we investigated a new engine package and it was eye watering. 
    it involves new wiring, dash, engine bearers, adapter plate for hydraulic drive and adaptations for throttle and direction. 
    very much north of 6 grand. 
    with an uncertain future it may be cost prohibitive for a new engine 

  4. same happened to me.

    Check any fibre washers or replace any in doubt. its been some time dry. As told to me, you cant keep reusing some washers and it may be good practice to replace those that get disturbed. I did and it made a difference.

    Have a method to boost your battery. we had to cross connect with leisure battery to keep the amps up. The faster it spins the better.

    Its the last bit from pump to injectors that's the trick. At least on my engine you bleed two injectors and they fire, pump pressure clears the rest and I've seen that in action.

    Again, as others have said, be methodical, work in a logical way.

    It took more pumps on my lift pump than I would have thought.


    • Thanks 1
  5. Couple of nights ago, a big hire boat on the brink of sunset, slotted into an empty stern on mooring in the private section of Richardson’s moorings on the way down to Simpsons. 
    I wondered how it would go down if you came back to a full mooring?

  6. 2 hours ago, ElysianCraft said:

    Did my 1.5 BMC tickover at the weekend, no spring, just a lock nut on the adjusting bolt....You are aiming for 500rpm,  I do mine 'IN GEAR' so it has a lovely smooth tick over at 'dead slow ahead' but every boat is diffrent, sometimes you end up ignoring the rpm setting and just set it where it feels and sounds right.....avoiding vibration where possible.

    Spot on. That screw and spring under apparently is the base tick over speed.  Indeed if I turn it the tick over increases but the spring just turns back to initial position. 
    Going your route here. Similar to yours except mine isn’t on a nut but you have to disconnect the connection to the pump arm and turn it. 
    just hoped you could do it with that screw. 
    what was happening the engine was stalling under low revs when changing direction. A tick over of 900 keeps things smooth 

  7. Hi

    I’d like to increase the tick over of my bmc 1.5. 
    so according to my manual, the tick over is controlled by a screw with a spring under it. 
    found that, can adjust speed but as soon as I let go of screw the spring just returns it to its last position. 
    am I missing something?

  8. Funny. My charger displays absolutely nothing when disconnected from the mains. And I hope it didn’t because that would mean it’s consuming power. 
    I monitor the batteries by a separate NASA battery gauge. 
    Is it meant to display anything when it’s off?
    Worth remembering that your fridge is working less now it’s cooler. 

  9. Victron Bluetooth version here. 
    Bluetooth via an app helps me keep an eye on the state of charge with ease allowing me to place it along side the battery bank and out of sight. 
    it can also function without being connected to the batteries providing 12 volt power which is handy if you want to remove your batteries for winter but still need bilge pump. 
    Keep in mind input amps from the shore, mine is 16amp, so no need to go wild with charging amps. 10 amps for me is plenty 

  10. Got this massive omega high right over the Uk bending the jet stream. 
    this circles air to the north on the Ireland side and south from the Europe side. 
    it’s a blocking weather pattern that sucks moist air in from Atlantic. 
    if it happens the other way you get really hot summers and mild winters. 
    That’s basically it. 
    It’s a fine edge. In other years we’ve had the hot version and we are talking drought. 
    The future? It’s starting to collapse as autumnal weather sets in. 
    unsettled is the usual result

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, YnysMon said:

    Stern on mooring was something that I was a bit nervous about during our first few hires, not that I've had a complete muck-up yet (bound to happen sometime!). I'm a lot more confident now that I've got used to how Moonlight Shadow handles. The only thing is, I've not yet stern moored directly on a river (such as at Surlingham Ferry Inn).

    Any tips, apart from the obvious one of taking into account the direction of tide?

    Take into account whatever is strongest, wind or tide. worse case is wind over tide, they will just battle it out while you do the best you can.

    The trick is for me, so don't judge me, is speed. I haven't got a bow thruster so I can't hold the nose steady and in any case, I found that you don't drift equally, the stern tends to dig in making me swing.

    But the longer you stay in the stream, the more you move out of position and then get flustered!

    so as above, turn in close and get at lest 6 foot of boat in.

    Hopefully ( and I've never found anyone who objects, at least to my face) the crew who has a side cleat rope (got one of them, well handy) as well as the stern one, steps aboard my new neighbours boat and with a lot of yelling and gentle reverse, pulls me in.

    Otherwise, if there is plenty of space, this time the bathtub shape really comes in handy. I can jam the stern against the quay heading because is flat on the back and this will hold it there.

    I'm sorry its not in depth but as others will say, it's more of a feely thing, And a boat dependent thing. I mean I can lean out and look right along the length of my boat which really helps lining up but hopeless on the other side!

    And I've had nightmares at Ranworth, Womack, acle, Stalham, Brundle, Ferry Inn, Reedham...............


    • Like 2
  12. Prop walk on my westerly sail boat was horrendous at first but if you powered through it you could steer it normally backward but that's a sea going hull with plenty of sea room and a big fin to grip the water.

    Now to my bath tub, don't really notice prop walk but it does benefit from short bursts of power going astern. For me, its all about going slow using sharp bursts to swing the bow around. I just leave the rudder in its last position as i made the turn

    To get to my mooring its all about stern on mooring.

    To combat any windage, I begin the reverse close on the moored boats with the stern almost within touching distance.

    One of the first things I did was to go astern as I was secularly tied up and watched which side the flow of water emerged from the hull to get the idea what side was going to pushed away. 

    • Like 3
  13. To be honest, and I am willing to stand corrected, me and my circle of friends just don’t visit pubs purely for drinks. 
    Food? Yes. 
    But even then maybe three times a year. 
    Far more fun to drink onboard and much more handy to eat onboard to. 
    Especially when you can’t guarantee a mooring or have to conform to timetable to get there.  

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Meantime said:

    Not any more there aren't. They were sold at auction I believe a while back. When I went past this year it just says private no mooring.

    yup and when I went up there the 24hour moorings where full of canoes. Frustrating because they was space out along the moorings.

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