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    Just A Friendly Gopher Here To Discuss The Broads

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  1. Thank you Marge and Parge, I am also glad you received the service that one always hopes for too
  2. That does sound very disappointing, especially as they specifically asked for instruction. I hope they managed to enjoy their holidays stress free regardless
  3. I have recently sold my boat and so I am between the money pits currently and so have booked a boat for August with one of the hire yards. One of the things I have missed having been a privateer is the whole handover and learning how each different boat has it's own individual handling and layout characteristics. I am quite looking forward to my hire boat once again, although I shall endevour to be as careful and professional as I can be within my capabilities, whether in my own boat or somebody else's I have never had any issue with the handover that I have received, right back feom beimg a complete newbie that had never even been aboard a boat to now where I am somewhat more experienced, but still not at the level of such experienced and knowledgeable boat handlers as Vaughan and such other members
  4. I can also add that Richardsons sorted out some damage caused by a hirer getting a mooring wrong and hitting my boat to a high standard and with no fuss. It makes the issue of such things much less stressful when it is sorted out in such a professional manner
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