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Posts posted by Labrador

  1. My sources tell me that Moores will soon be no more, that the boats will be taken over by Barnes Brinkcraft, JPC will relocate to their premises at Lowestoft and the yard will revert to private moorings.

  2. i think it is a little like the motor industry Pete, there are some out to rip you off and at the other end of the scale, as you seem to have had, someone who will charge a fair price AND be fair. There are one or two examiners that, by rumor, shouldb be avoided.

    For the sake of those who are wary maybe you could recomend this guy.

  3. Came across a Dory with a Mariner outboard and it's powered by LPG. A GRP box at the backend houses the tank, probably eqivalent to 4 or maybe 5 gallons. I imagine the tank can be removed for refuelling. There is a GRP 'blister on the side of the outboard, I assume something to do with the conversion. Not knowing anything about LPG my questions are:

    1) What sort of cost would the conversion be?

    2)What would the running costs be compared to petrol, LPG is still a lot cheaper, but how would consumption compare?

    3) There was also a conventional petrol tank in the boat with fuel line. Can the out board still run on petrol as well?

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