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Posts posted by Labrador

  1. Typical Broadland weather here - no snow, no ice, no wind and lovely sun.


    Long given up with Met Office and local BBC weather - neither hardly ever get it right especially the BBC!!! They should stick to what they appear to do best!!!!

    What do they do best?

  2. [quote

    It is almost as if exhibitors feel they must attend even if the year before and the year before than have not been great for them – this year might be the good one or we have to go because such and such competitor is regardless as if it will be worth all the cost and effort in new sales.

    • Like 1
  3. Interesting thread. Early on Polly said 'Hovetons awfully 60s village center'. I must say I am struggling to think of a 60s building in the center.

    On the same theme I think the 60s marked the beginning of the end of the more 'real' broads heritage. Today most of it has been bastardised. Look at the view downriver from Wroxham bridge. What of the boat hire history can you see today compared with 50 years ago, nothing!! Thanks to BA policy to move boatyards back off the river frontage and instead allow abortions of holidays houses.

    Rant over

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  4. Jon Pertwee was on HMS Hood,I can't remember why, but he was not on the last fatefull voyage. Aren't we lucky that he wasn't!

    I'm encouraged that more young people are becoming aware of the sacrifice made by our armed forces.Maybe due to the very recent (pointless?) losses in Afganistan.

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  5. Try using self adhesive Velcro to hold the panels up, no unsightly fastening. Oyster Marine use this method along with a lot of other manufactures. MBS Fabrics also supply this.

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  6. Well said Speedtriple - we often get folk asking what we do without a television on board!

    The answer is, you can do lots of things. You're not doing anything just sitting watching tv, probably with the curtains drawn to stop the glare of the sun, so that you don't even see what's going on outside.

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