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Posts posted by Labrador

  1. 5 hours ago, TheQ said:

    Oi,  this was meant for letting people know about the road works that are now beginning to take place, not the much Discussed Cus'd  rights or wrongs of having it built!!!

    Sorry, but this is a VERY emotive subject for those of us directly affected. When you find your rural views will disappear under massive housing development your tend to bite at every opportunity. This housing will only happen as a result of the NDR, all the land that will be built on was purchased by speculators nearly as long ago as some sort of northern bypass was first muted.

    • Like 4
  2. 7 hours ago, BuffaloBill said:

    If/when they finish the 'missing section from Taverham to

    the A47, it will knock almost 25/30 minutes off our journey

    down every 2 weeks 

    By the time they finally link up with the A47, you will probably have had several telegrams from the queen/king. :shocked

    The NDR will concentrate all the cross country rat runs on to what is a string of roundabouts connected by dual carriageway, and when all the infill land is built on (which the services infrastructure is already at it's limit) the road will be overloaded with traffic.

    It is already £30 million over budget, £10 million of which is coming out of the road repair fund.

    Sorry, rant over.

    • Like 3
  3. On 16/01/2016 at 3:50 PM, webntweb said:

    Remember mooring in that basin in 1966 and catching some nice roach.

    Had a pump out there about 2 years ago. The equipment was antiquated and took ages to pump out, but it emptied fine.

    I presume it's new owners now, so probably updated equipment.

    Interesting to see on the website they have holiday moorings - could be very useful in peak season.


    I too remember mooring there in the early 60's, only difference was, the roach caught me when I fell in!!

  4. 2 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    Horizon Craft was at Acle. I think they now call it Bridgecraft. It became part of Richardsons in the 70's.

    Stalham Yacht Station became Stalham Yacht Services when Pat Simpson took over from his father, again in the 70's. He later leased it to Rivercraft and it is now part of Richardsons.

    John Williams is an old friend of mine as well. Happy days!

    Anyone remember the Bradbeers agency? The red Whale?

    Ahh yes Bradbeers. Wasn't Norfolk Knights next to Wilds in Horning a Bradbeers? 

    Don't forget Eastwood Whelpton at Upton, still going strong.

  5. Again all this discussion is all very well, but at the end of the day the river banks are going to be covered in heaps of stinking rubbish. It was bad enough before so many bins/skips were removed, now the situation well only be made worse. No good objecting, it was tried when GY council stated the ball rolling a couple of years ago. 

    The money saved by the councils, like Broadland, goes to producing their glossy quarterly magazine telling you how well they are doing!

    • Like 1
  6. Hi Vaughan,

    I should really have posted here. Yes there are still some of the 'older' generation around who remember the better days, and they were.

    Still have labradors, present one is my avatar, plus a black one. 

    Hi Liz, hope you are well too. Glad to know old Abbott is still remembered.


    • Like 1
  7. 20 hours ago, Soundings said:

    I do not believe the "ban" stops smoking upstairs in your living quarters. But it, I think, does stop you smoking in what are the public areas even if closed (I stand to be corrected on this) and quite right to. If you were to allow the landlord to make his/her own rules then by allowing smoking you are discriminating against those non-smokers who do not wish to put their health at risk or have smoke laden clothes. That to me seems to work against the reason the license was granted in the first place - to prove a public facility.

    I would however have no objection to a drinking house that was specifically licensed to accommodate smokers only. It would then be a business choice for the landlord. I cannot see this happening though as the thrust is to discourage smoking and how do you ensure non smokers are not encouraged in.


    If you allow smoking only pubs, the only person who could work in there would be the landlord. One of the main reasons given at the time was that on health and safety grounds your employees should not be exposed to the smoke (weather they smoke or not). Anyway why should pubs be singled out? This law covers all places of public access, and I totally agree with it. By the way I smoke .

    • Like 2
  8. This time of year we get inundated with charity pleas for all sorts of charitable appeals. I give to three charities only. Should I feel guilty not giving to the majority? You see images of children dying from this and that, collectively they are just over the the top. What are your thoughts?

  9. The quay heading has been like that for ages, that's why they are putting in new quay heading.

    The day boats have gone because they are nearly all in the sheds being 'done up', and the remaining ones are moved to make way for the Santa Cruise and the contractors barge.


  10. 22 hours ago, brundallNavy said:

    Had a loverly if somewhat blustery cruise up to Wroxham today, the broads are a great place this time of year very quiet and loads of wildlife to see.



    Ahh, a proper boat. Bet that goes under potter bridge, built back in the days when they built boats to go under the bridges. Not like today, they build a boat and then complain that it won't go under potter, etc. Haven't they thought of designing one that will?

    • Like 3
  11. 15 hours ago, Poggymale said:

    Hello - there is also a good bus service which goes into Norwich from Brundall from the top of Station Road - it also goes right into the city centre. The train is very good and takes around 10 minutes but it's a walk up the hill to the city centre. Enjoy - the Christmas lights are starting to go up now! 

    Bus, in the evening? HAHA! This is Norfolk.

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