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Posts posted by Labrador

  1. There seems to be a lot of stirring on some of these current threads. I can recommend a broads forum where they specialise in it.

    I had an old friend some years back who's greatest pleasure in life was to stir.

    • Like 4
  2. 1 hour ago, thingamybob said:

     In general, you will not go aground on Hickling 

    How true,  you might go'asludge', symptoms being a noticeable decrease in speed at constant revs! 

    • Like 1
  3. Scores on the doors are food hygiene ratings, zero is diabolical. It basically means records aren't up to date, food storage temperature records are not kept, food prep areas are not satisfactory. It means urgent action is required. The said establishment has had poor ratings for a long time, so they don't appear to have any interest in improving the situation.

    • Like 4
  4. 7 hours ago, TheQ said:

    They have now singled the Coltishall road with traffic lights, there has been a lot of digging close to the carriageway recently with new water pipes and pipe controls being fitted. Also there has been a lot of shaping of the ground ready for the NDR. According to the NDR web site the roundabout should be built by June so we are about to get maximum distruption I think...

    Exactly the same at Rackheath, difference is that it is a hundred yards up from the Sole and Heel roundabout, so when the lights are red at busy times the traffic is queued up on all roads approaching the roundabout.

  5. On 28/11/2016 at 1:21 PM, smellyloo said:

    I regularly watch it but continue to wonder why I bother. Sadly, all too often, it is merely a procession of cars whose soul purpose seems to be to provide the particapents with a jolly, expensive knees up.

    Maybe the post Ecelstone era will herald a change providing entertaining and proper motor racing 

    I think the main problem is, that the most exciting racing is taking place behind the leaders, but very little of it is shown -only when they crash.

  6. 22 hours ago, Vaughan said:


    When I worked at Richardsons, most of the casual staff came from RAF Coltishall, so the engines were serviced by Lightning and Jaguar fitters. You can't get better casuals than that!

    Hi Vaughan

    Talking to an ex-Woods engineer, some time ago, he related that one or two of those same RAF casuals used to 'clock in' at Richardson's, whizz down the road and also 'clock in' at Woods and work between the two all day. Now that really is double time!

    • Like 3
  7. I may have missed this, but the most valuable asset that Alphacraft had were the boat mouldings, who if anyone has acquired them? Having retired from the boat industry I'm a little out of touch to the'grapevine'. The big majority of new hirecraft were produced from these moulds. I know who the main interested people were, but never heard an outcome.

  8. 10 hours ago, rightsaidfred said:

    , plenty of private owners especially those amongst the higher toll paying sector keep local businesses of all descriptions going 12 months of the year.


    Sorry Fred, why and how do higher toll paying owners keep keep all these businesses going 12months a year? 

  9. 4 minutes ago, jeffbroadslover said:

    If those privateers were to have it all to themselves how many other businesses would go to the wall without the income from the thousands of visitors spending their hard earned cash in the area?

    The knock-on effect to all those who supply the boatyards , shops , cafes etc would be felt far and wide


    Quite, hire boats have people using them for at least 16+ weeks a year and spending money. How many private boats are used that amount, not very many. The majority I would say do not come anywhere near this and a large number 3weeks or less, if at all.

    • Like 3
  10. On 05/11/2016 at 4:46 PM, MauriceMynah said:

    What I'm trying to find out is, will a Shishi Odoshi scare herons away from our pond? I'm thinking of making one if I can get the Bamboo. Advise on where I can get that would also be welcome. :) 

    Fill in the pond, that'll keep them away.:party:

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